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  • Reference Material: The Economic Threat from China

    'An invisible cause for concern is the extremely cheap labour costs in China. Everyone knows that in China the rights and interests of workers are seldom safeguarded. They have no trade unions and are not allowed to have trade unions. Most workers do not even know how to protect themselves from being injured and the worst is even if they do know, they have no way to deal with it, because nobody wants to help them. Laws are for suppressing the workers rather than safeguarding them.'
  • Russia: Stories of Spreading Falun Gong in City of Tver

    When we were distributing materials, two boys came along and said they would like to hand out materials for us. They skated and gave out materials to the crowd. They returned for more when they had given out all of the materials. Later they went home to get their bikes. Perhaps they wanted to travel further to hand out the materials. That day, we distributed several thousand Dafa booklets and newspapers.
  • "The World Journal" (Spanish Newspaper): Falun Gong Practitioners file Complaint about Jiang’s Crimes of Genocide

    'Followers of Falun Gong, a traditional cultivation practice, filed a human rights abuse lawsuit in Madrid yesterday against China’s former president Jiang Zemin. Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted since 1999 by Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese president who has gained the highest position in the Communist Party after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and is now in full command of the “6-10 office”.'
  • More UK MPs Support the Trial of Jiang for his Crimes against Falun Gong Practitioners

    “Thank you for your letter of 11th July concerning the persecution of Falun Gong especially by the ex-communist leader Jiang Zemin. I was already familiar with the crimes and with the proposed lawsuits but it is always good to receive reminders of the crimes committed. I entirely agree with the content of your letter.”
  • Danish Newspaper Reports on Jiang Regime’s Persecution of a Chinese Businessman (pictures)

    Zhu´s private properties in China were at that time valued at about ten million Danish Crowns (about £1 million/1.35 million Euros). In 2002, all his business activities in China were seized and closed down by the National Security Bureau. Without any judicial documentation the authorities entered his premises and confiscated his business licences and all documents relating to his accounts. All his employees were dismissed and questioned about whether they practise Falun Gong...Closing down his three companies was a cause of great economical pressure for Xuezhi Zhu. And at the same time all his personal belongings, including his house, his car and his savings were confiscated.
  • Germany: Picture Exhibition about Global Lawsuits against Jiang Zemin held in a Park

    Many passers-by signed the petition after viewing the exhibition boards. The shocking truth of this persecution is becoming known to more and more people and giving them the chance to appeal for an end to the violence and the violations of human rights and freedom of belief, and to bring the dictator Jiang Zemin to justice.
  • Dafa Practitioner Interviewed on Holland Radio Programme about the Lawsuit Launched in Belgium

    'At the time when Jiang Zemin wanted to start the persecution, not everyone in the Politburo agreed with it. But Jiang Zemin pushed his wishes out of jealousy or a desire for power. He has tried to create a kind of internal enemy of Falun Gong and in that way forced everyone within the Communist party to choose sides, for or against him, and tried to increase his power in this way.'
  • Media Reports on "UK Falun Dafa Day" Celebrations

    'Birmingham's Chamberlain Square was a picture of serenity when practitioners of Falun Gong, a traditional form of Chinese meditation, visited the city on Saturday. Eliza Li practises a meditation exercise which helps to improve mind and body. Falun Gong was first made public in 1992 and quickly become popular as people were drawn by stories of great health improvements.'
  • Denmark: Practitioners’ Performance is Very Successful at the Aarhus Cultural Festival

    On the last day, our performance attracted the attention of a photographer from the biggest newspaper in Denmark. He said that he would put the picture of our fan dance on the front page. The biggest TV station in Jutland, “Denmark TV Channel 2”, also interviewed practitioners during the festival. The three days of activities were very successful.
  • Germany: Campaign to Rescue Practitioners Chen Xiaozhu and Yu Hongli who have been Illegally Arrested in China

    Since July 2003, activities have begun all over Germany to expose the evil persecution and collect signatures to rescue two Falun Gong practitioners who have been illegally arrested in China. Many German people who have signed the petition also took petition forms home to collect signatures from their families and friends.
  • Article from Finnish newspaper “Hämeen Sanomat”: Falun Gong Acts Against the Persecution with Weapons of Spirituality

    Falun Gong has five simple, smooth exercises. It is said that the exercises purify the energy channels in one’s body...The principle is to follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in one’s daily life. According to practitioners, Falun Gong is actually about striving to behave better 24 hours a day and to consider other people before one’s own desires and intentions.
  • Spain: Practitioners held a Press Conference to Expose Jiang Zemin’s Crimes

    An Australian practitioner whose husband was murdered because he practises Falun Gong, described the experiences of her family and called on the Chinese government to end the persecution. This was eagerly noted by the reporters who later interviewed practitioners. The most influential media in Spain took part in this press conference.
  • Letter of Support from Finnish Member of Parliament

    "We are very aware of the persecution of Falun Gong. Human rights abuses in China are totally unacceptable. For those who have become accustomed to free society, it is impossible to comprehend how the Chinese government has behaved [in relation to Falun Gong]...through international forums and appealing, we can try to improve the situation, so that China will respect human rights and stop persecuting Falun Gong."
  • Article from German newspaper "Rhein-Neckar": A Song of Protest for Xiong Wei

    'The International Human Rights Association is also helping us with the rescue activities. They have organised a campaign to “send postcards to the German government”. Xiong Wei’s friends in Heidelberg are hoping that she will soon hear this special song. (Online listening available on'
  • Switzerland: Press Release on the Hong Kong Trial and Launching a Lawsuit against Jiang

    To denounce human rights violations in China is considered as “stealing State secrets” and liable to a sentence of forced labour. To go to Tiananmen Square and quite simply to unfurl a banner displaying the three words: “Truth – Benevolence – Tolerance” will cost you dearly. To be able to continue to speak on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners detained and tortured in China, the Swiss practitioners, victims of the persecution, have decided to take action and to ask for compensation.