Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mr. Yang Guiquan Dies in Custody in Liaoning Province
2009-07-28Mr. Yang Guiquan, 45, was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in a shopping mall when he was reportedly arrested by police on June 20th, 2009. The police locked him up in the Xindi Detention Centre. His family went to request his release but the police refused their request. Mr. Yang began a hunger strike when he entered the detention centre, and was brutally force-fed by the guards. On July 5th, Mr. Yang appeared to be very ill, and was taken for emergency treatment to the Fuxin City Mining General Hospital, where he died at 3:00 p.m. on the same day. His family was notified that his "death was due to a heart attack".
Why Have So Many Happy Families Been Destroyed?
2009-07-28Because he refused to give up Falun Gong, Mr. Zheng Zhi, who used to live in Liaoning Province in China, was placed on the "Wanted Criminals" list by the regime. He was forced to leave his new-born child as well as his wife, who had given birth just 20 days before. He received United Nations refugee status in Thailand and was given permission to move to Canada. He said, "I still vividly recall the way I felt when I was forced to leave my family behind. I didn't know if I would ever see them again. Because I refused to give up practising Falun Gong, all my family members were punished because of their association with me. The cruellest persecution is the abuse of one's soul."
Harbin City Police Conspire with the Local Court System to Prevent Practitioner Li Zhigang from Receiving Legal Defence
2009-07-28The police department, the local procuratorial system, and the local court system in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province conspired to prevent Falun Gong practitioner Li Zhigang's defence lawyer from mounting a legal defence to prove his innocence. Li's legal counsel is a conscientious lawyer from Beijing. He received a notice from a so-called prosecutor named Song Chengzhang of the Nangang District Court on June 17th, 2009. According to the notice, the court was going to conduct the trial for Li Zhigang's case at 9:00 a.m. on June 22nd. The lawyer then travelled from Beijing to Harbin and appeared at the Nangang District Court on June 22nd. On that day, Song told the lawyer, "The city sent out an ad-doc notice. It said that this case is a special case and the trial will not take place today after all.
Commemorating Mr. Lu Zhen, a Falun Gong Practitioner Greatly Admired by Everyone Who Met Him
2009-07-27I was shocked to hear that fellow practitioner Mr. Lu Zhen had been tortured to death, I was speechless and choked up. How can this be possible? Mr. Lu Zhen, that young, healthy, talented man who nobly spoke out for justice for Falun Gong--how could he have "become mentally disordered and died?" Unless he had been overworked in a forced labour camp and tortured physically and mentally, what else could be the reason? In present day China, those that have participated in persecuting practitioners must know how ridiculous, unreasonable, and miserable this persecution is. What a bitter tragedy!
Ms. Tian Yunrong's Health Failing as a Result of Abuse in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province
2009-07-27Ms Tian Yunrong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Changchun City, Jilin Province, has been imprisoned in the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province since August 26th, 2008. She has been horribly mistreated. Between February 13th and 17th, 2009, Ms. Tian was forced to work beyond her physical endurance making various products. The most difficult work, which nobody liked to do, was to colour a kind of butterfly. She was forced to do it. In the end, she was not even able to raise her arms. She reported this to the authorities quite a few times and requested to be released unconditionally, but her requests were rejected time and again.
Practitioners Tortured in Shandong Province Second Forced Labour Camp
2009-07-27The guards in the Second Forced Labour Camp, Shandong Province, have tortured Falun Gong practitioners for a time. On May 4th, 2008, prisoners Gao Wei and Yang Bo were supposed to be released. Guard Sun Fengjun told Gao and Yang to help "transform" Mr. Sun Yugen, a Falun Gong practitioner, who was taken to the camp not long ago. Gao and Yang beat and kicked Mr. Sun until he was on the ground, moaning in pain. The two threatened Mr. Sun that they would beat him like that every day if he continued to refuse to "transform." Mr. Sun was beaten so badly that he had difficulty breathing and eating. He then signed the three statements denouncing Falun Gong against his will.
Sixty-Year-Old Ms. Teng Wenzhi from Dalian City Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Regime
2009-07-27Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Teng Wenzhi, 60, was arrested by the Chinese Communist regime's police, and she was sentenced to three years in prison. During the time Ms. Teng was held in prison, police, along with 610 Office personnel, tried to locate and arrest her husband as well. During the long-term persecution by the Chinese Communist regime, Ms. Teng's husband's health deteriorated, and he passed away on December 24th, 2007. The couple did not get to see each other before he died.
Mr. Li Hongkui Suffered Seven Years of Torture and Persecution During Two Jail Sentences
2009-07-26Mr. Li Hongkui remained steadfast in practising Falun Gong and suffered brutal persecution in jail for the past seven years. In May 2004, Mr. Li Hongkui put up some Falun Gong banners in a park and was kidnapped by police. They handcuffed Mr. Li Hongkui's hands to a steam-heating pipe and shocked him with electric batons repeatedly. Three men beat him madly from 10 p.m. until noon the next day. His face and eyes turned black and his body was covered in black and blue. He sustained several fractures to his ribs. He felt great pain whenever he breathed. He suffered pain all over his body and his clothes were torn apart.
Persecution of Yao Rongzhen's Family by Kunshan City 610 Office in Jiangsu Province
2009-07-26Falun Gong practitioners from Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, Ms. Yao Rongzhen, her blind son Wang Chao and daughter-in-law Xie Hongmei were severely persecuted by the local 610 Office, a gestapo-like agency set up specifically to carry out the persecution of Falun Gong. Police interrogated Yao Rongzhen and Xie Hongmei in turn. Yao Rongzhen didn't cooperate with them and policeman Zhou hit her face several times. Her mouth bled and six of her teeth were loosened. A 610 Officer repeatedly hit Xie Hongmei's face and damaged two of her teeth. Police handcuffed her hands behind her back and lifted them upwards. This torture method is called "Airplane Flying." They threatened her and tried to force her to sign a confession made up by police.
A Good Person Is Persecuted to Death; a Great Spirit Remains in the World Forever
2009-07-26In July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to brutally persecute Falun Gong. Ms. Guo Henghong went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong a few times and was arrested, detained, brainwashed, tortured, and beaten by the police. Guo Henghong went on hunger strike many times in the detention centre to protest the persecution and demand the restoration of Falun Gong practitioners' good reputation. Her longest hunger strike lasted for nine days without eating and drinking anything, but the police from the 610 Office, the national security team, and the detention centre not only did not release her, but tied her to the long bench, fixed her hands and feet, and force-fed her food through a thick, long rubber tube. The brutal persecution caused her death in July 2002 at the age of 36.
Seventy Year-old Ms. Li Mengshu Dies as a Result of Imprisonment in Sichuan Province
2009-07-26Ms. Li Mengshu, 70, went to a small town to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, and was reported and arrested by police. She was detained in the Jianyang City Detention Centre. Her family went to request her release, but Domestic Security refused them. Ms. Li's husband could not take the stress. He got sick and died on April 22nd, 2007. On June 8th, 2007, Ms. Li was sentenced to three and a half years in prison and sent secretly to the Chengdu City Women Prison. The guards did not allow her to practise Falun Gong and brutally tortured her until her life was in danger several times. The prison had to take her home in January 2009. She died on April 21st.
Ms. Chen Hongyu Severely Persecuted at Jilin Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-07-25In May 2009, Ms. Chen Hongyu and her husband were arrested for practising Falun Gong. Ms. Chen was sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp and is being detained in the Six Division of Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp. She has been subjected to severe abuse and torture in detention. After Ms. Chen was sent to the forced labour camp, she firmly resisted the persecution and refused to write a "guarantee letter" to renounce Falun Gong, do forced labour, or wear the prison uniform. The two guards used two electric batons to shock her neck. Later, guards ordered prisoners to hang Ms. Chen by the arms from a bunk bed, with her two arms pulled straight and only her toes touching the ground. She was kept in this position from 6:30 a.m. to 12 midnight, the intense pain making Ms. Chen sweat profusely.
Practitioner Li Ziran Suffers Torture in Wanglin Prison in You County, Hunan Province
2009-07-25Since July 20th, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Gong began, Li Ziran has been arrested six times by the 610 Office, the National Security Bureau, and the Public Security Bureau. On four separate occasions, he suffered such torture and mistreatment in detention that his life was in danger. He has also been placed under house arrest. In Wanglin Prison, his health continued to deteriorate and he became very weak in 2007. The guards still forced him to do intensive labour such as stringing light bulbs and sweeping the floor. Li Ziran went on a hunger strike for four days. A guard kicked Mr. Li to the floor and ordered three or four inmates to brutally force-feed him. Using a hard plastic tube, they forcefully pried open his mouth and force-fed him.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Liang Keming
2009-07-25Since Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Liang Keming has been arrested and detained by the police many times. In February 2001, the police broke into his home and detained him in the Loudi City Detention Centre. Later he was sentenced to seven years in prison and finally released in February 2008. However, Mr. Liang is again subjected to persecution by police and was arrested again on June 25th, 2009. Now he is detained in the First Detention Centre of Loudi City.
Hou Jingtao from Mudanjiang Tortured to Mental Collapse in 2001
2009-07-25Hou Jingtao, a Falun Gong practitioner from Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, was sent to Jixi Forced Labour Camp and tortured to the point of mental collapse. He was forced to go through brainwashing sessions and sit on a narrow bench for eight hours each day, with only a few minutes allowed for toilet necessities. In a so-called "physical examination," Hou Jingtao was secretly injected with nerve-damaging drugs. Soon after that, he started to appear to be mentally disordered.