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Finland: International Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Art Exhibition Held in Helsinki
2006-07-10The second Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition was held in Galleria Oma Huone on Kalevankatu Street in the centre of Helsinki, capital of Finland. Near the gallery, practitioners distributed leaflets about the exhibition. In the gallery, practitioners guided people around conscientiously and patiently, explaining the background to the paintings.
Germany: Cultural Carnival Day in Bielefeld
2006-07-10While strolling along the pedestrian zones, festival goers had the opportunity to pass by a Falun Gong information booth, erected by the town’s practitioners. They could find out about the human rights situation in China. Many had the chance to talk with local practitioners about the suppression of the meditation practice and could form their own opinion.
Germany: ISHR China Task Force Exposes Crimes Committed by the Chinese Communist Party
2006-07-09During a demonstration on Heidelberg’s Main Street on June 18th, 2006, the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) China taskforce, and the Falun Dafa Association informd local people and tourists about the trade in organs harvested from living and deceased Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese concentration camps.
Switzerland: Press Conference in Geneva to Condemn the Atrocities Committed by the CCP
2006-07-09Vice President of the European Parliament, Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, sent the conference a report about his investigation of the persecution of Falun Gong in Beijing. The host of the conference, the secretary of International Multiple Belief Organisation, Dr. Charles, said that what they need to do during this conference was to discuss the CCP's trade in organs harvested from Falun Gong practitioners, as well as whether the CCP has been lying about this issue and trying to cover up the truth.
Russia: Introducing Falun Gong to the People of the Far East
2006-07-09On June 26th, 2006, another group of practitioners went to a city in the Far Eastern area to introduce Falun Gong to local people and expose the persecution in China. Practitioners went to a building site where Chinese men were working to talk to them. The Chinese workers were very glad to meet practitioners and many of them accepted leaflets.
Czech Republic: Introducing Falun Gong in Usti nad Orlic
2006-07-09On Friday June 16th, Falun Gong practitioners went to the city of Usti nad Orlici, where a cultural activity called “City in Motion, Week of Good Vibrations” was being held. Falun Gong practitioners chose one of the streets leading to the main square to inform people about the persecution of Falun Gong which is still continuing in China after seven years. Many people were concerned about it and asked whether they could do more than sign the petition and how they could help. Some of them took leaflets for their friends.
New Independent Report Concludes Falun Gong Organs Being Harvested, Victims Killed
2006-07-08NEW YORK (Falun Dafa Information Centre) - A 45-page investigative report was released on Thursday that addresses allegations of organ harvesting from Falun Gong detainees; the Falun Dafa Information Centre is calling the report, "vitally important". Coauthored by former Canadian Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) David Kilgour and human rights attorney David Matas, the report draws "the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true." Speaking with the press, Kilgour said on Wednesday that, "I don't think anyone can have any doubt that this unbelievable practice is continuing... They take both kidneys, then the heart and the skin and the corneas and the liver, and your body is then thrown in the incinerator."
Austria: International Truthfulness -- Compassion – Tolerance Art Exhibition Shown for the Seventh Time
2006-07-08On June 16th, the art and cultural association ARS CARA held the International Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance art exhibition for the seventh time in Austria at the Kuenburg Kunststätte art location in Payerbach. The opening ceremony was held in a grand and solemn manner, and several guests gave speeches at the opening ceremony.
Russia: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution to the People of Krasnoyarsk
2006-07-08On June 26th, practitioners in Krasnoyarsk held an event in Chinatown to expose the brutal seven year persecution of Falun Gong and tell the public about the spread of Falun Dafa to more than eighty countries. At the site, as well as distributing leaflets and other material, practitioners displayed photos and talked with passersby about the persecution.
France: Having Committed Such Terrible Crimes against Innocent People, the CCP Will Not Escape Justice
2006-07-08On the 11th and 18th of June, 2006, in the Place du Trocadero (Human Rights Plaza) in Paris, French Falun Gong practitioners exposed the CCP's trade in organs harvested from Falun Gong practitioners to tourists from every corner of the world and appealed for an end to the persecution. The many banners and photos depicting the persecution attracted many people to come to sign the petition and to inquire about information.
Germany: Passersby in Saarbrücken Condemn Organ Harvesting by the Chinese Communist Regime
2006-07-08On Saturday, June 17th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners exposed the crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party to passersby in Saarbrücken. Shoppers in the busy shopping centre learned about the CCP's illegal trade in organs harvested from live Falun Gong practitioners taking place in China’s secret concentration camps.
The United Nations Pays Attention to Missing Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-07-07Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and tortures large amounts of Falun Gong practitioners to death, breaks up countless happy families, furthermore, what makes people the most afraid is the huge amount of Falun Gong practitioners’ disappearance. Especially when the crime of the concentration camps was revealed to the world such as harvesting Falun Gong practitioners’ organs, people paid more attention to those Falun Gong practitioners whose whereabouts were unknown during the persecution against Falun Gong for many years.
Turkey: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2006-07-07On June 26th, 2006, Turkish Falun Gong practitioners protested outside the Chinese Embassy. In front of the Embassy’s main entrance, Falun Gong practitioners displayed a banner printed with the words ‘Falun Dafa is good’ and sat in meditation, in protest against the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Belgian National TV Station Reports the CCP's Trade in Organs Harvested from Live Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-07-07On June 21st, 2006, the Belgian National TV station, VRT, introduced Falun Gong in an evening programme, Ter Zake, emphasising the Chinese Communist Party crime of harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners. The Ter Zake programme with daily news and special reports on hot topics attracts very high ratings.
Hungary: Letting Hungarian People Know about Falun Dafa and the Persecution
2006-07-06On June 25th, 2006, practitioners from Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, as well as Hungarian practitioners introduced Falun Dafa and exposed the persecution in the centre of Budapest. Practitioners displayed pictures showing how Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted by the CCP in China.