Worldwide News
Japan: Argentine Embassy Official Meets Petitioning Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-12-25On December 19th, officials from the Argentinean Embassy accepted a petition letter from the Japanese Falun Dafa Association, along with materials introducing Falun Dafa and the persecution in China and the English and Japanese version of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.
Canada: Practitioners in Montreal Protest Actions of the Thai Police
2005-12-24On December 15th, Falun Gong practitioners in Montreal went to the Thai Consulate, to appeal against the actions of the Thai police, who, at the behest of the CCP, arrested Falun Gong practitioners
United States: Practitioners in Florida Deliver Letter to Thai Consulate
2005-12-24An assistant to the Consul received practitioners and promised to report to the Consuls. She showed shock at the inhuman deed of police raping female practitioners and also made an appointment for practitioners to meet with Consular officials next week.
New Zealand: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest at the Chinese Embassy for Extending Persecution Outside China
2005-12-23On December 16th, nearly a hundred Falun Gong practitioners in Wellington went to the Chinese embassy in New Zealand to appeal against the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and also appeal against it's extension of the persecution to New Zealand and interfering with citizen's freedom of speech.
Japan: Practitioners Appeal Against Thai Police Complicity in Persecuting Falun Gong
2005-12-23On December 16th, practitioners from Japan went to the Thai Embassy to protest Thai police succumbing to the pressure of Chinese Communist Regime, treating practitioners in Thailand violently. They delivered a letter of protest as well.
Thailand: Practitioners Hold a Press Conference to Condemn the CCP's Violation of Human Rights
2005-12-22On the afternoon of December 18th, 2005, Thailand Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference at the Pinnacle Hotel in Bangkok regarding the incident of the Thai police beating and arresting Falun Gong practitioners under instigation by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime.
Thailand: Authorities Detain Four-Year-Old Girl and her Father
2005-12-22Though immigration officers and policemen all know Kaixin's story, they didn't show any mercy to the little girl. They detained her and her father at the immigration bureau and stated that they would not release any practitioners until another country admits them. They even tried to separate Kaixin and her father.
Thailand: Update on the Situation of Five Falun Gong Practitioners Held in the Immigration Detention Centre
2005-12-21On December 18th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained at Thailand Immigration Detention Centre entered the fourth day of their hunger strike protest. After being told about practitioners weak condition, the police said "We police don't care...If you want, you can die as you wish."
Israel: Practitioners tell the facts to the Thai Embassy
2005-12-21On the morning of the 16th of December 2005, five Falun Gong practitioners went to the Thai embassy in Israel and met with the assistant to the Ambassador to express their concern regarding the incident that, under the Chinese Embassy’s instigation, the Thai police arrested eight Falun Gong practitioners.
Canada: Practitioners in Ottawa Protest Thai Police Violence
2005-12-20On December 15th, practitioners in Ottawa gathered at the Thai Embassy to appeal against the Thai police's violence against practitioners. On December 10th, under instigation by the Chinese Embassy, Thai police officers violently interfered with Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful appeals at the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok.
Argentina: Dafa Practitioners File Lawsuit Against Assailants in Argentina
2005-12-20On December 14th, while conducting a peaceful protest in front of Argentinean Congress against visiting Chinese official Luo Gan, Dafa practitioners were assaulted by thugs deployed by the Chinese Embassy. When the incident happened, Argentinean police stood by and didn't take any action to stop the violence.
Peru: A Parade in Lima Held to Support the Over 6 Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2005-12-19Falun Gong practitioners expressed that the spread of the Nine Commentaries and supporting the resignations from the CCP are to let more people learn about the wicked nature of the CCP. Since communism entered China, it has never stopped killing people.
Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners Call for an End to the Persecution During Wen Jiabao's Visit
2005-12-19On December 13th, Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy to call for an end to the persecution, and at the same time requested the embassy to deliver a letter to Wen Jiabao calling for him to take steps to stop the persecution. The Chinese Embassy refused to take the letter.
Thailand: CCP Instigates Thai Police to Beat and Detain Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-12-18But when practitioners showed their IDs and UN refugee protection letters on this day, the police claimed they were invalid and repeatedly emphasised that Chinese embassy told them to arrest practitioners. After that, they violently dragged and kicked practitioners. They even directly carried a practitioner in sitting meditation position to the police vehicle.
United States: Practitioners in Washington, DC Peaceful Protest Thai Police Assisting CCP in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2005-12-18We request Thai police to release the three practitioners immediately; Thai officials should read the Nine Commentaries to see through the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) so that they take the right actions: Help practitioners to end the persecution rather than listening to its lies and yielding to its pressure.