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European Friends of Falun Gong: It is Time to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-06-05"We believe that it is right that Jiang Zemin, the perpetrator of a four-year campaign of brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China, be brought to account for his evil actions in a court of law, and that the worst example of mans evil against man in recent history should be exposed to the world. We give our full support to those in Chicago (USA) and Switzerland who are currently in the process of prosecuting Jiang Zemin through the courts in their own countries."
EFGIC: American Beaten and Force-Fed in Chinese Prison
2003-06-05Dr. Li is now being subjected to some of the very same human rights violations that Chinese officials allege he was preparing to expose, as they use a show trial to imprison him, isolation to try to break his will and pressure tactics to force him to give up his beliefs, says UK Falun Gong Information Centre spokesman, Mr. Peter Jauhal.
Austria: Practitioners from Different Countries Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong during the Eastern European Summit
2003-06-05The summit was attended by leaders from various countries and media outlets. Information about Falun Dafa and the persecution instigated by Jiang Zemin was quickly distributed. A photographer told practitioners that a local TV station would broadcast a report about Falun Gong that evening.
Finland: Practitioners asked to Return to a School and let Students Know More about Falun Gong
2003-06-05The Dafa practitioner briefly introduced the practice, and told the students about the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong and the terrible human rights abuses in China. After the introduction, everyone practised the exercises together. The reactions were very positive and the effects were apparent. Very soon, there was a serene atmosphere in the classroom and nothing seemed to trouble the students. The students were very grateful, and the teacher was excited when she discovered that she could learn more about the Falun Gong exercises for free at the local practice site.
European Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations on the Establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05The European Falun Dafa Association sends congratulations on the establishment of the Bulgarian Dafa Association. This is particularly encouraging for all practitioners in Europe. Our one-body is again getting stronger and stronger.
German Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations to the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05The German Falun Dafa Association sends congratulations, on behalf of all practitioners in Germany, on the founding of the Bulgarian Dafa Association. This will certainly help the Fa-rectification in Europe.
Irish Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations on the Establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05On behalf of all Dafa practitioners in Ireland, we congratulate the establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association. During this sacred period, let us strive forward together as one body and fulfil our responsibilities as Fa-rectification Dafa disciples.
New York Times: Beijing aims to kill free speech in Hong Kong
2003-06-05'During nearly six years under Chinese rule, Hong Kong has withstood threats as varied as the Asian financial crisis and the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome. Now, however, Hong Kong's free society is about to encounter the most dangerous attack yet, and this one - like SARS - has its genesis in China.'
U.S. Newswire (press release): Former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary Labels Jiang Zemin Greatest Threat to American Security, Urges Exposing Corrupt Officials
2003-06-05'Ambassador Palmer discussed the accountability of the Jiang regime in the persecution of Falun Gong, and the corruption of the Party's elite, who have brought vast sums of money out of China into the United States and other countries.'
South China Morning Post: Bill poses a global press threat, says Martin Lee
2003-06-05The former chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party, Martin Lee Chu-ming, warned American policymakers yesterday that the national security bill could damage not only Hong Kong, but the rest of the world, because of its impact on the freedom of the press in the city.
European Falun Dafa Associations Write to US President Appealing for Urgent Rescue of Dr. Charles Li
2003-06-04"We are writing to draw your attention to the arrest and detention in China of a completely peaceful and law-abiding American Falun Dafa practitioner, Dr Charles Li. Dr Li is currently on hunger strike in a Chinese jail and we believe that his life is in danger. We believe that Jiang Zemin could use the SARS epidemic to hide his possible murder. We ask you to use your influence with the Jiang regime to help rescue him urgently."
UK Press Release: First Anniversary of 24 Hour Vigil by Falun Gong practitioners outside the Chinese Embassy
2003-06-04'For one year, UK Falun Gong practitioners have maintained a twenty-four hour peaceful protest opposite the Chinese Embassy to protest at the evil and inhumane treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China by the Chinese regime. Since the start of the 24 hour vigil there have been over 215 death cases that we have been able to verify the true death total is much higher.'
Norway: Celebrating Norwegian National Day in Oslo
2003-06-04People from all over Oslo came to join in the festivities. Practitioners thought that this would be an excellent chance to meet a lot of people to tell them about Falun Gong and show them the beauty of the exercises. Practitioners also talked about the cruel persecution in Mainland China, which has already resulted in over 700 innocent deaths.
Russia: Information and Public Facility Association Supports Falun Dafa Activities
2003-06-04"Our information indicates that there are about 100 million people in almost half of the countries in the world practising Falun Dafa. Our investigation had led to the conclusion that the activities of Falun Dafa do not violate the laws of Russia...Judged by the democratic characteristics of the political system in Russia, however, I believe the activities of Russian Falun Dafa practitioners will mature and establish freedom of belief, a right protected by the Constitution."
Ireland: Practitioners Hold a Two-Day National Fa Study
2003-06-04County Laois is situated in the heart of rural Ireland and here Irish practitioners held their 2003 national spring Fa study. Most of the practitioners arrived on Sunday June 1st. Soon after arriving, practitioners participated in the 11am global sending forth righteous thoughts, which lasted for five extra minutes as part of the worldwide efforts to assist the lawsuit against Jiang launched in Chicago, after which the Fa study began.