
  • Policemen in Tangshan City Imprison a Family of Four

    On July 10th, 2008, Ms. Zhang Yueqin, her husband He Yixing, their daughter He Yan and son-in-law Sun Fengli were all arrested by police in Tangshan. The police broke into Ms. Zhang's residence, breaking their windows and doors. They searched her residence, took many valuable personal belongings and more than 600,000 Yuan cash. They were all locked up in the First Detention Centre in Tangshan. A team of people from the Hebei Provincial 610 Office came to the detention centre to brainwash all four of them. In July, Ms. Zhang was the first of the four who was subjected to the torture method "Death Bed". On August 13th, the authorities at the Detention Centre refused to allow the lawyer to see Zhang Yueqin and He Yixing. Their excuse was that they had orders from higher authorities.
  • 36-Year-Old Ms. Fan Yanli Dies after Being Detained in Henan Province

    Ms. Fan Yanli, 36, lived in Nanyang City, Henan Province. On April 24th, 2008, she was arrested along with more than a dozen other Falun Gong practitioners in one of their homes. The police ransacked her home, and she was detained in the Nanyang City First Detention Centre for more than six months. Due to the hard labour, malnutrition, lack of sleep, and constant threats, she became very weak and often vomited. On October 9th, Wolong District Court put Ms. Fan Yanli on trial. She died on October 27th, 2008.
  • Mr. Ouyang Zhandong of Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region Is in Critical Condition as a Result of Abuse

    Mr. Ouyang Zhandong, a Falun Gong practitioner, is in critical condition due to the abuse he endured in Baoding Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province. He suffered a stroke due to high blood pressure, which was the result of relentless persecution. He is now paralysed and bedridden. The forced labour camp officials have refused to release him and have refused to let his family or his lawyer see him. Mr. Ouyang is currently detained in Balizhuang Forced Labour Camp. His elderly mother learned of his critical condition and wanted to visit her son, but her request was turned down by labour camp officials.
  • Mr. Lu Yuexin and His Wife Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison, Leaving 12-Year-Old Son at Home

    Mr. Lu Yuexin and his wife Ms. Huang Manping were arrested on March 5th, 2008 because they continue to practise Falun Gong. The police drove seven cars to Ms. Huang's home and ransacked it. They have been held at a detention centre since the arrest. The Lanshan County Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Court sentenced the couple to seven years in prison. The couple's 12-year-old son is left without his parents' care.
  • Mr. Li Gu of Nanchang City Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison

    Mr. Li Gu, a Falun Gong practitioner in his 30s, was arrested when he went out at night to distribute Falun Gong materials at the end of January 2008. He was incarcerated in the Nanchang City Second Prison until he was later sentenced to eight years in prison by the Superior Court at Qingshanhu in Nanchang City. He was savagely beaten and his family was denied visitation. His wife was also arrested and incarcerated in the Nanchang City Second Prison.
  • Accounts of Persecution Taking Place in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp of Jilin Province

    Mr. Xie Xue, 60, was transfered to the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp on August 29th because he refused to write statements renouncing Falun Gong. He was tortured in the strict discipline division. This practitioner has had a stroke and one side of his body doesn't function well. Practitioners are forced to get up at 4:00 a.m. and sit on the floor facing a wall, with their backs straight and hands behind their backs. They sit in the same position until midnight except when they are in the toilet or having a meal. During the disciplinary period, practitioners are only given half a steamed bun, half of a bowl of rice or vegetable soup for each meal. They are held at the strict discipline division until they write statements renouncing Falun Gong.
  • Police from the Public Security Bureau in Jiansanjiang, Heilongjiang Province Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

    On March 21st, 2008, five Falun Gong practitioners from Jiansanjiang, Heilongjiang Province were arrested and taken to the local police station, when they were explaining the truth about Falun Gong to people at the Qinglong Mountain Farm. That night, practitioners Mr. Shi Mengwei, Mr. Chen Dong and Mr. Tian Baoyu were locked up separately, and mercilessly beaten by seven or eight policemen. When the policemen became tired, they took a break by interrogating Ms. Yu Fengxian and Ms. Sun Yan, and then continued beating the three male practitioners. The next day, these practitioners were transferred to the Qianjin Farm Detention Centre.
  • Ms. Wang Kaibi from Cangxi County, Sichuan Province Is Severely Tortured and Develops Physical and Mental Problems

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Kaibi was arrested by people from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and sent to the Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp in Zizhong in January, 2007. She became disoriented and developed problems during her incarceration. During her detention, the authorities subjected Ms. Wang to sleep deprivation, struck her in the head, kicked her, and stomped on her legs. Seven to eight people took turns torturing her. Guards all beat her. She still often feels dizzy, her memory is very bad, and her eyes feel pressure.
  • Ms. Liu Yurong from Linghai City Sentenced--Now Detained in Shenyang Prison

    Ms. Liu Yurong was sentenced to six years in prison by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She is currently being detained at the Shenyang Prison. Following her arrest in May for practising Falun Gong she was held in a detention centre. she showed signs of a stroke from the persecution. She was unable to get out of bed. The police ordered her family to give them 800 yuan, but still didn't allow them to visit her. When Ms. Liu Yurong's mother saw how the persecution had damaged the health of her daughter, who was previously very healthy, the older woman broke down and burst into tears.
  • 50-Year-Old Ms. Zhou Yuntian Dies Shortly after Being Transferred Out of Shanghai Prison General Hospital

    Ms. Zhou Yuntian, 50, was taken from the Changning District Detention Centre to the Shanghai City Zhoupu Prison General Hospital on August 6th, 2008. She fell unconscious on the morning of August 7th. The doctors diagnosed her, saying that she had no hope of survival. That same afternoon, the prison administration processed her paperwork so that she could be bailed out on medical parole within two hours. On August 8th, she died only three minutes after being taken to an outside hospital. Her son is currently still detained in the Changning District Detention Centre. The details are yet to be investigated.
  • Older Ms. Zhang Qiuhong Dies in Anhui Province As a Result of Persecution

    On June 21st, 2008, police stormed into 60-year-old Ms. Zhang Qiuhong's rented room and forcibly arrested her. Ms. Zhang went on a hunger strike to protest, and her life was subsequently in danger. The police took her to the Hefei City First Hospital. They finally agreed to let her obtain a guarantor for her pending trial on June 30th, 2008, after she passed out 19 times. She was finally checked out of the hospital on July 17th. In late September two agents from the Luyang District Court came to her door again, and forced her to sign her name to prove she was home. Ms. Zhang died on October 18th as a result of the continued persecution.
  • Ms. Zhou Dongying Repeatedly Arrested and Tortured

    Ms. Zhou Dongying, fifty-three years old, is a Falun Gong practitioner in Yueyang. She began to practise Falun Gong at the end of 1997. After Jiang Zemin, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] ordered the government to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, Chinese Communist Party personnel have persecuted her many times. In 2005, she was held in a detention centre for brainwashing sessions. She went on hunger strike to resist the persecution, and developed intestinal bleeding. They sent her to the First Municipal Hospital and forcefully injected her with unknown drugs to further persecute her. The brainwashing centre officials told the doctor that she had a mental illness. She was given electro-shock therapy. Finally Ms. Zhou began to go into convulsions.
  • I Was Imprisoned and Persecuted Three Times at Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province

    In 2000 I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Because I stated the truth-- "Falun Gong is truly good"--I was sentenced to one year of forced labour and taken to Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou City. Because we did not capitulate or cooperate with the authorities, we were severely tortured. Some of us were deprived of sleep for the whole night; some were handcuffed and forced to stand on their tip-toes, causing their hands to bleed; some passed out from being handcuffed; some were put in solitary confinement, and some were forbidden to use the toilet. Some practitioners went on hunger strikes to protest. The police got four to five people to hold one practitioner down and force food into her mouth with a thick bamboo tube while pinching her nose shut.
  • 69-Year-Old Ms. Liu Xiaolian Dies after Being Injected with Toxic Medication and Brutally Beaten in Hubei Province

    In April 2006, Ms. Liu Xiaolian, 69 years old, distributed fliers with information about Falun Gong and was arrested by police informants. Police took her to a psychiatric hospital. Ms. Liu was tortured for over two years with poisonous injections and medication, high-voltage electric baton shocks and insults from male mental patients. She was released in August 2008, only when she was on the brink of death. Ms. Liu died on October 26th, 2008.
  • 75-Year-Old Mr. Liu Tianhou Dies in a Sichuan Province Forced Labour Camp

    Mr. Liu Tianhou, 75, was arrested and detained ten times for his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. After he was detained, Mr. Liu's wife lost her caregiver and died on February 16th, 2008, broken-hearted. Mr. Liu died on October 27th, 2008, in Wumaping Forced Labour Camp. In 2006 police ransacked Mr. Liu's home. He was arrested and publicly tried. When court officials asked Liu Tianhou why he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution he said, "I did what I did because I read the truth about the harvesting of organs from living practitioners in Sujiatun Concentration Camp, and it's really inhuman. I spoke out for justice for Falun Gong so that the evildoers would stop persecuting good people." He sentenced to three years of forced labour.