Hainan Female Forced Labour Camp Physically and Mentally Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-01-26Practitioners went on hunger strikes as a last resort to protest their unjust treatment. In dealing with practitioners who went on hunger strikes, they would cruelly force-feed them with a thin porridge containing a very highly toxic concentration of salt. This forced the practitioners to drink a lot of water and caused their legs to swell up.
Child Left to Fend for Herself: Parents Tortured in Brainwashing Centres
2003-01-24A responsible member of Lanzhou City's Political Consultative Committee was stripped of his position, arrested numerous times, detained and his wife forced to become homeless. Had he committed any crime? Had he become corrupt? Did he abuse his position? No - He aimed to live a virtuous life and to conduct himself according to a high moral standard, as the principles of Falun Dafa require. For this he was punished in a despicable way, and his family torn apart.
A Human Tragedy: Husband Suffers Mental Breakdown After Brainwashed Wife Recommends Torture for Him
2003-01-16She sent letters suggesting that the leaders in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp adopt the methods used in the Women's Labour Camp, including electric shock, physical punishment, psychological abuse and sleep deprivation, to force Lin to give up his belief. This shows how vicious and inhumane those brainwashing sessions are, that they could make a person who used to strive to be compassionate into someone who would persecute her own husband.
Dafa Practitioner Arrested For Revealing the Truth About Slanderous CCTV Propaganda Programme
2003-01-08He was kidnapped by Chinese officials and taken to the so-called "Law Education and Training Centre" in Hebei Province. The centre is nothing but a brainwashing centre in disguise. The centre used every way in order to forcibly brainwash him. Wang suffered four months of severe mental torture and anguish.. He frightened and panicked the authorities by clearly and succinctly exposing the lies broadcast by the programme.
Hellish Beijing "Law Education Centre" Torments Dafa Practitioners
2003-01-08A female practitioner continued to practise Falun Gong after being kidnapped by the police and taken to the centre. Five or six policemen fiercely beat her up. Even the gate guards secretly admitted that those policemen were acting like beasts. She would not give up her belief in Falun Gong, so the police poured cold water on her in the freezing weather. At midnight, the police brutally tortured her and people often heard her horrible and painful screaming.
Widespread Abuses of Dafa Practitioners in Baoding City Brainwashing Centre
2003-01-04Gao declared, "If you do not reform, I will kill you." They kept torturing me, without restraint, until I lost consciousness. Both of my legs could not squat down for half a month as a result of the horrific torture. They beat me for several days. My face became swollen and my teeth were broken. I could not eat for half a month.
Pingdu City Policemen Kidnap Over Thirty Dafa Practitioners and Force them into Brainwashing Classes
2002-12-25Before the Chinese Communist Party's 16th Congress, Pingdu city police orgainsed a mass arrest of Dafa practitioners who were imprisoned in brainwashing centres. Without legal charges, policemen abducted practitioners from their homes or concealed themselves in areas where practitioners often passed by, and then ambushed them.
Dafa Practitioners Brutally Beaten at a Brainwashing Class in Shandong Province
2002-11-29Because she resisted brainwashing, Liu Yaohua was beaten very badly. Her head and face became swollen and unrecognisable...Lin Shuxi and Liu Cuihua beat her until her nose and face were bruised and swollen. She lost consciousness many times and couldn't eat for over forty days. The beating caused her to vomit and gave her a concussion.
Brainwashing Centre in Zhangbei, Hebei Province Kidnaps and Brutalizes Pregnant Practitioners
2002-11-21Two of the female practitioners that were kidnapped and taken to the brainwashing center were pregnant. One of them was secretly sent to the Gaoyang Brainwashing Centre where she suffered all kinds of severe torture and abuse. She was beaten so badly that her cervical vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae were dislocated and she couldn't move...They then took her to a hospital and tried to force her to have a C-section. The doctor, however found three uterine tumours, and her life would have been in danger if a C-section was attempted.
Terrible Cries of Pain Heard From Fujian Province's Minxi Prison
2002-11-13In the room, the police would play brainwashing videos 24 hours a day and not let the Falun Gong practitioners sleep. At the same time, they would roughly tie the practitioners' hands behind their backs, forcing their arms high up to the windowsill. Many of the Falun Gong practitioners screamed in pain during this mistreatment.
An Account of Criminal Activities by the Heads of the Brainwashing Class in Chengdu City
2002-10-31The authorities hired thugs to beat firm practitioners, including elderly people in their 70's. Seventy-four-year-old Jiang Zhenmei was pulled downstairs, badly kicked and beaten.
Resisting Brainwashing in Shenzhen City With Righteous Determination
2002-10-04The police used beating, solitary confinement, sleep deprivation, and other horrible means to force him to give up his faith in Falun Dafa. He did not falter in his steadfast belief.
Brainwashing Class in Wuhan City Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-09-06According to Falun Gong practitioners who were persecuted there, personnel used sleep deprivation, forced standing, exposure to burning sunshine, and beatings, to torture Falun Gong practitioners. Some practitioners were deprived of sleep for eight continuous days and nights.
Compassion of Practitioners Changes Attitude of Staff at Brainwashing Class in Wuhan City
2002-08-25One employee said, "Before coming here my supervisor said I was not allowed to talk to you. But we think that what you say is quite reasonable. Dafa is so good. We would also like to learn it."
Massive Arrests and Brainwashing Classes in Fuyu County, Heilongjiang Province
2002-08-23"If anyone dares to write, "Falun Dafa is Good," I will break off their nails."