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Czech Republic: Introducing Falun Gong at the Cultural & Reggae Vibez festival in Hořice v Podkrkonoší
2006-07-14In the picturesque enviroment of a stone quarry near Hořice, a Reggae festival took place between the 23rd and 24th of June 2006. On the 24th, Falun Gong practitioners arrived to let festival goers know about the torture and illegal organ harvesting taking placd in China's labour camps.
Germany: "You should hold this kind of activity in every city in Germany"
2006-07-14During the 2006 Football World Cup, many media outlets and football fans from all over the world gathered in Nierenberg, because there would be four matches played in the city. German Falun Gong practitioners held an activity to reveal the CCP's trade in organs harvested from Falun Gong practitioners. The activity received a great deal of attention from the public.
Italy: Milan Criminal Court Pronounces Judgment on Chinese Newspaper after it Slandered Falun Gong
2006-07-14On July 6th, 2006, the Milan Criminal Court pronounced judgment on the Chinese newspaper, “European Chinese Paper”, which had slandered Falun Gong and the charge was established. After practitioners won the case, their lawyer Giuseppe Rossodivita made a declaration about the charge, talked about the case and the impression he has of Falun Gong
Russia: Russian Falun Dafa Practitioners Protest against the CCP's Atrocities at the Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg
2006-07-13On June 30th, 2006, Russian Falun Gong practitioners held activities outside the Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg to protest against the Chinese Communist Party's brutal persecution of Falun Gong. For several years, Falun Gong practitioners’ applications to protest at the Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg have not been ratified by the Russian government.
Holland: Exposing the CCP's Atrocities on July 1st in Amsterdam
2006-07-13On July 1st, 2006, the Global Service Centre for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party in Amsterdam, Holland, along with some Falun Gong practitioners, held activities in Chinatown to support eleven million brave people publicly announcing their renunciation of the Chinese Communist Party and revealing organ harvesting by the CCP
Edward McMillan-Scott Urges European Parliament President to Inquire About Practitioners Cao Dong and Jinhui Liang on His Upcoming Visit to China
2006-07-13"On 21 May in a hotel room in Beijing I held a meeting with Mr Cao Dong, a Falun Gong practitioner (aged 36), who has served time in prison for his religious beliefs. He had discharged his sentence and was guilty of no crime. Following this meeting, he was arrested and he has not been seen since. I fear for his welfare. His flatmate was arrested and questioned for five days and Mr Dong's possessions have been seized by the police."
Germany: German People Want an Urgent Investigation into Organ Harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party
2006-07-13In order for the German people to have a deeper understanding of the cruel persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), in particular organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners, and urge the German government to make efforts in helping the investigation of the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners in Germany launched an activity to "collect a suggestion to the German Chancellor." The practitioners also mailed the suggestions collected to politicians and media in Germany.
Russia: Police Illegally Detain Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-07-12On June 30th, 2006, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Moscow Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful protest at the Chinese Embassy against the CCP's trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners. When the first group of practitioners arrived, the police were already standing there waiting for them. Local government did not agree with this protest.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Chinese Communist Party's Trade in Organs Harvested from Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-07-12On June 17th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners held an information day in Augsburg in the south of Bayern, Germany, to reveal the Chinese Communist Party’s bloody crime of taking organs from live Falun Gong practitioners for profit and cremating their bodies to destroy the evidence. Several local people who had seen similar activities before came to talk with practitioners.
Czech Republic: Falun Gong at Ethnic Gathering and Policka Festival
2006-07-12On Sunday June 24th, in a small scenic town called Policka, a festival of ethnic music and “Colour Meeting” took place. Its main goal was to foster mutual understanding and tolerance between people of different ethnic groups and cultures. Falun Gong practitioners took part in the event. They performed a demonstration of the Falun Gong exercises and distributed leaflets.
France: Council of Europe Focuses on the CCP Trade in Organs Harvested from Prisoners in Labour Camps
2006-07-11A forum to "Examine environmental pollution and the human rights situation in China” was held at the 7th meeting hall on June 27th, 2006. The organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners taking place in China’s labour camps became a focus of the meeting.
UK Bishop and Medical Doctor Condemn the Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting
2006-07-11"Thank you for your letter on the appalling subjects of harvesting organs for transplantation from prisoners in China. We happened to have our Council meeting yesterday in London, and we discussed the papers you sent us. It will not surprise you to know that we fully support your efforts in condemning this practice, and we support the British Transplantation Society’s call for a UN and WHO investigation.”
Switzerland: “May Goodness Win!” – Second Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance Art Exhibition Shown in Basel
2006-07-11An exhibition by a group of artists who practice Falun Gong was held at Kannenfeldpark, a recreational park outside the city of Basel. Thirty-three seperate artworks were on display between May 20th and the 28th 2006. Many practitioners from German-speaking Switzerland and Southern Germany were of great help and the exhibition was a resounding success.
German Newspaper Reports on a Falun Gong Parade
2006-07-11On July 2nd, German newspaper Buersche Zeitun published an article entitled “Falun Gong protest to call for attention to human rights in China.” The article reported on a Falun Gong parade held in Gelsenkirchen where a World Cup quarter final game was held. The report said that Falun Gong has become well-known worldwide since the persecution started in China and more and more people have come to practice the exercises. The report said that near 100 supporters of Falun Gong participated in this activity in order to let more people know about the persecution.
Switzerland: A Health, Ethics and Human Rights Seminar Focuses on the Trade in Organs Taking Place in China.
2006-07-10During the first conference of the UN Human Rights Council, a human rights seminar was held at the auditorium of the UN Office in Geneva on June 29th, organised by international non-government organisations and focusing on the illegal organ trade in China.