Worldwide News
Western Standard (Canada): Revolution Number Nine
2005-07-15Guo Guoting is not so much happy to be in Canada as he is relieved. And he says he's not going back to China--at least not anytime soon. The 46-year-old lawyer from Shanghai flew in to Ottawa on May 20, travelling on a visitor's visa, ostensibly to attend a meeting. The real reason he's here, he says, is because he's fleeing persecution in his home country ... Because of his work, he says, police have raided his office and seized his computer, the state suspended his law licence, and on March 10, he was put under house arrest.
United States: "Rescue Falun Gong Children" Benefit Concert Opens in New York
2005-07-14On the evening of July 9th, at the Tribeca Performing Arts Centre in downtown Manhattan, artists who cultivate Falun Gong reenacted in an artistic manner the tribulation endured by children amidst the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The audience was moved by the performances and occasionally, weeping could be heard. During the intermission, many people's eyes were red from crying.
Taiwan: A Falun Dafa Club in an Elementary School
2005-07-14I'm an elementary school instructor in Taichong County. We have the students read Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Dafa] and teach them to do the Falun Gong exercises and follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance in their daily lives. Education is a very important link for laying a solid moral foundation for children.
Australia: Justice vs Coercion and Discrimination - Sydney University Upholds Its Principles
2005-07-13The incident is in line with allegations by Chinese defector Chen Yonglin of a general pattern of harassment and monitoring of Australian Falun Gong practitioners by Chinese Government agents, and thus the Australian media outlets and public are very concerned with how the CCP has infiltrated Australia to harass local residents.
Japan: Falun Dafa Association and Attorney Hold Seminar on Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2005-07-13On the afternoon of July 2nd 2005, the Falun Dafa Association of Japan and the plaintiff's attorney for the lawsuit filed with the Osaka Local Court against the chief perpetrator of the persecution of Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin and his accomplices. Some plaintiffs narrated their suffering from torture in China, leading to lively discussion.
United States: "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance" Art Exhibition Held in Manhattan Federal Building
2005-07-12The "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance" International Art Exhibition was held for three days in the Manhattan Federal Building. It was held by the US Eastern Falun Dafa Association and the Falun Dafa Practitioner Art Centre. The federal building hosts 8,000 federal government employees and is located in an important place in New York City.
Canada: Practitioners Take Part in Calgary Stampede Parade
2005-07-12The Calgary Stampede began on July 8th in Calgary, Alberta, an important city in western Canada. In the grand parade as part of the opening ceremony, Falun Gong practitioners' outstanding performance was once again warmly received by spectators and highly praised by the organisers.
United States: Practitioners in Georgia Take Part in the Largest Independence Day Parade in the Southeast
2005-07-11The largest annual Independence Day parade in the Southeast was held in Atlanta on July 4th, and Falun Dafa practitioners were once again invited to participate. Last year, when practitioners were invited to participate for the first time, they deeply impressed the organisers and spectators with their entry.
Saipan: Practitioners Take Part in Independence Day Parade
2005-07-11To celebrate the United States' Independence Day, Saipan holds an annual parade on July 4th. Saipan Falun Gong practitioners have participated in this parade for four consecutive years. The practitioners' procession this year featured a waist-drum troupe and a troupe of dancers in Tang Dynasty costume.
Singapore: Practitioners Protest CCP's Murder of Gao Rongrong
2005-07-10When the appalling photos of Ms. Gao Rongrong's disfigured face was first published on the Clearwisdom website in May 2004, the whole world was shocked. Despite subsequent international concern about Ms. Gao's case, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) still brutally persecuted Gao Rongrong to death.
United States: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution at the Eno River Festival
2005-07-10During the 3-day Independence Day weekend, the 26th Annual Eno River Festival was held in Eno West Point Park in Durham City, NC.Falun Gong was invited to the festival again this year. The practitioners prepared many materials and display boards. The focus this year was to rescue Falun Gong orphans in China.
The Epoch Times: Former Chief of Shengyang Justice Bureau speaks of his exile
2005-07-10The CCP's persecution of innocent and kind Falun Gong practitioners made me feel even more hopeless. Acting out of sympathy with them and following my conscience I made use of the power I had to lighten their suffering as much as possible. What I could do was very limited, and could not ease my guilt. I felt ashamed living that way. This was the real motive behind my leaving the CCP. I gave up my high post and good salary without hesitation and came to Canada in September 2001.
United States: California Residents Thank Practitioners for Bringing Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to Their Independence Day Parade
2005-07-09Falun Gong practitioners from the North California Bay Area were invited to participate in the annual American Independence Day Parade. They displayed Falun Dafa's greatness to the local people, who gave the practitioners a warm welcome, saying, "Welcome for bringing us Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."
Indonesia: Health Care Magazine Invites Practitioners to Introduce Falun Gong at Anniversary Event
2005-07-09To mark its anniversary, Senior magazine held an activity entitled, "Ways of Health Care." Several dozen health care companies attended the event, including companies providing health care with herbal medicine, qigong, and other means. Indonesian Falun Gong practitioners were the only qigong group that offered free instruction.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Grand Independence Day Parade in Washington DC
2005-07-08On July 4th, Falun Gong practitioners from the New York Metropolitan and Washington DC areas participated for the fourth time in the Independence Day Parade held on Constitution Avenue in the capital city of the USA. They displayed the wonder of Falun Dafa to local people and visitors, and were well-received.