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Dafa Practitioner tells Chief Persecutor Luo Gan: Falun Dafa is Good!
2003-09-17The Dafa practitioner said: I have something very important to tell you. At this point, everyone accompanying Luo focused their attention and listened carefully. The Dafa practitioner said peacefully: I practise Falun Dafa. Once Luo had heard the words Falun Dafa, his face immediately turned pale grey and he turned his head away. One of his entourage was so angry that he tried to push the Dafa practitioner away. The Dafa practitioner continued to say peacefully: Falun Dafa is good.
A Letter to the Newspaper Keskisuomalainen from the Falun Dafa Association of Finland
2003-09-17"China has signed the Declaration for Human Rights and as yet is still able to almost freely destroy its citizens, even though many human rights associations have been informing the world about its crimes Finland however is remaining silent. By approving the conduct of the governments of these kinds of countries, we are in fact giving support to them when they are committing violations against their own people. We cannot approve these kinds of atrocities, and let them exist in modern society. They should be brought to justice. With righteousness, can we lead by example."
AFI: Falun Gong Practitioners File a Lawsuit Against Luo Gan in Finland
2003-09-17According to news on the Falun Gong website on Thursday afternoon, Finnish human rights lawyer Erkki Kannisto was instructed to submit a lawsuit to the national Prosecutors Office and the police department. The lawsuit was filed by Falun Gong practitioners against Luo Gan, the head of the 610 Office. Luo Gan is being charged with brutal torture and Genocide.
EFGIC: Six-Month Pregnant Falun Gong Practitioner Beaten With a Wooden Rod by Chinese Police
2003-09-17According to the victim, police kidnapped her and other Falun Gong practitioners from a friends home and detained them in a local police station. They jumped on me and again beat me with the stick, while grabbing my hair and punching my face, said the woman. My face and mouth were covered in bruises and blood, I had loose teeth, and my clothes were bloodstained.
EFGIC: Armenian Falun Gong Practitioners take the First Steps in Court Action against Luo Gan
2003-09-16LONDON (EFGIC) The string of court cases against the Chinese officials responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China will continue to Armenia. Luo Gan, the head of the notorious 6-10 office which is responsible for the worst abuses of human rights, is today in Armenia and Falun Gong practitioners have already met with lawyers to start a court action against him.
Luo Gan Faced a Criminal Lawsuit in Finland
2003-09-16Following the Icelandic criminal lawsuit against Luo Gan, head of China's "610 Office", on charges of persecuting Falun Gong, the Finnish human right lawyer Mr. Erkki Kannsto filed a criminal lawsuit against Luo Gan with the National Criminal Prosecutor Office and the Police Department in Helsinki on the charges of cruel torture and genocide.
A Letter to the President of Armenia
2003-09-16"The current visitor to your country, Mr. Luo Gan, is the leader of the 6-10 Office in China. This office and its leader, Mr. Luo, are responsible for brutal violations of human rights, including forced labour, violence, psychiatric abuse, ill-treatment, torture and even murder of innocent Falun Gong practitioners. He is currently being charged in European and US courts for the crimes of genocide and others that are categorised as crimes against humanity according to the International Criminal Court (ICC)."
Radio Free Asia: Finnish People Dislike Luo Gans Human Rights Records
2003-09-16'On Thursday morning some Falun Gong practitioners, who have personally experienced persecution or whose relatives have been persecuted, submitted a lawsuit against Luo Gan to the Finnish court. Furthermore, the Finnish Falun Dafa Association has already submitted a criminal lawsuit against Luo Gan to the prosecutors...The Finnish public took a strong dislike toward this criminal.'
Article from Icelandic newspaper Morgunbladid: Organisations and Individuals Press Charges against Luo Gan
2003-09-16If the government does not respond it can be considered that the Icelandic people are in agreement with this mans conduct as well as that of the Chinese government, says Ragnar. Since Luo planned to leave the country today, Ragnar wants him to be investigated immediately so that the claim for his arrest or detention can be submitted.
Article from The Epoch Times: German President to Raise Human Rights with China
2003-09-16'Amnesty Internationals German branch and Frankfurt-based International Association for Human Rights (IGFM) wrote letters to President Rau on September 9th, asking him to appeal for people who are being persecuted in China, and specifically mentioning Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioner Xiong Wei. Xiong Wei studied in the Technical University of Berlin during 1993 to 1999. She was sentenced to 2-year labour education for distributing Falun Gong materials in January 2002 in Beijing.'
The UK Minghui School is Officially Established
2003-09-16On the 7th of September 2003, the UK Minghui School was formally set up. The school is based on Falun Dafa, teaching the students about Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. The main emphasis is on moral education, as well as improving their Xinxing [moral character] and learning the five sets of exercises.
Norway: Practitioners introduce Falun Gong in a City near Oslo
2003-09-16There were people of all ages present. They were all very grateful to us for coming to share the practice and teach them the exercises. Many were anxious about how to learn more and continue with the practice. Some of the people said they had experienced strong energy. An elderly lady told us she felt that Falun Gong is really good for her.
European Dafa Practitioners Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
2003-09-15"Europes Clearharmony website wishes Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival"Wishing all practitioners around the world a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Let us melt into the Fa and cultivate diligently.
Eight Swiss Falun Dafa Practitioners will file a Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin
2003-09-15Is it a crime to want to nurture ones heart and life according to the principles of Truth, Benevolence and Tolerance? To denounce this flagrant injustice and to alert the world to this brutal repression that has claimed thousands of victims, the eight aforementioned practitioners shared with journalists their decision to bring Jiang Zemin to justice on the accounts of genocide, torture and crimes against humanity.
UK Human Rights Groups and Public Support Practitioners' Family Rescue Campaign
2003-09-15In recent weeks, UK Falun Gong practitioners have received many completed petition forms from British people and human rights groups, in support for their campaign to free family members and friends who have been incarcerated in China, usually without any trial, for exercising their rights of freedom of belief and speech.