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Article from German Newspaper Badisches Tagesblatt: Two years In Hell
2004-12-01Xiong Wei’s friends, as well as the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), became active in gaining her freedom as soon as they heard about her arrest. Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) presented the former head of state and head of the communist party Jiang Zemin, during his Aril 2002 state visit in Germany, with an appeal letter, requesting the freedom of all imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners, including Xiong Wei.
Russia: Appealing Against the Persecution of Women in China on Women’s International Anti-Violence Day
2004-11-30It was snowing in St. Petersburg on that day. Not swayed by the foul weather, Dafa practitioners still peacefully demonstrated the exercises, sent forth righteous thoughts, handed out leaflets and told the people the facts about the persecution. People were shocked and enraged by the persecution happening in China.
United Kingdom: Promoting Falun Dafa in Southampton
2004-11-30Many passers-by were attracted by Dafa’s elegant exercises. Some asked for information about the local exercise practice sites, while others took the initiative to talk to practitioners about the human rights abuses happening to people who practise Falun Gong in China. By the time the event finished, over 1500 flyers had been distributed.
Article from German Newspaper Chamer Zeitung: “An Ancient Spiritual Path”
2004-11-30Report from Falun Gong Information Day in the Town Hall of Cham: To introduce Falun Dafa to visitors who had not previously heard much about it, performers presented and explained the basic exercises on stage; its elegance and beauty were represented in the lotus and fan dances.
France: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Clermont-Ferrand City and Support for China’s Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-11-29People who saw re-enactments of some of the torture methods used to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs in China were shocked and enraged by the atrocities happening there, saying, “We stand by you and we all support you!” One middle-aged woman said that she used to think that human rights in China were improving but has since realised that this is not the case. Human rights workers have documented over 38,000 specific cases of torture or severe abuse against Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Switzerland: Anti-Torture Exhibition to Raise Awareness of the Persecution
2004-11-28On November the 20th 2004, Swiss Falun Dafa practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in front of Glares city hall in the mountainous area of southeastern Switzerland. They exposed the brutal persecution launched by the Jiang group in China and re-enacted the brutal methods used n attempts to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their beliefs.
Germany: Information Day in Leipzig to Thank Kind-hearted People for their Help in Rescuing of Xiong Wei
2004-11-28Many people stopped at the information booth, looked at the torture scenes and showed their sympathy. Lots of people signed a petition to “Bring Jiang Zemin to justice.” Jiang is the former head of China’s Government and is responsible for instigating and forcing others to take part in these crimes against Falun Gong.
Speech on Cham Falun Dafa Day by a Representative of the International Human Rights Association in German
2004-11-27"Falun Gong was introduced to the public in 1992. In 1999, the former Chinese President Jiang Zemin initiated police terrorist activities that included mass arrests, arbitrary execution and the murder of Falun Gong practitioners. The so-called “6-10 Office” ordered the murder, as well as torture and brainwashing. The number of victims of such murder range between 700 and 1,600. This is unbelievable when you consider that in the beginning the Chinese regime supported Falun Gong because of its health benefits to those who practised it. Tens of thousands of innocent Falun Gong practitioners are imprisoned or detained in forced labour camps."
Ireland: Appealing to Stop the Persecution and Bring Jiang, Luo, Liu and Zhou to Justice
2004-11-27On Friday November the 12th 2004, Irish Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of the Chinese Embassy to appeal to the Chinese Government to immediately stop persecuting Falun Gong. They also asked for the ringleaders who instigated the persecution to be brought to justice. These human rights criminals are Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing and Zhou Yongkang.
Interview with Swiss Practitioner who was Acquitted After False Charges in Hong Kong
2004-11-27"I’m extremely pleased that the judgment was based on the truth. It was even discussed in the media that the first unjust ruling by Hong Kong’s court was brought about because of pressure by the People’s Republic of China’s regime. It is important to publicise the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Therefore, we keep up our campaign to raise awareness in Switzerland."
United Kingdom: Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in Bristol
2004-11-26Many passers-by came to watch and learn the exercises. People were also interested in learning the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong by former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and his faction. Practitioners told them that this persecution has gone on for five years and over 1,100 people have already lost their lives.
Article from a German Newspaper: A Peaceful Art – Falun Gong Holds an Anti-Torture Poster Exhibition in the City Hall
2004-11-26The head of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, decided to ban this non-violent and non-political meditation exercise in 1999 and initiated a nationwide brutal persecution campaign against Falun Gong practitioners. He established a special organisation called the “6-10 Office”, which was named after its establishment date of June the 10th 1999, to carry out this persecution.
Switzerland: Anti-Torture Exhibitions in Aarau and Winterthur Received Enthusiastic Public Support
2004-11-25Re-enactments of the torture methods and a poster display helped many people learn about the persecution against Falun Gong. Some people wanted to know how they can help the persecuted practitioners in China. They not only signed the petition enthusiastically but also came to take some blank petitions so that they could go and collect signatures themselves.
Germany: Anti-Torture Exhibition Successfully held in Stuttgart
2004-11-24People raised many thoughtful questions and were able to understand Dafa very well. Many people learned the truth about Falun Dafa and the ongoing brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. A few hundred signatures were collected for our petition calling for the immediate end to the persecution and to bring the prime culprits to justice.
Switzerland: Promoting Falun Gong at Fribourg Health Expo
2004-11-24There were always many people at our stand. People asked questions, voiced their opposition to the persecution in China and expressed their interest in learning the exercises for free at the practice site in the centre of Fribourg. Many people with an interest in spirituality told us that they felt the effects of the positive energy field around our stand.