Worldwide News
United States: Chinese Communist Party Governor Does Not Show Up in Washington DC, Fearing Lawsuits
2005-11-01"Huang has played a major role in carrying out numerous acts of torture and genocide in connection with a six year campaign of persecution against Falun Gong practitioners that has been waged by many high-level officials of the Chinese Government..These abuses violate international human rights standards..."
Canada: Deputy CCP Provincial Secretary Sued in Toronto for Persecuting Falun Gong in China
2005-11-01"Lin is regarded as one of the most notorious high-ranking officials. According to a persecution investigation report of the WOIPFG in 2001, Lin went to forced labour camps and brainwashing centres in Siping and Changchun to both direct and participate in persecution."
Malaysia: Practitioners Submit Memo to Congressional Human Rights Committee Calling for Attention to Interference from the Chinese Communist Party
2005-10-31When the chair asked why the practitioners' application for establishing an organisation had been rejected four times, the practitioners provided him with newspaper articles and other evidence which showed that the Chinese embassy was behind the interference. The chair said he would investigate the issue and would raise it with Congress.
Taiwan: Art Exhibit Held at Hualien University
2005-10-31Visitors were drawn into deep thought about the meaning of the artwork. A woman was so touched by the painting "Coming for You" that she had to take a picture of it. It was a painting showing thirty-six western Falun Gong practitioners from thirteen countries unfolding an eight-foot-long banner reading "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance".
Taiwan: Practitioners Hold Photo Exhibition in Taoyuan
2005-10-30"I am yearning for Falun Gong as my friends practise it. It is hard to imagine, without seeing personally, that Falun Gong has spread all over the entire world. Practitioners are involved in a great mission. I am deeply moved. I have observed them for half a day, and I cannot wait any longer. I want to start learning the practice right away."
United States: Practitioners in Dallas, Texas Participate in Asian-American Festival
2005-10-30On October 15th, Dallas practitioners participated in the 2nd Asian-American Festival in Garland. The theme of the festival was to enhance communication between ethnic Asian groups in the US. The festival included a parade, a vendor show and a performance programme. The festival attracted many tourists from all kinds of ethnic groups.
United States: Practitioners in Houston Read Falun Dafa Association Announcement in Front of Chinese Consulate, Call on Chinese Officials to Correct Their Mistakes
2005-10-29At noon on October 21st, practitioners in Houston gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate and read the Falun Dafa Association Announcement in both Chinese and English. They called on Chinese officials involved in persecution of Falun Gong to stop committing new crimes and correct their mistakes.
United States: Enthusiastic Reception for Falun Gong Practitioners at University of Wisconsin Homecoming Parade
2005-10-29Spectators were surprised to see the beautifully decorated Falun Gong float and gave it applause and praise, such as: "It's so beautiful!" "Absolutely beautiful!" Some spectators were already familiar with Falun Dafa and held up their fingers in a V shape wishing practitioners success. Some told Falun Gong practitioners, "Falun Gong is great."
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners in Los Angeles Gather at Chinese Consulate and Call for Officials to Abandon Their Evil Path and Choose to be Good
2005-10-28"From today on, overseas Falun Gong practitioners will file civil or criminal lawsuits against all important government or CCP officials who participate in or continue to implement the persecution of Falun Gong and as a result, commit new crimes in addition to those they have already perpetrated against Falun Gong."
Thailand: Falun Dafa Practitioners Deliver "Falun Dafa Association Announcement" to Chinese Embassy
2005-10-28On October 24th, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioners in Thailand came to the Chinese Embassy to deliver a "Falun Dafa Association Announcement" that was published on October 9th, 2005. The announcement warned those persons who joined the persecution of Falun Gong to stop the persecution, abandon their evil path, and choose to be good, to ensure a future free from punishment for their crimes.
Malaysia: Practitioners Read "Falun Dafa Association Announcement" in Front of Chinese Embassy
2005-10-27At 10:00 a.m. on October 24th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners in Malaysia gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia to read the "Falun Dafa Association Announcement" so as to sternly warn perpetrators who follow the CCP to immediately stop participating in the persecution.
Arizona: Introducing Falun Dafa to Native Americans
2005-10-27The exercise movements attracted many people's attention. A great number of people stared at the practitioner demonstrating them, and some started to copy her movements. More people want to know what this special and solemn practice is and want to know.
Australia: Reading the Falun Dafa Association Announcement at the Conculate in Queensland
2005-10-26Soon after a practitioner started to read the announcement, a spurt of water [most likely from a fire hose] poured down from the roof of the building directly onto the practitioners and their display boards. The practitioners were not distracted by such harassment and continued to read the announcement.
Singapore: Tireless Truth-Clarification Efforts in the Bustling Districts of Singapore
2005-10-26In the bustling districts of Singapore, rain or shine, practitioners have been clarifying the truth to citizens and tourists for 6 consecutive years. A lot of Singaporeans, old and young, have thus directly been exposed to Falun Dafa information. Many people are surprised by the severity of the persecution.
Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners in Australia Read Falun Dafa Association Announcement at Chinese Embassy and Consulates
2005-10-25On October 18th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from across Australia delivered the announcement issued by Falun Dafa Association on October 9th, 2005 to the respective Chinese Embassies and Consulates in their areas. They hoped that those who had once participated in the persecution of Falun Gong could wake up from delusion.