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Report from the Taiwan Business and Commerce Times: Mainland China's Economy is in Shock Under the Effect of SARS
2003-04-26The spreading of SARS in mainland China is already having negative effects on the Chinese economy, especially jeopardising the tourism industry, commercial marketing and trade shows. Experts estimate that China's GDP may be significantly lowered. However, top Chinese economics experts are more worried about the long term effects, as it becomes clear to foreign investors that the Chinese authorities conceal the truth and risk the lives of their people to uphold their international image.
Apple Daily: Dismissing a Couple of Officials From Their Posts Cannot Possibly Change the Chinese Government's Vice of Lying
2003-04-26'The totalitarian system in China encourages lying to cover up mistakes. We should be clear that the administration of the Chinese government never follows any due process, nor does it have enough transparency and media supervision. Whenever there is any problem, the first thing officials will do is cover up the truth and prevent the news from leaking out.'
Austria: Many Tourists Learn the Truth in Salzburg
2003-04-25Practitioners held an activity in Salzburg to commemorate their fellow practitioners who have been persecuted to death in China, and to expose this evil persecution. People asked why Jiang is persecuting Falun Gong and others asked where they could learn the Falun Gong exercises. People came in droves to take leaflets from the practitioners.
Apple Daily: US Congress Is Concerned About Article 23 Legislation
2003-04-25Apple Daily reported on April 17 that the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law continues to receive worldwide attention. The report points out that even though Hong Kong still respects the freedom to enter and leave Hong Kong, last June, 90 Falun Gong practitioners were denied entrance to Hong Kong.
EFGIC: SARS - China Lies, People Die
2003-04-24The SARS tragedy demonstrates the Chinese regimes willingness to lie and spread propaganda for its own self-interest, even when the lives of millions are at stake, explains European Falun Gong Information Centre spokesman, Mr. Peter Jauhal. For almost four years, we have witnessed this regime severely persecute Falun Gong and then lie and spread propaganda to the world to cover it up. Its the same pattern, and it poses an extraordinary threat not just to China but also to the world.
Slovakia: Practitioners Painting Exhibition Successfully Held in Bratislava
2003-04-24Many people took their time to look carefully at the exhibition and admired the inner beauty of the paintings. One of the visitors at the opening ceremony was the Bratislavan Vice-Minister of Culture. After he was given one of Zhang Cuiyings paintings, he declared that it is so beautiful that he will make it available for everyone to see in the city gallery.
Speech by a Swiss practitioner at a Conference in the United Nations on the Abolition of Execution
2003-04-24"In prisons and in forced labour camps, persecutors use the most barbaric and horrific torture methods known to human civilisation. An incomplete report shows over 100 methods being used to torture or to kill Falun Gong practitioners, including: beating to death, burning alive, tying to motorcycles and dragging to death, throwing from high buildings, subjecting to electric shock treatment (to destroy the mind), raping, gang raping and throwing stripped female practitioners into male prison cells, stretching and tying practitioners limbs to the four corners of a metal bed, force feeding highly concentrated liquid pepper and saline solutions, and so on. Ten thousand practitioners have been forcefully sent to psychiatric hospitals to be tortured with injections of large doses of drugs that damage the central nervous system."
Radio Free Asia: Jiang Brings Troubles Wherever He Goes. A Report on the Lawsuit Against Violations of Human Rights by German Police during Jiangs Visit to Germany
2003-04-24In the past few years, Jiang Zemin, the ex-President of China, and several senior Chinese officials have become the subject of a large number of direct and indirect international lawsuits. On April 14 2003, the US District Court of Illinois began the legal procedures for a genocide lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. This lawsuit was filed by Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: Revealing the Truth and Supporting the Trial Against Jiang Over the Easter Holiday
2003-04-23On Easter Saturday, Dafa practitioners held an information day in the centre of Berlin. They supported the lawsuit against dictator Jiang Zemin by sending forth righteous thoughts and by telling many people about the crimes he has committed against peaceful and innocent Falun Dafa practitioners.
The Baltimore Sun: Deal with devil proves deadly
2003-04-23'China sat by idly for four months as SARS cases accumulated in its southern province, hoping nobody would notice so as to avoid embarrassment. The lack of a free press to alert the public to the developing pattern not only cost untold Chinese lives but put at risk tourists, business managers and other expatriates. Among them are citizens of nations that didn't believe that Beijing's oppression affected them...Suddenly, the world's investors recall why China is still a risky place to open a franchise or build a factory. If Beijing will lie about something as serious as its own public health crisis, how trustworthy are the delirious economic statistics it publishes? And if there's no democratic way to remove corrupt leaders, isn't corruption also a real threat to that cherished "stability," too?'
BusinessWeek: China's Deadliest Plague: Authoritarianism
2003-04-23'Now, everyone can see that democracy isn't just a luxury. They can see that authoritarianism doesn't even guarantee stability. A government that represses information not only kills its people -- and those of other countries -- but it spreads panic and disbelief as its credibility erodes.'
Celebrating Eight Years Since Master Li Taught the Fa in Sweden (photos)
2003-04-22It was during Easter 1995 that Falun Gong was first introduced to Sweden by Master Li Hongzhi, and this is almost exactly 8 years ago today. At that time, Master Li gave a 7-day lecture in Gothenburg. Dafa practitioners in Sweden would like to send their most heartfelt thanks to Master for teaching the Fa in Sweden, and for the 8 valuable years that they have had the chance to cultivate in Falun Dafa.
UK: The Beautiful Display by Dafa Practitioners at the Edinburgh Easter Festival
2003-04-22 -
Italy: Practitioners Outline the Persecution in the Meeting Hall of the Vieira Provincial Government
2003-04-22We brought some printed photos to introduce Falun Dafa. At first, we planned to put them in some eye-catching outdoor places. But that evening the audience who attended the meeting took all of the photos. They said that they wanted to hang them in hospitals, schools, and some other public place for people to see, so that more Italian people can have a better understanding of Falun Gong.
Several Medical Personnel in Beijing Reveal That the Authorities Deceived World Health Organization Inspectors (photos)
2003-04-22Time, a prominent magazine based in the United States, revealed that the Chinese government hid SARS cases in Beijing from the World Health Organization (WHO). On Friday, Time quoted several doctors and nurses at Beijing hospitals who revealed that on Thursday, hours prior to the WHO inspectors' arrival at the No. 309 People's Liberation Army Hospital, the hospital moved 46 of the confirmed SARS patients to a hotel, and there are about ten SARS patients in the ward.