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Spain: Human Rights Organisations Hold a Rally in Madrid to Support Five Million Withdrawals From the CCP
2005-10-30The Spanish International Anti-torture Organisation, the Asian Human Rights Protection Agency and The Epoch Times participated in a huge rally in Madrid to support the five million brave people who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party. Many citizens and visitors passing by signed their names to express their support.
Germany: Five Hundred Residents of Osnabrück, a Town in Lower Saxony, Show their Support by Signing our Petition
2005-10-29Many children came with their parents and asked us questions. The parents did not complain when their children were looking at the exhibition. Rather, they took time to rationally explain to their children: “This is what’s happening in China right now. They put up this booth to explain to people what’s going on, that it is evil and that it has to be stopped.”
Sweden: "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" International Art Exhibition Brings Brilliance to the Night of Culture in Gothenburg
2005-10-29On the evening of October 14th 2005, Gothenburg held its annual "Night of Culture". As part of the festivities, the “Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance” International Art Exhibition was held in Hauchia Church and drew the attention of a great number of people. The paintings in the exhibition were created by a group of artists that practise Falun Gong.
Finland: Introducing Falun Gong at the Spirit and Knowledge Expo in Helsinki
2005-10-29On the 15th and 16th of October, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the Spirit and Knowledge Expo held annually in Helsinki. Over the two days, practitioners introduced Falun Gong and exposed the persecution to the Finnish people. They demonstrated the exercises and distributed leaflets, as well as collecting signatures for the petition.
Denmark: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Participate in Night of Culture in Copenhagen
2005-10-28October 14th was a cultural night in Copenhagen. This year happens to be the bi-centennial anniversary of Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday. The cultural night’s programme was richer than normal. After dark, people participated in various folk festivities and Falun Gong practitioners from Copenhagen and Sweden joined the happy crowd.
Report on Falun Gong Broadcast as part of the Kosmopolis Documentary on Czech TV
2005-10-28On the evening of Wednesday October 19th, Czech viewers had a chance to watch a ten minute report about the practice of Falun Gong. The practitioners performed the exercises and briefly informed the viewers about Falun Dafa's principles. One of them shared his experience and said that in the past he had many arguments with other people. Since he started the practise of cultivating Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, he changed his behaviour and gets along much better with others.
Holland: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in the Small Town of Breda
2005-10-27On October 15th, Falun Gong practitioners from various places in Holland got together in Breda to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises and let people know about Falun Dafa. In addition to exposing the facts about the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners taking place in China, they also collected petition signatures to support the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin, who is the primary culprit in the persecution of Falun Gong.
Austria: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Graz
2005-10-27To let people know the truth about Falun Gong and its brutal persecution in China, Austrian practitioners have visited different Austrian towns once a month. On October 15th they paid a visit to Graz and held an anti-torture exhibition, the practitioners themselves demonstrating methods of torture used against their fellows in Chinese labour camps and jails.
United Kingdom: Poster Exhibition in Leeds Exposes CCP Crimes
2005-10-26On the 15th of October, practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition to help people find out more about Falun Gong and the human rights abuses that are happening to practitioners in China under the direct enforcement of the Chinese Communist Party. Practitioners from several adjacent cities all came to participate in the exhibition.
France: Practitioners Read Falun Dafa Association Announcement to Advise Chinese Communist Officials to Stop Doing Evil
2005-10-26In order to help people who work for the Chinese Consulate to realise the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and abandon the evil path as soon as possible, French Falun Gong practitioners hung banners and displayed Falun Gong posters. The banners read, "Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance".
Holland: Anti-Torture Exhibition at the City Hall Square in The Hague
2005-10-25The 1st of October was the 56th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) tyrannical control over China. On that day, Falun Gong practitioners from Holland and Belgium held an anti-torture exhibition. They collected petition signatures from people who wanted to express support for bringing a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin.
France: “This Persecution is Just Too Shameful!”
2005-10-25The exercise demonstration attracted the attention of many passers-by who stopped to watch and sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution. The practitioners gave out many flyers describing the practice of Falun Gong and exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) cruel human rights abuses against practitioners.
Article from Danish Newspaper: The Different Refugee
2005-10-25"While Xuezhi lived in China he did not have any problems practising his faith. But since Falun Gong was banned in China in 1999, the authorities have fiercely attacked many of the movements' members and Xuezhi is sure that he would be arrested if he were to return to China. Giving up his faith is out of the question. For Xuezhi his belief in Falun Gong is connected to the belief in a better world. Its main principles are Truth, Compassion and Tolerance and in Denmark he can meet freely with other Falun Gong practitioners to practise his faith. This is what nourishes his spiritual life while he is waiting to be able to start from scratch in Denmark."
United Kingdom: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in the City of Cardiff
2005-10-24On October 15th, practitioners held activities in the Welsh Capital. Chinese people in Cardiff have come to change their understanding of Falun Gong. Due to propaganda from the Mainland, many Chinese people were suspicious of this peaceful practice, but now that they have had some time to learn the truth, things are changing for the better.
Belgium: Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance International Art Exhibition Held in Riemst
2005-10-24"This art exhibition should tour around the whole world. Let people be aware of all this which is still happening in China ... I found out that, nowadays, western society has developed many relationships with China in respect to the economy. They want to earn money. However, they do not see the human rights aspect and this is very dangerous."