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Russia: A Performance to Celebrate the 300th Birthday of St. Petersburg City
2003-09-13Practitioners hoped that this event could help people learn more about Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution that is happening in China. One could also view the work of Australian painter and practitioner Zhang Cuiying, and learn about her suffering in Chinese labour camps because she practised Falun Gong and lived by the principles of Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance.
Germany: Photo Exhibition to Expose Jiang's Genocide Tours the Country
2003-09-13Visitors were shocked to see the persecution facts exposed in these photos and posters. After viewing the exhibits, many people took the initiative to sign a petition requesting an immediate end to the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, who believe in "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance".
EFGIC: Criminal Lawsuit Filed in Finland Charging Head of Gestapo-like Agency in China with Crimes of Genocide, Torture
2003-09-12A criminal lawsuit was filed today in Helsinki, Finland charging the head of Chinas Gestapo-like 6-10 Office, Luo Gan, with crimes of genocide and torture.
Frettabladid (Icelandic newspaper): Discussing Human Rights with Luo
2003-09-12'Gudmundur Arni Stefansson, Vice President of Iceland, will see Lou on behalf of the Icelandic Parliament and have a meeting with him and the leaders of all parties on Monday morning. I will personally initiate a discussion about human rights with him. I have heard that he has a record in that respect that is not very good."'
Swedish Falun Dafa Association writes to Finland Government
2003-09-12"The 610 office uses violence, threats, psychiatric abuse, coercion and blackmail to terrorise Falun Gong practitioners, their family members, friends, and even the general public. Luo Gan runs the 610-office. He is currently being charged in European and U.S. courts for genocide and other crimes categorised as crimes against humanity by the ICC."
Iceland radio Station reports on Lawsuit launched against Luo Gan
2003-09-12'Between ten and twenty members of the Falun Gong group have put forward charges at the state attorneys office, where they demand that Luo Gan the head of the legal system in China - is arrested and placed in detention in Iceland. The group has accused Luo Gan of violating international law and international agreements, and are accusing him of being guilty of genocide.'
Norway: Promoting Falun Gong at a Cultural Festival in Sandefjord
2003-09-12Festivalgoers often asked practitioners questions such as Is it true that the persecution is so severe in China? and Is it true that people are tortured so severely? They could not believe their eyes when they saw photos of tortured practitioners, confirming the cruel reality of this persecutionm which has now continued for over four years.
Article from French Newspaper "La Provence": Falun Gong Practitioners at Clock Square
2003-09-12"The practice began in China and in 1992 it spread to the public. Since then, it has attracted 100 million Chinese people. Nevertheless, the leaders of the Communist Party did not like this. From their perspective, 100 million people was too many. As a result, the leaders of the Communist Party began to brutally persecute practitioners. This is the reason we have held these activities.
UK: European Friends of Falun Gong holds Seminar in Houses of Parliament
2003-09-11After an informal lunch, which gave UK Falun Gong practitioners a great chance to let important dignitaries know more about the persecution Falun Gong, the seminar presentations began. This part of the seminar was chaired by Iain Luke MP, a Member of UK Parliament who has worked hard for the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners.
A Letter from a French M.P to a Falun Gong Practitioner
2003-09-11"The purpose of writing this letter is to let you know that I will fully support your activities to stop the Persecution of Falun Gong in China."
Finland invites a Leader who has been accused of Human Rights Violations
2003-09-11Luo Gan is the head of the Gestapo-like office. The office is doing a dirty job, carrying out this persecution. It is unbelievable that a man who is committing an act of genocide is invited to Finland.
Germany: A Picture Exhibition to Expose the Crimes of Jiang Zemin
2003-09-11As part of the Global Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, a picture exhibition depicting Jiangs crimes of genocide was held in Irlandgen, Germany. The dates of the picture exhibition coincided with the election of state senators. Many Chinese people were also in the city, at Siemens Hi-Tec Training Base.
Radio France Internationale (RFI): Falun Gong Practitioner Travels to Thirty Seven Countries to seek a Redress for the Cruel Murder of her Husband
2003-09-11'After she left China for Australia, she devoted herself to calling for justice for her husband and campaigning against this brutal persecution. She has travelled to thirty-seven countries to tell her story and to call for justice from the international community. France is currently her 37th stop. Her cry for help concerns the murder of her husband and also targets Jiang Zemin, the former leader of the Chinese Communist Party.'
Two Reports from French Media about Falun Gong Practitioners' Activities
2003-09-11"For the entire weekend, more that 10 people came to Clock Square in Avignon to practise Falun Gong. The reason was to let more people come to know Falun Gong. The government in Beijing has banned this meditation exercise because of the number of its' followers in China (100 million). The activities were also to show support for the Falun Gong practitioners who are currently being persecuted and tortured in China."
Report from Activities during Chinese Criminal Luo Gans Visit to Iceland
2003-09-10As Luo Gan passed by he had a full view of the beautiful Falun Gong banners blowing in the wind. Journalists from Iceland's major media organisations were present. That night Iceland TV carried reports on this event letting more Icelandic people know about the horrific abuses of human rights that are happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China.