
  • Ms. Huo Shuxiang Dies Due to Persecution in Heilongjiang Province

    On June 27th, 2007, police arrested Ms. Huo Shuxiang when she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. She was detained for fifteen days and extorted of 1000 yuan. After she was released, her family strictly monitored her, as they were fearful that Ms. Huo would be arrested again. Her family didn't let her study the Falun Gong teachings or do the exercises. Under the heavy pressure from her employer and family, she became ill. She died on November 23rd, 2008, at age 48. Her child is still young.
  • Retired Schoolteacher Ms. Chen Guiqin Dies From Torture--Nine Family Members Persecuted

    58-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Guiqin was arrested and sentenced to two years at the Harbin Drug Rehab Re-education Centre in Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province. The police interrogated Ms Chen through the night and the next day. Female officer Wen Xiaohui then attacked her and threw her to the ground. She pulled her up by her hair, and forced her to stand facing the wall with her head bowed and body bent for a long time. Due to torture, her health deteriorated, and she died on January, 6th, 2004, after being released. Nine family members, including her four children and her husband, were also subjected to severe torture and harassment.
  • Friends and Family Arrested While Practitioners on Trial in Heilongjiang Province

    On November 28th, 2008, four practitioners were tried in Xi'an District Court in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province. The use of cruel torture was revealed to the court. One of the ways Mr. Li Yongsheng was tortured by domestic security officer Peng Fuming was "Tying the ropes". Mr. Li was also brutally beaten. The Court did not allow spectators to sit in the courtroom for this public trial, and guards chased away all the families who were waiting outside the court. Officers from Domestic Security ordered several dozen police officers to arrest the families and fellow practitioners of the defendants. At least 37 people that were outside the courtroom have gone missing. Some have been taken to a detention centre.
  • Please Help Free My Mother, Ms. Ma Lingxian

    The Chinese Communist Party began its persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. As a result, my mother, Ms. Ma Lingxian, was subpoenaed twice, fined three times, her salary reduced, her promotions were cancelled twice, detained three times, and her home was ransacked seven times. She was sent to the Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp and was harassed numerous times by officials. All this took its toll on both my mother's psyche and our family's finances. On July 19th, 2008, my mother attended her first class reunion in 30 years in Xichang City. She was arrested again after only two days. The reason was that during the Olympics, the local government had to keep "sensitive" individuals under surveillance to prevent any public appeals.
  • Practitioner Mr. Guan Ziping from Lanzhou City, Gansu Province Imprisoned for 7 Years

    On November 7th, 2000, Mr. Guan Ziping was arrested by police officers when he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. He was imprisoned for 7 years, from 2000 to 2007. He was once hung in the air by a pair of handcuffs and tortured for over ten days. Guards used electric batons to electrocute Mr. Guan in the head, neck and other parts of his body. In order to get him to do hard labour and to attend various prison activities, the guards forced him to sit on a stool for several days without letting him sleep, shone a several-thousand-watt light bulb in his eyes, and poured cold water on his head.
  • Ms. Wang Haitian is Arrested in Luanda County, Hebei Province

    On November 23rd, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Haitian and another practitioner went to Madamiao Village to distribute Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. They were reported to the village committee and police. Approximately four or five police officers arrested the two practitioners. Ms. Wang and another practitioner were taken to an office of the County Domestic Security Division. Police asked Yin Yulan, the deputy director of the county 610 Office, to come to torture them. The police claim that on November 23rd, 2008, they took Ms. Wang to another place, but no information or details were available.
  • Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Personnel from Fuping County, Baoding City, Persecute Three Older Practitioners Prior to the Olympics

    On July 11th, 2008, 57-year-old Elementary School teacher Yang Shengli and retired teacher Sun Mingrong 58, a couple, were getting ready to go to their son's wedding. In the evening, over 20 policemen together with some people from the Datai County government stormed into their home, confiscated their property and arrested them. Sun Mingrong was imprisoned in a forced labour camp for three months and was injected with unknown drugs. After the injection Sun could not recall what happened afterwards. Arriving at the forced labour camp Sun regained consciousness but was not able to walk. Yang Shengli was imprisoned in a detention centre for two weeks and was then sent to the County Hospital under house arrest. On September 1st, Yang was released but is still being monitored.
  • Older Practitioner Mr. Zhao Guoji Dies After Being Detained in Majiaping Prison, Sichuan Province

    On March 17th, 2007, police arrested Mr. Ma Guoji, 63, and took him to the district detention centre. During the time Mr. Zhao was being interrogated, doctors at the hospital diagnosed him with a bone tumour and hypertension. He should have been released for hospitalization, but the Bazhou District Court still sentenced him to five years in prison. As a result of the detention and brutal mistreatment, Mr. Zhao Guoji could no longer walk, was emaciated, and could not take care of himself. In order to shirk responsibility, prison administration officials took him home on March 20th, 2008. He died on October 18th, 2008.
  • Ms. Li Junxia Dies Following Severe Persecution

    Practitioner Ms. Li Junxia, 42 years old, lost her permanent job during the persecution, was forced to flee her home to avoid being arrested, was arrested multiple times and detained, and was twice sentenced to forced labour for two and a half years. She was arrested in July 2008 when she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. At the brainwashing centre she suffered a mental collapse as a result of the persecution. Ms. Li was released after the Olympics ended. Her mental state was not stable and she would often speak nonsense. On November 7th, people found Ms. Li Junxia lying on the cement ground under her home window on the fourth floor. People called for an ambulance, and she died at the hospital.
  • Ms. Zhang Hejun Severely Tortured: Feet Fractured, Fingers Burned, Force-fed Hot Peppers

    On April 11th, 2008, I was arrested by police officers. They were afraid that I would escape so they broke my right foot. When I arrived at the National Security Division office, four strong men stripped me of my clothes and handcuffed my hands to the back of a chair. They force-fed me something that immediately made my lips swell and become numb. To prevent me from crying out, they covered my mouth with a rag. Then, they force-fed me chilli pepper powder, red flower oil (burning herb extract), boiling water, and inserted dirty water through my nose. They also used toothpicks to put chilli pepper powder up my nose, which hurt very badly. I was in so much pain and could hardly breath, then these four men grabbed my legs, two men on each side and pulled them apart.
  • Ms. Liu Wanqiu Emaciated and Mentally Affected as a Result of Torture, Brainwashing Centre Officials Refuse to Release Her

    At the end of 2005, Ms. Liu Wanqiu was arrested while she was handing out leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and taken to the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre. The guards hung her upside-down to the door frame in a confined cell. Only when her legs began to fester and start to suppurate did the guards let her down. During her time at the labour camp, she was forced to do hard labour--failure to produce would lead to beatings and abuse. In order to reach their objective of forced "transformation" of practitioners, the camp guards savagely beat her with truncheons until her face was disfigured.
  • Young Mother Detained at the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, Now Reduced to Skin and Bones

    The 610 Office in Lechang City ransacked 30-year-old practitioner Ms. Gong Xuejun's house and forcibly took her to Lechang Detention Centre on August 19th, 2008. Later, Ms. Gong Xuejun was taken to the Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp. When her relatives visited Ms. Gong in the camp they could hardly recognize her. Because Gong Xuejun had been tortured, her weight had dropped from 49kg to 30kg (approximately 108 lbs to 66 lbs) within one month. She was nothing but skin and bones. Her eyes were sunken and her hair had been cut short and was in disarray. Upon seeing her shocking condition, Ms. Gong's relatives were in tears.
  • Mr. Xue Chaoyang and His Wife from Xiao County, Anhui Province, Held in Longshanzi Detention Centre

    Mr. Xue Chaoyang and his wife, Ms. Sun Xuanjun, both Falun Gong practitioners were detained at the Longshanzi Detention Centre in Xiao County. The police extorted money from the family. His family now has have no source of income and their life is very difficult. The authorities refused to allow his parents to see Mr. Xue. When Mr. Xue's mother missed him so much that she went to the Xiao County Police Department to inquire about him, Officer Li Wangang pounded on the table to frighten her and drove her off.
  • A Mother In Her Eighties Calls for Help to Rescue Her Persecuted Son

    On May 8th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Song Bangfu drove to Guiyangerqiao to visit a friend. Police officers were waiting for him. They beat him mercilessly in front of hundreds of neighbourhood residents. The police tried to force him to confess to crimes he didn't commit by torturing him day and night, without letting him have a moment of rest. After that, Mr. Song was held at the Lannigou Detention Centre in Guiyang, where the torture continued close to death. In June, he was secretly sentenced to two years of forced labour and was sent to the Zhongba Forced Labour Camp. Since Mr. Song was arrested, his mother has not been allowed to see him.
  • Ms. Yu Guohua Severely Wounded Due to Persecution in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province

    On October 22nd, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Guohua explained the facts about Falun Gong to her former colleague, Hu Jingkui. Hu reported her to the police. On October 23rd, police broke into her workplace and arrested Ms. Yu. As Ms. Yu attempted to escape, she accidentally fell from the third floor and was severely injured, her heel and pelvis fractured. Ms. Yu is currently hospitalized. Her family has been persecuted without reason by police. This persecution has destroyed both Ms. Yu's health and the family's savings.