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  • Moldova: The Head of the “610 Office” is facing a Criminal Lawsuit

    Luo Gan has been sued during each of his visits to Europe, which has aroused the attention of international and local media. For righteousness and justice, the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong and The Committee for the Global Action of Rescuing Family Members are at present spontaneously cooperating with Falun Gong practitioners to file a lawsuit against Luo Gan in Moldova.
  • Special Report from Armenia: A Lawsuit was filed against Luo Gan in Yerevan, the Capital of Armenia

    Information from Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, states that Falun Gong practitioners have filed a lawsuit at the court of Yerevan on the 16th September, suing Luo Gan, leader of the Chinese regime’s “610 Office” terrorist organisation, for crimes of torture and genocide. This was the third time Luo has been sued for genocide and torture during his northern European tour.
  • Greece: Spreading the Fa and Telling People the Facts

    Practitioners visited Athens and held an exercise demonstration on the street while passing out flyers to introduce the practice to passersby. Many locals and tourists all stopped to ask questions and were shocked and sympathetic upon hearing about the persecution in China. Luckily practitioners had flyers in many different languages to give to the passersby.
  • Article from "The Epoch Times": Lawsuit Against Former Communist Leader Continues, Plaintiffs Say

    'Falun Gong practitioners will appeal the U.S. District Court decision to dismiss a civil lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin for crimes against humanity and genocide, stated their attorney, Dr. Terri Marsh at a recent press conference. The defendant, Jiang Zemin, has tried various ways to interfere with the case, including threatening to impair the relationship between the United States and China.'
  • Germany: Picture Exhibition in front of the Presidential Palace details Jiang Zemin’s Crimes of Genocide

    September 9th was the day when the German president visited China. It was also the day when students from all over Germany who performed well in their examinations were invited to the Presidential Palace. This gave practitioners the opportunity to reveal the extent of the persecution in China and tell more people about the lawsuit against Jiang.
  • UK: Telling Chinese People the Facts at a Moon Festival Party in Leeds

    A man from Mainland China met with practitioners and happily said, “When is your next exercise class? Please phone me and take me there. I want to learn the exercises as well.” A large amount of materials were distributed and looking around, practitioners found that everyone was carefully reading them. In a single evening, nearly everyone received some Falun Gong materials. Someone said jokingly, “I think tonight isn’t a Moon Festival party but a Falun Gong material reading meeting!”
  • France: Practitioners Spread the Fa in l'Ile d'Oleron on the West Coast

    In the intense heat of summer, Dafa practitioners went to l'Ile d'Oleron on the west coast of France. There were many tourists there and practitioners told them the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, as well as demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises. Many people stopped to listen to the practitioners. The following pictures contain images of Faluns.
  • Article from "The Epoch Times": Letter to the Editor - Iceland’s Pendulum Opinion on Luo Gan

    'Steingrimur J. Sigfusson, president of the Green Party, said he would not go to dinner with Luo Gan even if he were invited and that he was very proud of [practitioners' solicitor] Ragnar since this was a very righteous claim, and that it was in his opinion very positive and historical for Iceland in this time.'
  • FDI: Beneath a Façade of Deceitful Propaganda, Genocide Unfolds

    "Soon after he was detained, Mr. Zhang was sentenced to two years at the Mianyang Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province, where he was tortured with electric batons, beaten, deprived of sleep and bound with ropes until he lost consciousness. This torture was administered repeatedly as labour camp guards attempted to coerce him to write a “repentant” statement renouncing Falun Gong."
  • Video: FGM TV News - 04/09/2003

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  • Many People in Finland learn the Truth about Falun Gong

    The next day, many people took leaflets. They told us that they had read the report in newspapers and would like to learn more about Falun Gong. Over one thousand leaflets were handed out in only two hours. One passer-by said, “I watched the report on TV. It condemned the persecution of Falun Gong. We support you.” One boy shouted while pressing his bike bell, “You did a very good job.” An old man took one copy of leaflet and read it. After reading it, he came toward the practitioners and said, “The truth will win. God bless you.”
  • UK: Practitioners Spread the Fa at the Birmingham International Arts Festival

    Tens of thousands of people from all over Britain attend the “Birmingham Arts Fest” every year and this is the second time that UK Falun Gong practitioners have taken part. Practitioners who gave out leaflets were rushed off their feet for the whole day due to the enormous amount of people. Many people came to know the truth about Dafa through this arts festival.
  • A Letter to the Editor of Danish Newspaper “Politiken”: Expelled to an Uncertain Fate

    "In a state where one person can rule everything, it was no use that others in the government were against the ban. Few dare to risk their lives for the truth. Yet this is the choice millions of Falun Gong practitioners face every day, when they, with a knife at their throat, are forced to choose between their faith in Truth, Compassion and Tolerance or captivity, torture and death."
  • Norway: A Weekend of Fa Study and Promoting Falun Gong in two Cities in Southern Norway

    The practitioners divided into two groups: one group stayed in Sandnes and the other travelled to the city of Stavanger, to conduct similar activities. Passers-by learnt how peaceful practitioners are tortured to death, just because they want to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.
  • Spain: Touring the Country to let People know about Falun Dafa (part 2)

    Many people were anxious to know more about Falun Dafa and asked for flyers. When accepting the flyers and looking at them, some people already knew about Dafa and uttered: “It’s Falun Gong, very good!” Some of them also enquired about information on the free classes where they can learn the Dafa exercises.