Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Ms. Wang Haohong, in Hiding for Eight Years, Has Been Arrested Again
2007-11-12Ms. Wang Haohong was arrested several times by police because she practised Falun Gong. During her first detention, she was beaten and verbally abused when she refused to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong. The former Deputy Chief of the police station shocked Ms. Wang with a hand-cranked electric telephone generator. The shock was so great that she lost control of her bladder and wet herself. The chief of the police station forced Ms. Wang to stand under the burning sun during the hottest time of the day. They also extorted 2,000 yuan from Ms. Wang's husband. Since 2001 Ms. Wang went into hiding to avoid persecution, but was arrested again in September 2007.
Several Practitioners in Kangping County Arrested, Brainwashed, and Beaten
2007-11-11On September 13th, the Kangping County Police Department took practitioners Ms. Qi Jingru, Ms. Li Yuqing, Ms. Zhao Xiumei, and Ms. Liu Li into custody and they were detained in detention centres. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents tried to have Ms. Qi Jingru sentenced to prison. However, the case was turned down by the Procuratorate due to insufficient evidence. Ms Liu Li was beaten, resulting in cuts and bruises all over her body. Ms. Zheng Xiuli and Ms. Chen Yuchun were released after each was extorted of 5,000 yuan.
Ms. Wang Xiaoren was Unjustly Tried by Judicial System in Jinan City, Shandong Province
2007-11-10On October 24th, 2007, Ms. Wang Xiaoren, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was tried in the Fourth Courtroom in the Lixia District of Jinan City, Shandong Province. An announcement of the trial itself was not posted on the bulletin board or anywhere else. The guards at the entrance to the courtroom carefully searched everyone who attended the session. The chief justice, Liu Yong, refused to allow Ms. Wang's husband to attend the trial, claiming that he was involved in the case. The chief justice made his judgment very quickly because Ms. Wang did not have a defence counsel. In addition, because he was afraid that Ms. Wang would speak out about the persecution of Falun Gong in court, the chief justice continually interrupted Ms. Wang and distorted her words when she attempted to defend herself.
Why Has Mr. Ruan Fanghua's Happy Family Been Torn Apart?
2007-11-10On October 7th, 2007, Mr. Ruan Fanghua was reported while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Dafa. He was then arrested by the police from the Longping High Tech District in Changsha City. He was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and sent to the Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp. On May 15th, 2005, he was sentenced to forced labour for the first time for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution to the local residents. The first torture for practitioners on their arrival at the forced labour camp is sleep deprivation. They are not allowed to sleep for many days and nights. Then those in charge take advantage of practitioners' foggy mental state as a result of sleep deprivation and pressure them to write the Guarantee Statement declaring that they will no longer practise Falun Gong.
Students and Teachers from Jiaotong University in Shanghai Persecuted for Their Belief in Falun Dafa
2007-11-09Several Falun Gong practitioners from the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at Shanghai's Jiaotong University were recently sentenced and persecuted. Among those detained were teacher Mr. Guo Xiaojun, mechanical engineering student Mr. Mei Jianqi, and Department of Energy student Mr. Ju Yanlai. They were all sentenced to five years in prison. Also, Mr. Wang Xudong, a Master's degree student from the School of Chemical Engineering, was sentenced to four and a half years in prison. They were all detained in Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai at one time or another. Mr. Ju Yanlai held hunger strikes to protest the persecution for four years and was once near death.
The Chinese Communist Party Persecutes Practitioners in the Yanbian Area, Jilin Province
2007-11-09Before the Chinese Communist Party held it's 17th National People's Congress, agents of the Yanbian Administration Division Political and Judicial Committee, the Administration Division, the 610 Office, the Administration Division Court and the Appeals Office went to local counties and cities to keep Falun Gong practitioners from going to Beijing to appeal. They planned to strengthen their efforts to persecute Falun Gong, and they rampantly arrested practitioners.
Mr. Tan Weichang from Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Imprisoned
2007-11-08On September 23rd, 2007, Mr. Tan Weichang was arrested by the local police. At present, he is imprisoned at the Yuexiu District No. 2 Detention Centre in Guangzhou City. His family members have gone several times to deliver him clothing, but every time the guards haven't allowed them to see him. They were only allowed to leave some of his clothes and money for him. His family members still don't know his situation.
18 Practitioners from Xiantao City, Hubei Province, Arrested
2007-11-06While 18 Falun Gong practitioners were still sleeping in the early morning of September 24th, 2007 (the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival), officers from the 610 Office of Xiantao City, the National Security Group, the Special Police Group, and the local police station broke into their homes. They arrested practitioners and took away their Falun Gong books, cash, and private belongings. Some of the practitioners were transferred to Wuhan City Brainwashing Centre. Some of them were transferred to the First Detention Centre of Xiantao City. The rest were transferred to Magang Brainwashing Centre, which is controlled by the 610 Office of Xiantao City. All the arrested practitioners were seriously mistreated. The eldest practitioner was 78 years old.
Husband and Wife Practitioners Han Xianji and Ren Guirong Suffer Persecution in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province
2007-11-04In August 2007, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials in the local government in Shendian Township started a new round of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They broadcast it to the entire town and encouraged the villagers to report Falun Gong practitioners. Local government officials declared that whoever reported a practitioner would get a 200 yuan reward; whoever turned in a Falun Gong poster would get a 100 yuan reward; and whoever found out about a Falun Gong gathering would get a reward of up to 1,000 yuan. On August 9th, practitioners Ren Guirong and Han Xianji exposed the persecution of Falun Gong and explained the importance of quitting the CCP to Tang Shenghua. Tang Shenghua, however, lured by the temptation of rewards, reported the couple to authorities. As a result, Tang received the 200 yuan reward.
Recent Facts about Chinese Communist Party Officials in Laishui County, Hebei Province Persecuting Practitioners
2007-11-03Before the government's 17th Party Congress, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Laishui County distributed secret documents and required the township and town governments to secretly monitor practitioners, and increase the intensity of their attacks on Falun Gong. As a result, the township and town governments began harassing practitioners. All practitioners in the villages were affected. They were arrested and fined, their homes were ransacked, their satellite TV dishes confiscated, and their Falun Dafa books taken away.
Fourteen Falun Gong Practitioners Recently Arrested in Qian'an City, Hebei Province
2007-10-31In the name of so-called "social stabilisation" during the Chinese Communist Party's 17th National Congress, police in Qian'an City, Hebei Province have recently arrested 14 Falun Gong practitioners. Police arrived in three vehicles on the morning of October 16th, 2007, at practitioner Ms. Fan Huiying's home and arrested her. It is unknown where she is detained. Fan Huiying is in her sixties, and was previously the vice-chairwoman of the Qian'an City Political Consultative Conference. Eight policemen ransacked the home of practitioner Cui Qingru on the evening of October 10th. They seized Ms. Cui and took her PC, printer, TV and other personal belongings. Cui Qingru is currently being held in a detention centre located at Maojiawa Village, Qian'an Town.
Lawless Police in Baoding City, Hebei Province Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Zhihui and Send Him to a Forced Labour Camp
2007-10-29On August 28th, 2007, officers from the Baoding City National Security Team in Hebei Province followed Falun Gong practitioner Liu Zhihui in six vehicles. To find out where they were from, Liu Zhihui's brother-in-law invited them to a restaurant. When Liu Zhihui was paying the bill, the head of these policemen saw that Mr. Liu took out almost ten thousand yuan from his pocket. He attempted to extort the money and said, "Liu Zhihui is rich and we are poor. Liu will not be stingy." Liu Zhihui did not speak to him and put the rest of the money into his pocket. The plainclothes criminals got annoyed and began to search Liu Zhihui and his car, without showing any ID. They confiscated his car, the remaining cash of 8,960 yuan that Liu Zhihui was going to use to pay his client for business transactions. They then sent him to a forced labour camp, in complete violation of the Chinese Constitution.
Ms. Deng Shufen, a Seventy-Year-Old Practitioner from Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province, Recently Arrested
2007-10-28On October 1st, 2007, Ms. Deng Shufen, a Falun Gong practitioner from Sichuan Province went to the Jitian Town Government to speak out for justice for Falun Gong. She told them that because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had committed heinous crimes it would be destroyed and anyone associated with it would be implicated, so that only if they quit the CCP would they have a good future. The town government authorities, instead of listening to what she said, ordered the police of the Jitian Police Substation to arrest Ms. Deng Shufen.
Many Falun Dafa Practitioners Secretly Given Long Sentences in Qingdao City
2007-10-26Recently, many practitioners were given long sentences on trumped-up charges by a court in Qingdao City, Shandong Province. Ms. Wang Shulan was sentenced to a prison term of 17 years. Wang Kangning was sentenced to nine years. During the last few years, government agencies in Qingdao City have secretly given practitioners similar heavy sentences.
Ms. Sun Chongzhen and Mr. Chen Guiyun Arrested Again by 610 Office Agents in Junan County, Shandong Province
2007-10-25Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Sun Chongzhen and Mr. Chen Guiyun were arrested by agents of the 610 Office and local police on October 8th, 2007. Mr. Chen was taken to a detention centre and his wife was forced to leave home to avoid being arrested. In 2003 Ms. Sun Chongzhen was detained at a detention centre. During this period, she was tortured by being hung from the ceiling by her wrists and being put in solitary confinement. During this period, her mother-in-law and her brother passed away, and she was not allowed to see them for a last visit.