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  • U.S. Newspaper La Opinión Interviews European Practitioner

    Pia-Maria Sandas, a young Finnish lady based in New York and Madrid, has discovered a system of relaxation that improves physical wellbeing and that has, according to her, changed her life. Sandas is sure that Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) is what made her allergies and other physical and emotional problems that bothered her for years disappear. Falun Gong, or Falun Dafa, is an ancient discipline that originated in China, and that consists of a series of exercises and relaxations of the body through meditation. According to its adherents, this system that is practised by over 100 million people in the world and is recommended for all ages and cultures.
  • Russia: Anti-torture Exhibition Touches Moscow People

    On June the 26th, World Anti-Torture Day, Moscow Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition on the square in front of the Moscow Art Gallery. They used display boards and simulated some of the countless forms of torture used by the Chinese authorities in cruel attempts to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs.
  • Germany: Chinese Consulate General Visits Frankfurt

    On 23rd June, the Chinese Consulate General to Germany visited Frankfurt. This is the biggest Consulate General in Europe. Opposite the consulate, people from human rights organisations and Falun Gong practitioners held a protest activity to remind the CCP and the German officials who were attending the opening ceremony to pay attention to the many human rights abuses in China.
  • France: Promoting Falun Gong and Raising Awareness about the Persecution in Northern Paris

    On the 25th of June 2005, French practitioners held an activity to promote Falun Gong on Place Gabriel Peri near the Gare Saint-Lazare rail station. This was the seventh step of a tour of Paris, intended to let more people know about Falun Gong and raise their awareness of the human rights abuses against practitioners in China.
  • Germany: Anti-Torture Exhibition at Cologne Cathedral

    Practitioners from Nordrhein-Westfalen in Germany held an anti-torture exhibition in front of Cologne Cathedral to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) brutal persecution against Falun Gong. An anti-torture exhibition involves re-enactments of the torture methods used in attempts to force Falun Gong practitioners in China to renounce their beliefs.
  • Swedish Newspaper Östran: Pressing Charges Against the Head of State

    Kalmar citizen Ulrik Dahlgren is pressing charges against China’s former head of state, Jiang Zemin, for crimes against the UN convention on torture. Three years ago Ulrik was imprisoned in conjunction with a demonstration in Tiananmen Square against China’s persecution of Falun Gong. For five days he was incarcerated, five days that left deep scars on Ulrik. Around the world there are now several lawsuits against Jiang Zemin, among others. Ulrik’s lawyer Peter Bergquist believes that putting pressure on China can lead to better human rights in the long run. Millions of people are today incarcerated in labour camps after the persecution against Falun Gong began and many thousands have lost their lives.
  • Belgium: Protesting at the Chinese Embassy for those who Murdered Gao Rongrong to be brought to Justice

    On the 26th of June 2005, Belgian practitioners held activities outside the Chinese Embassy to protest against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the killing of Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong. Practitioners held banners reading “Bring the Murderers of Gao Rongrong to Justice” and “CCP: Stop Persecuting Falun Gong Immediately”.
  • Hungary: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest Against the CCP for Killing Gao Rongrong

    Practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy in Hungary to expose the CCP’s brutal persecution against Falun Gong, to protest against the CCP for the killing of Gao Rongrong and to call for Gao’s murderers to be brought to justice. Many passers-by expressed their strong condemnation of the CCP’s evil deeds.
  • Germany: Four Years of Peaceful Appeal at the Chinese Consulate in Hamburg

    On June 23rd 2001, practitioners gathered at the consulate with the aim of letting people know about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution that is being waged against practitioners in China. At that time, the official death toll was 234 practitioners. Four years later, the consulate appeal is still there but the official death toll has increased to ove 2,600.
  • Sweden: Seminar "Communism and Human Rights" Held in Stockholm

    Another “Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Human Rights” Seminar drew to a successful closure. The seminar generated a positive reaction from Swedish communities and media alike. Latecomers waited patiently outside the jam-packed hall for vacancies in the second half. Participants were stunned to learn that Mainland Chinese are withdrawing from the CCP on a large scale.
  • Germany: Condemning the CCP at the Chinese Consulate in Munich for the Killing of Gao Rongrong

    That day was United Nations Day in Support of Torture Victims. Practitioners in Munich and nearby areas gathered at the Chinese Consulate to protest against the six-year genocide and the use of hundreds of brutal torture methods against innocent Falun Gong practitioners. They demanded China to stop the persecution immediately.
  • Letter to the UK Prime Minister from European Friends of Falun Gong

    We wish to draw your attention to the serious situation of human rights abuse in China, and in particular to the plight of Falun Gong practitioners who have suffered the severest persecution at the hands of the Chinese Government since former President Jiang Zemin’s crackdown of the movement in July 1999. Approximately 2,500 practitioners have been tortured to death by the Chinese authorities and thousands more still languish in prisons and labour camps across the country with little hope of release.
  • Spain: People Condemn the CCP for Killing Practitioner Gao Rongrong

    Spanish practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy in Spain to protest against the Chinese Communist Party for killing Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong. They appealed for public attention to the campaign of genocide against Falun Gong and for Gao’s murderers to be severely punished.
  • Norway: Practitioners Protest After the Murder of Gao Rongrong

    Female Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong was so badly tortured and mistreated in China that she died on June the 16th 2005. On Saturday June the 25th, Norwegian Falun Gong practitioners held a demonstration at the Chinese Embassy in Oslo. They called for the murderers of Gao Rongrong to be brought to justice for their crimes.
  • Finland: Anti-Torture Exhibition Exposes the Truth about China’s State Terrorism (Part 1 — Tampere)

    The anti-torture exhibition began its tour in Tampere. Practitioners from Finland, Sweden and Germany took part. Practitioners informed the people about the persecution in many cities like Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Helsinki and Turku. Many Finnish people joined the worldwide voice to end this persecution by signing a petition.