After Four Years of Relentless Torture, Ms. Zou Yuyun is forced into Guangzhou Brainwashing Class
2003-10-07In early 2000, while walking to Beijing, she was arrested and sent to the Chatou Female Labour Camp in Guangzhou City, where she was unjustly detained for one year. Because she refused to denounce Falun Gong, her term was extended by ten months. At the end of November 2002, on the same day she was released, the Street Committee and Security Office outrageously took her to a brainwashing class using the excuse that she refused to give a written promise not to practise Falun Gong. In the days that followed, Zou Yuyun was detained in various brainwashing classes in the city.
Ms. Jiang Jing Tortured in Dungeon and Drugged in Mental Hospital in Qingdao, Shandong Province
2003-10-06It was dark and damp in the basement, and there were no beds or blankets. Following the orders of higher officers, the policemen made her squat, and did not allow her to sit on the floor. It went on like this for 20 days. The police even forcibly took Jiang Jing's clothes away. With little clothing to cover her body, she could only squat on the cold cement floor. If she sat down, the police scolded and cursed her.
Despicable Tactics Used In Baiyin City Brainwashing Centre
2003-09-27The evildoers in this the centre force practitioners to read materials that defame Dafa and to view Video CDs that slander Dafa in attempts to brainwash them. They force Dafa practitioners to memorize the content of defamatory posters on the wall. If the Dafa practitioners refuse to co-operate, they threaten that "they would use extreme measures.
Exposing the Lies Published About Practitioner Xu Chuanli in the "Laiwu Daily"
2003-09-16The false report stated: "The factory management and concerned organizations treated the task of the educational transformation (Editor's note: a euphemism for "brainwashing") of Xu Chuanli as their top priority political mission. They persuaded Xu patiently and with earnest words." In fact, this was a blatant violation of a citizen's freedom of belief.
Cigarettes Used to Burn Fingernails and Pliers to Crush Fingers in Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre
2003-08-29She was hung with her hands tied behind her back before being sent to a brainwashing centre. All her fingernails were burned by cigarettes and had turned dark purple. She could not raise her arms after being hung and both of her hands turned dark. After witnessing the situation, a young female accomplice (those who are hired or assigned by work units to monitor practitioners closely) could not help crying.
Injection with Unknown Substance at Brainwashing Centre Causes Mental Disorder
2003-08-29At the brainwashing centre in Maoming City, Guangdong Province, an unknown substance was injected into the heads of determined Dafa practitioners. As a result, many practitioners suffered from mental disorder and could not even stand up. Some of the practitioners were later illegally sent to the Sanshui Labour Camp in Guangdong Province.
Officials In Henan Oil Field Force Dafa Practitioners into Brainwashing Classes
2003-08-21The party general secretary, Wang Lingkui, and the "610 Office" head, Qi Gang, tried to force her, but failed. When it was near 11 am, they called to report to the oil field public security bureau, which sent some policemen from the Security Team to Wang Wanrong's house. Wang Wanrong was forcibly dragged to a car by four people and sent to a brainwashing class held by the Nanyang City Cadre School of Politics and Law.
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Uses Cruel Means in Attempt to Brainwash Over 1300 Imprisoned Dafa Practitioners
2003-08-20In the 2nd Female Brigade of Masanjia Labour Camp, more than 1300 Dafa practitioners are illegally detained. Instigated by the directors of the camp, Su Jing and Wang Naimin, the prison guards are committing criminal offences in persecuting Dafa practitioners. The methods they use are extremely cruel.
Chinese Government Official's Own Words: "As Long As Jiang Zemin Is In Power, Lies Rule the Country"
2003-08-09Practitioner Yin Xiaoxia said, "You want me to lie! Isn't that deceiving people?" Chen Chuanwei said, "You must say it, no matter if you want to or not. We will throw you into prison if you speak the truth, and we will let you go home if you lie. Let me tell you, as long as Jiang Zemin is in power, lies rule the country."
Critical Situation of Dafa Practitioner Suffering Inhuman Torture in Wuhan City
2003-07-31Yan Jin was handcuffed to the window post, with his feet barely touching the ground for a prolonged period in that mosquito-infested facility. He was not allowed to rest and was subjected to continuous torture. They forced him to watch anti-Falun Gong propaganda. Yet, Yan Jin stood resolutely in his faith to practise Dafa. He has been jailed and tortured for more than a month in the brainwashing centre, and his current situation is very critical. We appeal to all kindhearted people all over the world to be concerned about his case.
Behind the Sinister Doors of Wuhan City Brainwashing Centre
2003-07-12Behind the gate, a banner deceptively proclaims: "We touch people's innermost feelings, we persuade them with reason and we joyfully educate people". In reality, secret torture and cruel acts against kindhearted Falun Dafa practitioners occur here on a daily basis. The first floor of the building is the office area, the second floor is used to detain women, and the third floor is used to detain men, all of them Falun Gong practitioners.
Lanzhou University Assistant Professor Suffering Abuse at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre
2003-07-09Early on the morning of November 24, 2001, the City Police Department and the University security department broke into Bao's home to forcefully take him away. Under this pressure, Bao jumped out of the building in order to escape and broke his leg in the process. He was hospitalised as a result. After he came back from the hospital, the university kept pressuring him to give up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and even threatened to fire him.
Wuhan City Brainwashing Centre Abducts and Brutally Tortures Over 100 Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-07-07Jiang utilised his power and all the propaganda machinery and public opinion tools in the country to carry out vicious defamation against our most respected Teacher and Falun Gong, and to deceive people throughout China. To promote justice and safeguard the truth, I, as one of millions of Falun Gong practitioners, and using my personal experiences of suffering during the persecution, and the facts of the persecution against my fellow practitioners that I have witnessed, request that Jiang Zemin and the "610 Office" be tried in the international court.
An Account of How The Persecution Has Devastated Family and Village Life
2003-06-14Because of this incident, my family members began to oppose my practising Falun Dafa. Although they knew that my health improved because of the practice and I persistently clarified the truth to them, they refused to listen to me and even became violent. They slapped me, threw me against the wall, and even attempted to throw me down the stairs. My neighbour witnessed this violence and said, "Isn' Falun Gong really good? Her two sons and husband beat her up like that, but she didn' fight back at all."
Inhuman Abuses of Practitioners at Chongqing City Brainwashing Centres
2003-05-30When practitioners held hunger strikes to protest the abuses, guards would tie their hands and feet, or send the practitioners to mental institutions for force-feeding. The "teachers" (the authorities at the Centre) squandered the money confiscated from Dafa practitioners on vacations, fine dining and gambling.