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Italy: Telling the Truth in Milan's Chinatown
2001-11-19At the end of the day, the two policemen from the Milan Police Department also said that they would like to know more about Falun Dafa. Their presence helped us carry out the activities smoothly. It also checked the conduct of those with evil intentions. Here we are sincerely grateful for their work in promoting justice.
GERMANY: More than an exhibition
2001-11-18Zhang Cuiying had to endure eight months of incarceration and torture in various Chinese prisons. She was freed, with the help of her husband and the aid of the Australian government. Mrs. Zhang is an Australian citizen. After regaining her freedom, she and her art have traveled around the world, to bring attention to the plight of the practitioners in China.
Leipzig People’s News: On foot from the City of Borna to the City of Chemnitz, Germany
2001-11-18At their arrival in Borna, the young Chinese became even more aware of the differences between their home country and Germany. While they would prudently avoid contact with any security personnel in their land, they turned to the police in Grimmaer Street for information and assistance. The police officers referred them to a pastor couple, Elisabeth and Martin Roth, who arranged for an overnight stay for the walkers with young people of their congregation.
Germany: Peaceful Appeal Activities in Munich
2001-11-17A tourist from China was shocked upon seeing our exhibition. He videotaped everything and would take the tape back to China to let more people know the truth.
France: Minister of Education Invites Practitioners to Banquet
2001-11-17 -
Falun Gong Activities when Chinese Vice President Hu Jin Tao Visits Germany
2001-11-17The future president of China, Hu Jin Tao, arrived in Germany on 9/11/2001 to present his credentials to the German government. Practitioners in Germany made use of this opportunity to peacefully appeal to Mr. Hu to end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Clarifying the Truth and Spreading Falun Gong to Teachers in My School
2001-11-17In my education programme at my school in Aneby, Smaland, we oftentimes have teachers coming to our class to lecture from other places. As these are precious opportunities, I take these opportunities to give them some information about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China, and also have some conversation about it with those who are interested.
Times of Central Asia Reports on Zhao Mings Case Being Raised by Mary Robinson in Human Rights Talks in China
2001-11-16Another case highlighted was Zhao Ming, 31, a jailed follower of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement who once studied at Dublin University in Ireland, Robinson's alma mater. China's crackdown on Falun Gong ..had led to widespread violations of freedoms of speech and association, Robinson said.
2001-11-16[Police officers] seized material from the Falun Gong supporters, including banners, billboards and photographs. These photos showed atrocities committed against Falun Gong practitioners on the mainland. Some Falun Gong followers were hurt in the ensuing scuffles.
Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurt Chronicle newspaper): The [German] government’s China policies meet with criticism
2001-11-16 -
Graduate of "China's MIT" Tortured to Death for His Beliefs
2001-11-15According to reliable sources inside China, any deaths due to abuse in custody are to be "counted as suicide," the bodies are to "cremated immediately" and the persecutors will not be penalized.
Zhao Mings Case is Broadcast to Millions in Asia through TV interview
2001-11-15 -
Falun Gong Practitioner Tormented by Police, Dies Tragic Death
2001-11-15Sources familiar with Mr. Mo's case say his health was obviously deteriorating, but police refused to release him until he had been coughing up blood for more than ten consecutive days. At that point, witnesses say he could no longer speak or open his eyes, and a hospital examination indicated that he had "lung cancer". He died two weeks later after his release.
SOS-Walk from Berlin to Munich, Germany
2001-11-15 -
Falun Gong Practitioners' Big Parade in Brussels, Belgium