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DPA: UN Rights Chief Engages China, As Group Sees "Little Progress"
2001-11-09 -
Germany: A Special Worship Ceremony in the Nikolai Cathedral of Leipzig
2001-11-09As the practitioners were leaving, the minister said, "Your speech tonight was very important to us. Thank you."
Judge of Jiangxi Province High Court, Falun Gong Practitioner: Dead in Custody
2001-11-08According to Hu's relatives, Hu had once recovered from leukemia through practising Falun Gong. However, the disease relapsed when he was sentenced to prison and was not allowed to practise Falun Gong. Hu died on March 22, 2001 in Jiangxi prison hospital.
Swedish Foreign Minister: We will not forget about Chinas serious human rights issues, nor will we forget Falun Gong.
2001-11-08 -
SOS March and Free Zhao Ming Rally in Madrid, Spain
2001-11-08 -
Taipei Times: The 'People's Republic of Terror' [Excerpt]
2001-11-08 -
Italy: Regarding the Chinese Foreign Ministrys statement on Anthrax threat.
2001-11-08 -
The first Falun Dafa presentation in Croatia
2001-11-08 -
Major Scotish newspapers continue to report Falun Gong practitioner's appeal events during Chinese Vice President's visit
2001-11-08 -
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Concerned about Treatment of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2001-11-08 -
The Courier and Advertiser [Scottish newspaper]: MP Backing Chinese Case
2001-11-08 -
Encounter with Zhao Ming in the Labour Camp
2001-11-07"Zhao Ming is great," the people who once tried to brainwash him said, "although we brainwashed him in turn, he always replied, 'I'll never waver in my belief no matter what trick you use.'"
Letter from the Danish Prime Minister to the Falun Gong Association in Denmark
2001-11-07 -
2001-11-07It is no secret any longer that the Chinese consular corps no longer tries to hide their attempts abroad to muzzle this peaceful meditation practice of Falun Gong. More often than not they will inundate those Western government representatives who have spoken for the practice of Falun Gong with Communist propaganda.
Explaining Falun Dafa at a Christian-Buddhist Seminar in Denmark