Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Torture Methods Used by Beijing's Liqiao Police Station to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

    "In autumn of 2001, I went to Tiananmen Square to validate the Fa and was arrested. I was then sent to Liqiao Police Station in Shunyi District, Beijing, where I suffered brutal torture. Electric Shock: My experience - When being shocked, I felt that my heart stopped beating, and I felt suffocated ( it was like being strangled). It felt as if all my blood was frozen, all my pores had expanded at once and I broke out into a sweat all over my body. It was extremely uncomfortable and painful and cannot be described in words."
  • Elderly Women Hung up Outside Overnight in Subzero Beijing Weather

    "I'm an elderly woman who practises Falun Dafa. Like other practitioners, I once went to Tiananmen Square. As soon as I unfolded a banner, the policemen came over to grab me. They knocked me to the ground and dragged me to a police car. I was sent to a detention centre. Police dragged all the practitioners outside. The temperature in Beijing was -20 degrees Celsius yet they ordered us to remove all our clothes, bend over and submit to the "flying an airplane" torture while we stood on the icy ground with our bare feet."
  • 50 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Jiwu from Liaoning Province, Dies From Long-Term Persecution

    Mr. Zhou Jiwu, 50, lived in Liaoning Province. Wujiabao Forced Labour Camp, a Brainwashing Centre and a Detention Centre persecuted him over a long time, solely for refusing to renounce Falun Gong. On top of that, the township officials hired one of his neighbours to monitor him. Given this long-term persecution, both his body and mind suffered extensive damage. He died from suffering such injustice on the evening of November 5, 2004.
  • Four Practitioners Tortured to Death

    It has come to light that these Falun Dafa practitioners were all tortured to death between May 2000 and December 2004, all because they remained true to their faith in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance: 65 year old Ms. Huang Laiyu from Fujian Province, 60 plus Mr. Hu Yinhai from Hubei Province, 38 year old Mr. Wang Yanqing of Liaoning Province and 60 year old Mr. Wu Shuyun from Dalian City.
  • Inhuman Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners Suffer at Dalian Forced Labour Camp (Re-enactment Photos)

    The Dalian Forced Labour Camp is vicious in persecuting Dafa practitioners. The camp staff members attempt to humiliate and destroy the practitioners mentally and physically. Tortures commonly used are Beating with A Nail-Studded Wood Plank; Sexual Assault; Tied-up in the Double Crossed Leg Position and other excruciatingly painful punishments.
  • Qiqihar Labour Camp Guard: "Deaths from Beatings Are Counted as Suicides!"

    On February 16, 2004, the guards at Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province read materials that defamed Falun Dafa loudly and attempted to force the practitioners to write the Three Statements. Because the practitioners refused, their hands and feet were shackled onto the iron chair and ropes were tied around their limbs so that the practitioners could not stand, sit or squat. Then the guards would order their assistants to pick the practitioners up by the ropes and drop them on the floor. They also yelled at the practitioners, "We have contacted the cremator. If you die from this, it will be counted as suicide."
  • 74 Year Old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Xu Zongying Dies as a Result of Persecution

    74-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Zongying passed away on March 20, 2004 after enduring frequent harassment and threats from local authorities. Her daughters Chang Xueling and Chang Xuexia, also Falun Gong practitioners, are currently being tortured at the Dalian City Forced Labour Camp. Xu Zongying's daughter-in-law was also fired by the Dalian Port Corporation for practising Falun Gong, which added to her stress.
  • 72 Year Old Mr. Xu Shijie from Sichuan Province, Died in 2003 after Years of Harassment by the Police

    Mr. Xu Shijie was a 72 year old Falun Dafa practitioner who lived in Sichuan Province. After the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners began in 1999, Mr. Xu's three daughters went to Beijing to speak out about the truth of Falun Gong. Because of this, they were arrested, sent to a forced labour camp and over 16,000 yuan was extorted from the family by the local police.Mr. Xu was also detained without any legal procedures for over 20 hours. He was worried about his daughters and was constantly harassed by the local police for a long time. As a result, he passed away on October 8, 2003.
  • Mr. Cai Yun from Xinjiang Province Died in 2001 as a Result of Torture at the Changji Forced Labour Camp

    Mr. Cai Yun was a Falun Gong practitioner aged 30 from Xinjiang Province. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, he and other practitioners wrote a letter of appeal to the central government. As a result, he was arrested and sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp. Because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Gong, he was brutally tortured, suffering severe injuries to his kidneys and an extremely swollen abdomen. He was sent home yet passed away on September 29, 2001, leaving a wife and 3 year old child.
  • Ms. Hao Guanglan from Shandong Province Suffered a Mental Collapse from Torture and Died in 2001

    Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Hao Guanglan, from Shandong Province, was arrested and sent to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp on November 5, 2000. Ms. Hao was tortured until she suffered from a mental collapse. On March 16, 2001, the Labour Camp called her family to pick her up. When her husband and younger sister went to pick her up, they found that her whole body was swollen, covered in bruises and that she had a blank stare in her eyes. On her wrists, there were two deep purple bruises from the handcuffs. She never recovered from her mental collapse, even after many treatments in hospital. On December 5, 2001, she died, apparently after falling out of a building.
  • Mr. Zhu Xianshu, a Retired Official from Sichuan Province, Was Persecuted to Death in 2002

    Mr. Zhu Xianshu, a retired official from Sichuan province, regained his health after practising Falun Gong. After July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's regime persecuted Zhu mercilessly. The police and others frequently subjected him to brainwashing, threatened to harm him further if he did not give up the exercises and confiscated all of his Falun Gong books. After that, he did not dare to do the exercises, and he had a heavy burden on his mind. He passed away in September 2002.
  • Mr. Wang Jinbo's Life Is in Imminent Danger Due to Persecution at Zhangyanggou Forced Labour Camp

    On November 13, 2004, when Wang Jinbo's family went to visit him he was carried into the meeting room on someone's back. The family asked what had happened, and Wang replied that his legs were numb, he 'couldn't walk, and he was' short of breath. After organising transport his family took him to the hospital. Examinations revealed that Mr. Wang had a lung infection, rapid heartbeat, a cyst in the brain area, and blood abnormalities, all due to the persecution he had endured in the labour camp. The family requested that the authorities release Wang for treatment at home, but their request was rejected.
  • The Persecution Destroyed Ms Fu Guanmin's Family

    Ms. Fu Guanmin was a teacher in Sichuan Province who practises Falun Dafa. Since the persecution started in July 1999, she was detained in a detention centre until she was bailed out for medical treatment. She was sacked from her job and constantly harassed by police. Her husband, whose health had improved through the practice, became afraid due to police intimidation and stopped practising Falun Dafa. His health then declined and he passed away, leaving his wife with no income and a son still in school.
  • Atrocities at the Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin

    At Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin City, Falun Dafa practitioners detained are forced to do the most filthy and labour intensive jobs. They were also insulted and abused continuously by the prison guards and criminals. The main job in the camp is to grade and sort dried beans. Steadfast practitioners, some over 70 years old, were forced to carry 50 - 60 kg (1 kg = 2.2 lb) bags of seed, and they were forbidden to stop and rest or to help each other. When everyone finished the day's work, some were tortured, being forced to stand in a painful position until midnight or later.
  • More Information about the Death of Practitioner Pan Jianjun from Hunan Province

    Hunan Province Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pan Jianjun was 33 years old when he died on January 23, 2004. It has been recently discovered that he was tortured to death in Wangling Agricultural Prison, Changde City. Pan Jianjun's mother was deeply grieved by the persecution her son suffered and thus fell seriously ill. She passed away in July of 2003. His father cried for his son's death for three days after hearing the news. 'Then he suffered a stroke and was paralyzed. Since Pan Jianjun was detained, his family lost their source of income. The whole family suffered as a result of the persecution.