Worldwide News
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia): Chinese dissidents beaten to death, defector tells hearing
2005-07-28A former police officer in China's Public Security Bureau gave evidence in secret to a Senate committee yesterday on the torture of accused dissidents ... "I used to work in the 610 office and I did not see in person Falun Gong practitioners' deaths. But I saw arrested Falun Gong members and dissidents being interrogated by torture. Basically it was physical punishment using an iron bar to beat them or hanging them from a door or elsewhere in handcuffs for a long time."
United States: The Third Overseas Young Falun Dafa Practitioners' Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Successfully Concludes
2005-07-27On the 23rd of July, the Third Overseas Young Falun Dafa Practitioners' Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held in the Renaissance Hotel in Washington DC. About 300 practitioners, including young children and their parents, attended the conference. The young practitioners' ages ranged from four or five years old to high school teens.
Korea: Practitioners in the Daegu Area Hold Activity to Protest Against the Chinese Communist Regime's Suppression of Falun Gong
2005-07-27The 20th of July marked the sixth year of the unjustifiable persecution against those who practise Falun Gong in China. In order to help stop this atrocity Falun Gong practitioners held a rally on the Daegu Shopping Centre Plaza on the 20th of July 2005, to protest against this awful persecution.
United States: 2005 Washington DC Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Successfully Held
2005-07-26On July 23rd, the Washington DC Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held, with nearly four thousand Falun Gong practitioners from around the world in attendance. As there was such a large number of practitioners, the conference was held simultaneously in two hotels in downtown Washington.
Malaysia: Practitioners Hold a Candlelight Vigil on July 20th
2005-07-26July 20th, 2005, marks 6 years since the persecution of Falun Gong began. Practitioners in Malaysia held a candlelight vigil in Taman Jaya Park, in memory of the 2691 Falun Gong practitioners who have been brutally tortured to death in China. They also exposed the CCP's senseless persecution.
United States: On July 20th, Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Large-scale Rally in Washington DC, People from All Walks of Life Show Support
2005-07-25In order to expose and condemn the Chinese Communist Party's brutal persecution of Falun Gong, and to call for an end to the persecution, at noon on July 21st, 2005, on the western lawn of Capitol Hill, Freedom House, Friends of Falun Gong and the Falun Dafa Association - jointly held a "July 20" anti-persecution rally.
Korea: To Mark the Sixth Year of Resisting the Persecution, Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Large-Scale Parade in Seoul
2005-07-25"Jiang Zemin gave an order six years ago to implement a policy of 'defaming their reputations, bankrupting them financially and destroying them physically' in dealing with Falun Gong practitioners. He promised to eliminate Falun Gong within three months ... but the persecution has failed."
New Zealand: Falun Dafa Invited to Participate in the Victoria University Arts Festival
2005-07-25On July 6th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from Wellington, New Zealand accepted an invitation from Victoria University to participate in the arts festival organised by the university. At the arts festival, practitioners set up a booth. Some practitioners demonstrated the exercises while others distributed leaflets and other materials about Falun Gong, and introduced the practise to people who were interested.
United States: On July 20th, Practitioners Gather in Front of the Chinese Consulate in New York to Call for an End to the Persecution
2005-07-24On July 20, 2005, from 6pm until 9pm, Falun Gong practitioners in New York City gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate to call for an immediate end to the brutal and senseless persecution of Falun Gong, which has now lasted for six years. Practitioners peacefully practised the exercises and held banners.
Korean Citizen's Wife Released from a Chinese Labour Camp and Arrives in Korea
2005-07-24Guo Binghao and Gao Chengnu were married on May 18th, 2003, in China. As Ms. Gao was preparing to emigrate to Korea, the Chinese Police Department refused to issue her a passport because she would not renounce Falun Gong. On May 7, 2004, she was abducted and detained in the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp.
ABC Online (Australia): Chinese defector appears at US hearing
2005-07-24"To the United States now, where Chen Yonglin, the Chinese diplomat who defected to Australia two months ago, has given evidence to the US Congress about the methods used by Chinese authorities internationally, to crack down on the Falun Gong movement which is banned inside China. Mr Chen was invited to appear before a House of Representatives' Human Rights Committee to elaborate on his claim that China harasses and spies on members of the spiritual movement. And one Republican congressman at the hearing described his testimony as explosive ..."
United States: On July 20th, Falun Gong Practitioners from Around the World Gather in Washington DC to Oppose the Persecution
2005-07-23On July 21st, more than a thousand Falun Gong practitioners from around the world gathered in the US capital to hold a series of activities including a parade and candlelight vigil, to expose and condemn the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP.
Canada: Exposing the Truth on Parliament Hill on July 20th
2005-07-23On July 20th six years ago, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) headed by Jiang Zemin launched a large-scale persecution campaign against Falun Gong. According to data from the Minghui website, news from various channels has confirmed that 2711 Falun Gong practitioners have died as a result of persecution over the past six years.
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Gather in front of the Chinese Consulate in Osaka
2005-07-23July 20th marked the sixth year of the CCP's persecution of Falun Dafa. Practitioners from Kinki gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in Osaka to urge the CCP to stop the persecution, and call for the consulate staff to learn from Chen Yonglin in Australia and break with the CCP to choose a bright future.
Taiwan: Press Conference for Global Mission to Rescue Orphans of Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death
2005-07-22The Falun Dafa Association of Taiwan held a press conference calling for the Chinese Communist Party to release 255 orphans of Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death. Mr. Huang Guohua and his daughter Huang Ying, victims of the persecution in China, were on site to narrate their suffering in China.