Personnel from the Brainwashing Class Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners to Disability
2003-05-18The police often put the steadfast practitioners into handcuffs, after which they would be hung by their wrists and beaten. Some practitioners were struck to the point that they were nearly unconscious, but the police still would not stop. Police would only stop when they were exhausted. Many practitioners were beaten to disability, and their hands were often fractured from the beatings.
Let's Work Together to Prevent Myschool.Net from Spreading Lies about Falun Gong Which Would Poison Students in China
2003-05-16At present, with the widespread of SARS in Beijing, all the elementary and secondary schools in Beijing have cancelled classes for two weeks and the education department in Beijing has started to promote tele-eduction. However, on the website that was just set up, an article using a pupil's writing was published to viciously attack Falun Dafa and its practitioners. It is obvious that Jiang's regime won't even spare innocent children in its persecution of Falun Gong!
Former 'Collaborator' Suddenly Wakes Up and Sees Clearly the Evil of Jiang's Regime
2003-05-08I had just sat down in a restaurant when I was arrested along with other fellow practitioners. At the Beijing Huilongguan Police Substation, we had no food or water. My son who was less than a year old slept on a wooden board on the cement floor. For three days, I was not able to nurse him since I had no breast milk. The police took turns trying to brainwash me and threatened that they would send me to the mental asylum and my son to the welfare house.
Bright Thirteen Year Old Girl Persecuted Because of Her Belief in Dafa
2003-05-07In May 2000, the police illegally ransacked her home, arrested her, merely thirteen years old and sent her to a brainwashing class in Lanzhou. They interrogated her about the situation in her home but she told them nothing. Neither the phony kindness of the evildoers nor the distorted reasoning of former practitioners who have turned against Dafa under pressure could confuse her.
New Types of Insidious Brainwashing Even More Evil Than Before
2003-04-16This new type of brainwashing doesn't directly persecute Falun Dafa practitioners physically, but instead tries to disorient and torture them mentally. It is therefore more deceptive and harder for people to realise what's going on. It tries to turn the families of Dafa practitioners against them so that they feel lonely, misunderstood, and upset.
Pernicious Tricks Used in the Brainwashing Centres
2003-04-05Agents of the Jiang regime said openly in the class that, "The principles of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance do not exist in Chinese history. The Chinese are not a peaceful race and five thousand years of Chinese history is evidence of a violent past. To become a better citizen means that you should not try to distinguish what is right and wrong. In China, you need to obey the Party and the regime's order to do things."
Urgent Appeal: German Resident Held in Shiyan Forced Labour Camp's Brainwashing Centre (Phone Numbers Included)
2003-03-08Lin Wenrong went back to Wuhan City, Hubei Province on January 17th, 2003. She went to Tiananmen on her own several days later, and was arrested there. Because she is registered as a resident in Shiyan City, Hubei Province, she was immediately sent to the Xiajiadian Forced Labour Camp in Shiyan City, Hubei Province (under the name of a "Legal Education Base"). This labour camp is actually a vicious brainwashing centre used to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, and many Falun Dafa practitioners are locked up inside. One brainwashing class is held there every month.
Harbin City Female Rehabilitation Centre Police Savagely Torture Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-02Some practitioners really could not withstand the pain and thus signed the statement to agree to be "transformed." In the end, they were badly beaten until they agreed to "take the initiative to be transformed." The base rehabilitation police, however, told the family members of the Dafa practitioners who had inquired about them, "They are better off here than at home. They eat their fill of three meals everyday."
The Notorious Brainwashing Tactics of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-11These Falun Dafa practitioners suffer endless torture, both mentally and physically in the labour camp. They are unable to appeal, protest, and be heard. The prison guards often say, "You are a practitioner. You have to bear whatever you encounter." Most of the torture was ordered by the prison guards. The persecution is a crime against humanity, which no Dafa practitioner should have to bear.
The Lies Spread in the Brainwashing Centre of Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-10If you had strong sentiments, they would make use of your family to attack you; if you were liked fame and money, they would threaten you with the government's power; if you were afraid of physical pain, they would use threats of pain and torture in the forced labour camp or the detention centre to coerce you; if you were not clear on the principles of Falun Gong, they would misinterpret Dafa to confuse you so as to shake your righteous belief.
Using Insidious Methods in a Guangzhou Brainwashing Centre to Persecute Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-07They told a mother who had a one-year-old child, "Your child will lose his mother because of you. Your parents will lose their daughter because of you. If you transform into something we want you to become, you will be able to go home. Why don't you transform? Aren't you being selfish?" The bad people kidnap the good people and say good people are being selfish. Where is the justice?
"We're here to forcibly transform you! Announces Head of Shijiazhuang City Brainwashing Centre
2003-02-07The brainwashing centre in Shijiazhuang City, the capital of Hebei Province, also called the "Law Education Centre of the Capital of Hebei Province" is a den of evil. The head of the vicious criminals, Kong Fanyun, clamoured publicly, "We're here to forcibly transform you, don't even try to reason with us. The labour camp is waiting for you if you don't reform." The centre is completely isolated, and the ways of persecution are extremely vicious.
Fascist-Style Brainwashing Centre in the Capital of Hebei Province
2003-02-06In this brainwashing centre, the vicious people adopted a tactic of continuous torture around the clock, once for 7 consecutive days, once for 5 days and another for 4 days. One day Ms. Zhang was so exhausted that she fell on the floor and broke her teeth; she was bleeding all over. More viciously, because she refused to accept the brainwashing, they force-fed her with alcohol and forced her to step on a photo of Teacher Li.
Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing Attempts to Brainwash Practitioners
2003-02-04For those practitioners who had not studied the Fa [ the teachings of Falun Dafa] well, the "teaching assistants" would talk about the so-called philosophy of "the art of being a person," and put up a strong defence in favour of the dictator, using the Party's atheistic logic to fill the practitioners' brains.
Collaborators Viciously Beat and Deceive Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Brainwashing Centre in Yantai
2003-01-27If he still wouldn't renounce his belief, they would resort to violence. With hands cuffed or tied together, a practitioner would be hit, kicked, slapped, or even hit on the head with wooden sticks that were approximately two-inches thick. Some Falun Dafa practitioners' faces turned black in the region below their eyes because of heavy bruises from being hit on the head.