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Denmark: People Learn About Falun Gong at a Health Fair
2005-10-24Some practitioners meticulously made hundreds of beautiful paper lotus flowers, on which was written the Falun Gong website address and "Falun Gong is good!" Our practitioners also held two symposiums during the fair. From the exercises to the persecution, the speakers and audience exchanged views and interacted in a lively way.
Holland: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in the Town of Amersfoort
2005-10-23Compared with Amsterdam, it is a reserved city. Many people didn’t know much about the persecution of Falun Gong. While passing by our stall, some were attracted by the exercises and some by photos exposing the situation in China. After our explanations, many people immediately signed the petition and some asked for Falun Gong pamphlets.
Czech Republic: Former Czech President Supports Human Rights and Quitting the CCP
2005-10-23On October 1st 2005, more than two hundred democracy advocates from various countries in Europe gathered in the old town centre in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague. Sponsored by The Epoch Times, the gathering and parade was to support nearly five million people quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Urge the Chinese Government to Release Jiang Renzheng Immediately
2005-10-23When Jiang Renzheng and Kuo Rei applied for refugee status in Germany, the German authorities misunderstood them and decided they were not Falun Gong practitioners and believed they wouldn’t be persecuted. As a result, they repatriated them and their children back to China. However two weeks later, the National Security Bureau in Benshi city interrogated them for ten hours. They sentenced Jiang Renzheng to three years in a labour camp without any legal procedure.
Germany: Falun Gong Association Invited to Hold an Anti-Torture Exhibition to Expose the Persecution Taking Place in China
2005-10-22The 18th stop of the nationwide tour of a human rights photo exhibition entitled “Shameful Regions” was held in Sendinger Tor Square in central Munich on October 12th and 13th. 2005. This exhibition is scheduled to be held in over thirty cities in Germany within three months, aiming to expose the human rights abuses happening in Communist countries.
Italy: The First "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" International Art Exhibition in Italy Held in Andorno Micca Town.
2005-10-22The first "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" International Art Exhibition in Italy was inaugurated in Andorno Micca. The paintings hung in the exhibition hall of the Artist Association for two weeks and members of the Association felt honoured that these outstanding paintings by artists who practise Falun Gong could be displayed in their exhibition hall.
Norway: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution at a Health Exhibition
2005-10-22On the second weekend of September, a health exhibition was held in Kongsvinger in southern Norway. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate and introduce Falun Gong to the people. Practitioners demonstrated the five sets of peaceful exercises. They also exposed the brutal persecution of Falun Gong which is still happening in China.
United Kingdom: “Friends of Falun Gong” at the University of Leicester Fresher's Fair
2005-10-21On the 3rd and 4th of October, 2005, invited by the University of Leicester Student Union, Friends of Falun Gong joined the annual Fresher's Fair. Many Chinese students who just came to Leicester from Mainland China were pleasantly surprised and took photos of the Falun Gong stand. They may start to think: why is Falun Gong only persecuted in China?
Czech Republic: Exercises on Karl’s Square Attract the Local TV Station
2005-10-21In Karl’s Square, the regular Falun Gong exercise site in Prague, around 25 practitioners gathered to perform their exercises. A lady from a local TV station filmed the exercises and conducted short interviews with a few practitioners. She said she would like to use them during the planned visit of Chinese representatives to the Czech Republic.
A Letter to the Editor of The Goteborg Post (Sweden): The National Memorial Day for the Chinese People
2005-10-21"Before I came to Sweden, I celebrated the National Day because I was glad to have a holiday. However, today, I am deeply sad. On the face of the true history of the CCP, what are we celebrating? The victims in the persecution campaign (1950-1953), in the campaign against the right (1957), in the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), in the Tiananmen massacre, or in the persecution of Falun Gong, Tibetan Buddhists and underground churches?"
Ireland: "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition" in Dublin’s Trinity College
2005-10-20The exhibition displayed forty paintings created by artists who practise Falun Gong in different countries. People got to learn about Falun Gong from a different angle and see the brutality of the Chinese Communist Party. They asked many questions and wanted to know how to help Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China.
France: Raising Awareness about Human Rights Abuses Against Falun Gong in Front of Parc de la Villette in Paris
2005-10-20People showed sympathy for Falun Gong practitioners and a deep concern for the CCP’s human rights abuses. One man was too touched to say a word after having seen the poster exhibition boards and he almost shed tears. His wife said: "It is mankind's brightest hope to pursue physical and mental health, and it is the most basic human right."
Italy: Letting People Know about Falun Gong during the Assisi Peace Parade
2005-10-20To let people know about the persecution against Falun Gong in China, practitioners from Milan, Rome and Florence set up a stall on the the parade route. They displayed poster information boards and demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. There were many people who stopped to chat with practitioners and read the information boards.
Russia: Practitioners Participate in a Health Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod
2005-10-19A photo display attracted a lot of people during the exhibition and practitioners distributed leaflets and paper Lotus Flowers. Also, interested people were able to purchase a copy of the introductory book of Falun Dafa's principles by Master Li Hongzhi, Falun Gong. The TV station "Volga" interviewed local practitioners.
Slovak Magazine Publishes Two-Page Article about Falun Gong
2005-10-19"If you are interested in meditation exercises, enrich your knowledge with an ancient cultivation method for cultivation of mind, body and spirit, Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, which helps to control negative emotions ... The goal is to learn to live a harmonious, unselfish and tolerant life, which is in line with the basic principles of the universe: truth, compassion and forbearance. Falun Gong helps to improve every aspect of human beings: body, mind and spirit."