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Sweden: Activity to Support the Ten Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2006-05-18On May 6th, 2006, the Swedish centre for withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party, supporters of human rights in China, volunteers from the Epoch Times newspaper and Falun Gong practitioners held a joint activity at Mynttorget Square in Stockholm, supporting ten million people who have renounced their membership of the Chinese Communist Party and calling for attention to the persecution of Falun Gong.
Czech Republic: The Czech People Appeal to the Government to Urge the Chinese Regime to Release Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-05-18On April 20th and April 21st, Falun Gong practitioners in Ostrava and Frydek-Mistek in the Czech Republic held an activity to tell people about the incident of harvesting organs in China, which has been disclosed recently. Falun Gong practitioners’ organs were forcibly removed while they were still alive and traded on the black market; they were mainly sold to rich foreigners.
Holland: Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2006-05-17On May 13th, Dutch practitioners gathered in Amsterdam's Chinatown to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises and hold an exhibition photographs of depicting the spread of Falun Gong around the world. Passersby felt the goodness of Falun Gong and understood the truth about the brutal persecution of the Chinese Communist Party.
Ireland: Falun Gong Practitioners Parade to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2006-05-17 -
Holland: Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance International Art Exhibition Held in the Ancient City of Delft
2006-05-17Delft is an ancient city located between The Hague and Rotterdam in central Holland. Delft is the birthplace of the painter Vermeer, and the city's residents are fond of the arts. On May 6th, a Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance International Art Exhibition, comprised of artwork by Falun Gong practitioners, was held in the library situated in the center of Delft.
Belgian Newspaper De Standaard Reports on the CCP's Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners' Organs
2006-05-17According to a report by the Belgian newspaper, De Standaard, on the 20th of April, the British Organ Transplantation Society accused the Chinese Communist Party of violating human rights in a press release yesterday. Britain's top-notch surgeons emphasised the recent condemnation of the CCP organs trade. Not only the organs of those who on the death roll were taken away without the permission of the prisoners; what was worse, the prisoners were executed when organs were needed.
Austrian Federal Minister Asked to Raise Organ Harvesting Issues with her Chinese Counterpart
2006-05-16“Reliable sources report of secret Chinese death camps, where thousands of so-called “enemies” of the Chinese Communist regime, such as Falun Gong practitioners, are being held for one reason only: to steal their organs for international organ trade supply. The most dramatic happening in this is that the organs are taken from live and healthy people,” alleged the health official of the Grünen [Greens], Kurt Grünewald.
Germany: Information Day in Berlin Raises Support and Awareness
2006-05-16The information day was a success with many flyers distributed and petition signatures collected, which will be presented to the German government. One German woman said about Germany's business relationship with the Chinese Communist Party: “These are all criminals. It is hard to believe that we have business relationships with such criminals.”
Turkey's Biggest TV Show Broadcasts Primetime Falun Gong Interview
2006-05-16Practitioners talked about the beauty and the grand spreading of Falun Dafa throughout the world. They also talked about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and revealed how the CCP harvests organs from live Falun Gong practitioners in forced labour camps. The TV station broadcast this interview to the whole of Turkey.
New Book: Our Teacher
2006-05-14In the course of Master Li's selfless effort to spread the practice, many could see that He was no ordinary qigong master--He genuinely exemplified the greatness of the practice. Master Li was truly guiding people to higher realms of awareness. Because of this, millions completely regained their health and attained deeper understandings of what it means to be human and how to upgrade themselves to live virtuous and dignified lives, filled with compassion for all.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners Mark Ten Million People Quitting the CCP
2006-05-13April 25th, 2006 was the seventh anniversary of the incident in which over ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appealed at the Chinese central government compound. Falun Gong practitioners in Paris rallied in the La Bourse Square to expose the Chinese Communist regime’s cruel persecution against Falun Gong.
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Explain the Facts about the Persecution During an Informal Meeting of E.U. Health Ministers.
2006-05-13On April 26th, 2006, an Informal Meeting of E.U. Health Ministers was held in Vienna, and the Chinese Health Minister and some other officials were invited to attend the meeting. Practitioners call for an end to harvesting practitioners’ organs.
Germany: Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong to the Public
2006-05-13Since the CCP's trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners was exposed, Falun Gong practitioners from all around Germany have been holding urgent rescue activities, including letting more people know about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and appealing for an investigation by the international community.
Denmark: Exposing the Truth on “May Day"
2006-05-13May 1st is “International Labour Day”. Usually many Danish labourers will take half day off and gather in the Folkets Park in Copenhagen city centre. At this time, many people will gather there to enjoy the leisure time of a holiday. The Falun Gong practitioners of Copenhagen came to the park to let people know about the persecution.
Germany: Urgently Calling for an End to the CCP’s Massacre of Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-05-12After the Chinese Communist regime’s crimes of harvesting and selling living Falun Gong practitioners’ organs for profit was exposed to the outside world, the Chinese regime has stepped up efforts to eliminate witnesses and destroy evidence. German practitioners launched a series of protests and an urgent rescue campaign in various cities.