Brainwashing Sessions Used to Intensify the Persecution of Practitioners in Hunan Province Women's Prison
2005-07-20These practitioners are forced to carry out slave labour every day. They have to peel broad beans for more than 10 hours every day, leaving them very little time to rest. When some practitioners resisted the slave labour, the prison guards used all kinds of methods to torture them. The practitioners experience intense mental persecution when they are brainwashed day and night.
Several Practitioners Arrested and Subjected to Brainwashing in Anhui Province
2005-07-09On April 19, police officers came and took Ms. Dai Gouqin, over 60 years old, away. Ms Dai protested with a hunger strike and was then taken to Heifei City No. 8 Hospital and given an injection against her will. The authorities failed to extort a "hospital fee" from her family members, so they had to release her. At 9:00 a.m. on May 8, about five or six officials again broke into her home and took her to the brainwashing centre.
Brainwashing Methods used in Shiliping Forced Labour Camp: Beating, Torture, and Psychotropic Drugs
2005-06-21Police officers in the Shiliping Forced Labour Camp, Zhejiang Province persecute detained Falun Gong practitioners using various torture methods, including injecting them with psychotropic drugs. The labour camp seeks to brainwash each newly arrived practitioner. The tactics they use are solitary confinement, beatings and drug injections. The police set the standard for determining that a practitioner has been "transformed" when there is a visible mental collapse. If a practitioner isn't affected mentally, the police would not consider the practitioner to be transformed.
One Hundred Days of Persecution at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-05-26"A police officer searched my home, found Falun Dafa books and leaflets exposing the persecution. I was arrested and sentenced me to two years in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. The police officer threatened, "The guards at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp are reincarnated ghosts from hell!" In Masanjia I had to endure intensive brainwashing. There were many consecutive groups, one after the other, who tried to brainwash me. I was forced to get up early and come to the classroom, where collaborators surrounded me and tried to confuse me with distorted ideas. Each day from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., except for meal times, they approached me in groups and tried to brainwash me, yet they could not "reform" me."
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Die Following Brainwashing
2005-04-30Ms. Liu Xianglan, 61, was from Beijing. In March, 2002, Ms. Liu was arrested by police. She was detained, cursed, beaten, and tortured. She refused to give up cultivation, and the 610 Office arrested her and took her to a brainwashing class held at the police academy. She subsequently suffered symptoms of a stroke. The police did not release her, and she died.
Practitioner Ms. Cheng Qiaoyun Is Tortured to the Point of Mental Collapse
2004-08-31Ms. Cheng Qiaoyun, living at the No. 9 Oil Extraction Plant in Daqing City, was an employee of Jiulong Corporation.Officers in the Daqing City "610 Office", abducted Ms. Cheng and sent her ton a Brainwashing Class in Daqing. The authorities tortured Ms. Cheng repeatedly until she was close to death. After Ms. Cheng was sent to the hospital for several days of emergency treatment, they brought her back and continued to torture her. Forty days later, having suffered all kinds of mental and physical tortures, Ms. Cheng's mind became unclear. She would eat rice with sand in it, didn't say a single word, and didn't sleep the whole night.
Dafa Practitioners Brutally Persecuted at the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Centre (Photos)
2004-07-0518 year old high school student Ms. Zhang Conghui was expelled from school because she clarified the truth about Falun Gong at school. Later she was detained at a detention centre and brutally tortured and made to undergo brainwashing. There are scars all over her body and hands from the torture she suffered. After two months of torture, she was released. Right now, she has a dull look, and she exhibits mental confusion. Her mental capacity is just the same as a child of two or three years old.
Shizishan Labour Camp for Drug Addicts in Hubei Province Stages TV Shows to Deceive the Public
2004-06-27One afternoon in May of 2001, a show was staged and filmed by the Shizishan Labour Camp for Drug Addicts in Hubei Province. Ms Liu Shengli, who had given up her belief in Dafa under duress, was putting on an act talking with Dafa practitioner Ms Deng Taoying as if she was concerned about her. At the same time, Ms Yan Ting, who had also been forced to give up her belief in Dafa, was pretending to talk to her mother on the telephone in Shandong Province. After editing and dubbing, the videotapes were made into a special TV news programme to show how Shizishan Labour Camp "cares, educates, helps and saves" Falun Gong practitioners.
Tragedy in the Classroom -- The Attack on the Chinese Educational System Resulting From the Persecution Policies By Jiang and His Followers Against Falun Gong (I)
2004-06-11In the beginning of 2004, Jiang Zemin encouraged his confidant, Chen Zhili, the current Secretary of the Department of Education, to start a campaign throughout the nation's educational system under the slogan, "Fight the XX (slanderous words omitted) and Alert the Educational System!" Chen Zhili created the slogan, "Fight the XX," to defame Falun Gong. This is the second time that Jiang and his followers have attempted to poison and corrupt Chinese youth since 2001, when they conducted the "One Million Signature" campaign to attack Falun Gong.
Illegal Agencies Established to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in the Shengli Oilfield, Shandong Province (Photos)
2004-05-16The "610 Office" directed Shengli Oilfield to hold three brainwashing classes. Since 2000, these classes have been used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale. Dafa practitioners are abducted and held for long periods of time at these classes, and forced to watch and listen to Dafa-defaming materials. They are forced to write the "Three Statements" to renounce their belief in Dafa, their salary is reduced or withheld from them, they are beaten, some are sent to mental hospitals, some are force-fed, sent to additional brainwashing classes in Wangcun, sent to forced labour camps, and the authorities assert pressure on their families.
Ms. Wang Shupei Persecuted by "610 Office" Staff to the Verge of Death in a Zhaoyuan City Brainwashing Centre
2004-05-04Dafa practitioner Wang Shupei, is a 46 year old woman living in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. On February 25, 2004, Wang Shupei approached the Linglong Brainwashing Programme to explain the facts of the persecution of Falun Dafa to the director there, Ms. Song Shuqin, hoping that she would stop ordering persecution against Dafa Practitioners. Song Shuqin not only didn't listen to Wang, but also asked some guards to detain her in the brainwashing centre, and they also subjected Wang to brainwashing using force in order to get her to renounce her belief in Falun Dafa. This began a round of torture until she had to be admitted to a hospital for emergency treatment. She is currently on the verge of death.
Shanghai City "Law Education School:" An Isolated Prison Used to Torture and Brainwash Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-11Although Shanghai City Law Education School is called "law education," all the means and tactics used there are unconstitutional and shameful. In actuality, it is a place used specifically to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners. Dong Naiqian, a Shanghai "610 Office" is a leading person stationed in the brainwashing centre. He clamoured, "I am just evil. I am living very well. You can do nothing to me."
Announcement by China Mental Health Watch: Investigating Mental Torture and Misuse of Mental Institutions in the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-04-03Ever since the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners began on July 20, 1999, the media and human rights organisations around the world continuously reported on the Chinese Government's cruelty towards Falun Gong practitioners, including psychiatric abuse. According to incomplete data, about 1,000 healthy Falun Gong practitioners were forcibly sent to mental institutions, and many were forcibly injected with psychotropic drugs. They received forced electro-shock and some were tied up and force-fed for long periods of time. At least 10 practitioners died from this type of maltreatment. Many of these practitioners were held in hospitals for as long as two and a half years. At least ninety mental institutions in China participated in this particular part of the persecution.
The World Psychiatric Association Will Investigate Psychiatric Abuse against Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-03-31According to the message sent out through an NGO established last year in New York, China Psychiatric Watch, that Further to last month message, a plan for WPA and SP joint meeting (visit) in Beijing on April the 4th 2004 was accepted by the Chinese Minister of Health and the CSP for examining the records, interviewing patients and their families or doctors who were involved in the examination of those patients after obtaining their consent and access to what is required for those cases that allegedly were subjected to psychiatric abuse.
Guangdong Province Undergraduate Student Forced to Leave School and Sentenced to Jail for Thirteen Years
2004-03-20Chen Nianqiang is now the party secretary of Guangdong Industry College. Since July 20, 1999, he has closely followed the Jiang Zemin regime in slandering and attacking Falun Dafa in staff meetings, and in playing a role to brainwash Falun Dafa practitioners. In particular, the party secretary of the Navigation College at the university, Zhong Pan, had forced 11 students in his college who were Falun Dafa practitioners to go through brainwashing so that he could gain political capital.