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Radio Free Asia Interviews French Falun Gong practitioners
2002-11-22After more than three years suppression, the French government and the general public have become more aware that Falun Gong is for people to cultivate their minds towards compassion. They have also rendered more and more support to Falun Gong, after they realise the cruelty of Chinas persecution."
BBC Monitoring: Falun Gong voices fears on Hong Kong anti-subversion laws
2002-11-22He was concerned that the passing of an anti-subversion laws would allow the SAR government to use national security as an excuse to get rid of the Falun Gong and other groups that aren't to their liking.
BBC Monitoring: Hong Kong Falun Gong member due in Chinese court 22 November
2002-11-22Sophie Xiao [a Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioner], told Betsy-May Veloo that a lawyer has said the trial is expected to last a day and could end in a five-year prison sentence.
Please help to rescue my friend, Mr Zhiwun Wang
2002-11-21With these few sincere words I wish to convey a message that Mr Zhiwun Wang should not be punished for being a good man.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 10) - German Citizens Harrassed
2002-11-21While testing his computer system after a hacking attack, Mr Gottschalg discovered that his telephone was tapped and was being listened to. The local telephone provider has verified that strange noises, which can be heard, are not supposed to be there. To double check, fake information was sent to a friend and this test confirmed that the phone was tapped.
"Heartfelt Appeal for my Friend Liu Feng" by a Swedish Lady
2002-11-20I hope that Liu Feng and other practitioners in China can be freed from this dreadful persecution that has inflicted unimaginable sufferings on them.
Reuters: Britain urges Hong Kong to protect rights and freedom
2002-11-20"Britain has urged the government of Hong Kong to protect basic rights and freedoms as the former British colony prepares to pass an anti-subversion law demanded by the Chinese government...The British Consulate-General said in a statement any legislation that undermined the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms would be "seriously damaging" to the territory, which Britain handed back to China in 1997."
EFIC: Swedish Businesswoman Denied Entry into Hong Kong
2002-11-20She was previously denied entry into Hong Kong in June 2001 when Jiang Zemin visited the territory. This time she was denied entry again for no reason other than because she is a Falun Gong practitioner and is therefore blacklisted from the country.
Germany: A Peaceful Appeal in Regensburg
2002-11-20Heavy rain poured down and dark clouds densely covered the sky. The wind was even so strong that it was difficult for us to display our materials. However, we resolutely unfurled banners despite the strong winds and heavy rain. We could see many people admiringly looking at us.
South China Morning Post: New Zealand Foreign Minister questions 4 HK ministers about Article 23 and asks whether it will be used against Falun Gong
2002-11-20"US President George W. Bush spoke of the importance of preserving the rights of Hong Kong citizens last month, after meeting President Jiang Zemin, a comment analysts believe was a reference to concerns about Article 23."
UK: Falun Dafa in the Scenic City of Durham
2002-11-19In a small square in Durham city centre, we set up a stall with Falun Dafa booklets, flyers and video-Cd's, and we displayed some large posters about the practise and the persecution practitioners have endured in China.
France: Foreign Minister Expresses His Concern over the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2002-11-19France is paying attention to the human rights violations in which Falun Gong [practitioners] are victims...[and] has anxiously taken note of the numerous allegations of torture surrounding this 3-year campaign.
Amnesty International Raises Concern about Ms. Yoko Kaneko and Calls for her Immediate and Unconditional Release
2002-11-19She was detained while handing out Falun Gong leaflets to passers-by in Beijing...Amnesty International considers her to be a prisoner of conscience and is calling for her immediate and unconditional release.
UK: Promoting Falun Dafa in the North of England
2002-11-18The citys newspaper came to talk to practitioners and take some photos for a report about Falun Dafa and the activities that day. They were closely followed by the Sheriff who told practitioners her experience of seeing the persecutory tactics of police on Tiananmen Square during a holiday in China.
Germany: Falun Gong Presentation at the 5th Womens Political Advisory Meeting in the University in Dusseldorf
2002-11-18Between 2,00 and 3,000 people participated in this conference. They joined in an exercise demonstration and then a practitioner outlined the support Dafa has received from the United Nations, European Union, United States Congress and other governments. The attendees were totally silent whilst practitioners portrayed the persecution, particularly focusing on the persecution against women.