Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Persecution by Jiang Zemin's Regime Has Taken My Elderly Uncle's Life
2004-12-24"Uncle Wang was from my hometown. He was suffering from bone marrow cancer. Doctors considered him terminally ill and sent him home to die. One day a neighbour, a Falun Dafa practitioner, told him miraculous stories of Falun Gong and brought him a book. That day was a turning point in his life. He accepted the principles of Falun Dafa and thus his health and character improved dramatically. When the persecution of Falun Dafa started, my Uncle Wang gave up practising out of fear. His old bad habits and ill health returned, he went to hospital and never came out. My Uncle Wang left us in sadness and sorrow. It was Jiang Zemin who took away his life."
Memories of 51 Year Old Ms. Li Ling, a Practitioner from Liaoning Province
2004-12-24Due to inhuman and long-term persecution, practitioner Ms. Li Ling died on November 17, 2004, at Liaoning Province Women's Prison. Ms. Li was only 51 years old. Not long before her death, Li's husband visited her at the prison, he found her hair was very long and almost white. Although her body was very weak due to torture she had received, she remained steadfast in her faith. Upon her death, during discussions with the prison officials, her family members told the officials that they knew Li was tortured to death, although she had not committed any crime.
Practitioner Han Ye from Shenyang City Passed Away As a Result of the Persecution in 2003
2004-12-23Falun Gong practitioner Han Ye, was a resident of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. He had suffered from a blood disorder since he was young. He told of the drastic improvement in his health in order to testify to the goodness of Falun Gong. He went many times to appeal to the Liaoning provincial government and to peacefully appeal in Beijing. However, he was arrested many times. To avoid harassment and arrest, he was forced to leave his home and become homeless. Han Ye's health deteriorated and his old health problems reappeared. On January 23, 2003, he passed away.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Yongqi from Jilin Province Dies Within Three Days of Being Sent to Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2004-12-23Falun Dafa practitioner, Mr. Liu Yongqi from Baishan, Jilin Province died from the consequences of brutal torture on December 13, 2004 at the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province. This happened on the third day after he was unlawfully taken there for custody. He could be heard shouting "Falun Dafa is good" throughout the whole night, before his death. The details of the tortures Mr. Liu Yongqi had to suffer before his death are not yet available as the labour camp authorities have blocked any information regarding Mr. Liu's death.
Mr. Luo Xiaolong from the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Died in 2003 as a Result of the Persecution
2004-12-23Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Luo Xiaolong from the Xinjiang Autonomous Region was about 29 years old and had lived in Shihezi City. Between 2001 and 2002, he was arrested by police, along with practitioner Wang Jianhong, for distributing a lot of Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He suffered brutal tortures and was later sentenced. In about July 2003, as Luo Xiaolong was at the brink of death, the prison had to allow him to go home for medical treatment. He died soon after he returned home.
Information about Two Hebei Province Female Practitioners Who Died in 2003 as a Result of Persecution
2004-12-23Ms. Wang Xiping, 42 years old, lived in Hebei Province. She was incarcerated in a labour camp and detention centre, cuffed with 20 pound shackles, and brutally beaten. She suffered from poor health after she was released, and died on May 23, 2003. 63 year old Ms. Yan E'zi also came from Hebei Province. In December 2000, she was arrested and detained in the county detention centre for more than 14 months. She was severely persecuted both mentally and physically and was emaciated. Authorities extorted 2,000 yuan from her family before she was released. After she returned home, she was not able to recover from her state of poor health, and died on October 10, 2003.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Guoshun from Fujian Province Died in Custody
2004-12-22Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Guoshun from Fujian Province was arrested on August 23, 2004 while passing out truth clarifying materials. He went on hunger strike to protest the persecution, and the doctors at the Minxi Prison Hospital, along with the police, ignored his deteriorating condition. He died on October 14, 2004.
Practitioner Jiang Yanqing from Shenyang City Died after Extended Police Harassment
2004-12-2250 year old Mr. Jiang Yanqing, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shenyang City, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2000 and was arrested. During the following two years 2000 and 2001, he was detained at three labour camps. He suffered extreme tortures wherever he was incarcerated. In one instance, police knocked out some of his teeth. In May 2004 he suddenly fell into a coma and never regained consciousness. Twenty days later, he passed away.
Young Female School Teacher Liu Weishan Became Mentally Disabled as a Result of the Persecution
2004-12-22Ms. Liu Weishan was a young schoolteacher. She was well known for her kind heart among her colleagues, and the students loved her. Ms. Liu was imprisoned on trumped-up charges. Since she refused to plead guilty, prison guards brutally tortured her. After two years in prison, we recently learned from someone at the Wuhan City Women's Prison that Ms. Liu Weishan became mentally disabled from the abuses she suffered.
Atrocities Committed During the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp's Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-12-22Entering the gate of the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in the city of Harbin means a series of harsh trials and tribulations for Falun Gong practitioners. The first is being forced, under the pressure of torture, to write the so-called "Three Statements." During the past five years, some Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to the point of mental collapse, some became disabled, and some were tortured to death.
Hebei Province Former Workshop Director and Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xu Xiuzhi Died as a Result of the Persecution
2004-12-21Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Xiuzhi from Hebei Province was 49 years old. As a result of abuse and torture she experienced in a labour camp in July 2004, she became paralyzed in her lower body. Ms. Xu Xiuzhi passed away on August 8, 2004.
More Facts about the Death of Mr. Wu Junyang, a Falun Gong Practitioner from Liaoning Province
2004-12-21Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Junyang was from Liaoning Province. He was arrested in September 2004 and detained in a police station. On November 26, 2004, Mr. Wu Junyang was sent by police officers in an ambulance to the hospital. He had been tortured so severely that he had bruises all over his body and had lost consciousness. When the family hurriedly arrived at the hospital, Mr. Wu was lying on a hospital bench in the corridor. When they came up to him to see what had happened, the police officers took the opportunity to escape, leaving them with no one on whom to pin responsibility. He died at the age of 30.
63 Year Old Practitioner Mr. Qi Zhongquan of Hubei Province Dies from Persecution
2004-12-21Mr. Qi, 63, was from Wuhan City, Hubei Province. One evening in October 2001, he and his wife (also a practitioner) went to post truth-clarifying signs on the streets. They were caught by police and taken to a Detention Centre. He was tortured, became emaciated, and his old illnesses he had had before he practised Falun Dafa resurfaced. Even after he was released police harassed him at home. He was so badly stressed from this treatment that his health drastically declined. On March 2, 2004, Mr. Qi Zhongquan died.
Dafa Practitioner Shi Chunde Disabled from Torture in Huludao City Labour Camp
2004-12-21Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shi Chunde from Liaoning Province, persisted in practising Falun Gong. So he was arrested and put into a labour camp. Mr. Shi suffered inhuman tortures, which led to severe disability as a result. He has lost feeling in his lower body. Shi Chunde is still haunted by pain in many different places in his body. From the time he wakes up, he is in pain all day long. He has lost the ability to do any work and it is difficult for him to walk. Sometimes he cannot maintain his balance and falls.
33 Year-Old Practitioner Mr. Zhang Jun from Liaoning Province Died From Persecution
2004-12-20Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Jun from Liaoning Province was savagely tortured by the authorities for persisting in his belief. He was held at the Dalian City Forced Labour Camp. Police They handcuffed him to a heating pipe and shocked him with electric batons. They tried to force him to give up Falun Gong practice, to curse Dafa and write a "Guarantee Statement," but Zhang Jun refused. After he was released he was constantly harrased by police and died in October 2004.