Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Six Practitioners Sentenced in Shanghai
2007-04-25In late March 2007, the Xuhui District Court in Shanghai sentenced six Falun Dafa practitioners. Ms. Bai Gendi was sentenced to four and a half years in prison, Mr. Zhou Licheng to six years, Ms. You Xiuyun received a six and a half year sentence, Ms. Wang Guifang three and a half years, and Ms. Zhou Qin and Ms. Yuan Xiufang each received two years, with two years suspended. In the court session on March 24th, 2007, the primary evidence for the charges against these six practitioners were nearly 500 unmailed letters to Shanghai government officials asking them not to involve themselves in the persecution against Falun Gong, and printed copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party found at Ms. You Xiuyun's home.
Latest Persecution News Regarding Practitioners from Chang'an No. One Factory Area in Chongqing City
2007-04-24Practitioner Mr. Xiang Shihua was transferred to the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. For the past few years, Mr. Xiang's whole family has been persecuted severely by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In 2002, his wife, Ms. Luo Peiping, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for distributing Falun Gong materials. Their son, Xiang Dong, was sentenced to three years in prison for distributing Falun Gong materials. During his detention in the Banan District Detention Centre, Xiang Dong was persecuted until he was paralysed.
Family of Five Arrested in Qingdao City, Shandong Province for Practising Falun Dafa
2007-04-20On October 16th, 2006, at around 6:00 a.m., Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Xue was awakened by the sound of someone pounding on her door. Local 610 Office personnel and public security police officers, totalling around 16, forced their way in and ransacked her house. The confiscated a computer, CD-burner, copy machine, fax machine and personal items. At the same time, they arrested 30-year-old Li Xue and her father Mr. Li Yuzhen. On the following day they also arrested Li Xue's sister Li Mei and her older brother Li Jun.
Unjust Trial Held by Officials of Guta District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
2007-04-19Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Lifeng was sentenced by the District Court in Jinzhou City. His family and friends appealed to the Jinzhou City Intermediate Court. They met with Chief Judge Deng Jilin (male) and juror member Li Yuhui (male), and told them that Mr. Zhang had benefited from practising Falun Dafa both mentally and physically. Under extraordinary courage, he distributed the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and risked his life to tell people the truth. His actions exercised a citizen's right to freedom of speech as defined in the constitution.
Practitioner Zhang Weijie from Wuhan City, Hubei Province Arrested, His Wife Was Threatened for Searching for Him
2007-04-17Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Weijie has been missing since March 20th, 2007. His wife has been searching for him everywhere. She eventually went to the Jiang'an District 610 Office to enquire about her husband's whereabouts. The head, Li Yingjie, first said that her husband was sent to a brainwashing centre, but later he totally denied that claim. On March 30th, Mr. Zhang's wife went to the Wuhan City 610 Office to enquire about his whereabouts and find out the reason he was arrested. She was told that Zhang Weijie was arrested because the 610 Office worried that if he wasn't "transformed," he would influence more Falun Gong practitioners to "cause trouble."
Ms. Liang Xianglian and Ms. Zhou Meihua Sent to Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City, Liaoning Province
2007-04-13On the afternoon of March 20th, 2007, Ms. Liang Xianglian and Ms. Zhou Meihua were posting self-adhesive leaflets exposing the persecution on walls. They were followed and arrested by patrolling officers dedicated to the suppression of Falun Gong practitioners and sent to Yaojia Criminal Detention Centre. The Yaojia Detention Centre is known for its cruelty in persecuting practitioners. The police also ransacked Ms. Liang Xianglian's home and confiscated a personal computer and Falun Dafa materials.
Belated News: Non-Practitioner Mr. Li Weiji Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison for Helping to Rescue Persecuted Falun Dafa Practitioners
2007-04-11I met Li Weiji in late August 2002 in China. He told me that his sister, Li Weixun, was severely persecuted for practising Falun Gong. He decided to return to China and rescue Dafa practitioners who, like his sister, were being persecuted. With help from two other practitioners, Li Weiji collected persecution evidence. He took me and another practitioner (whose lower spine was broken from a police beating) to the home of his wife's sister so we could write our persecution experiences. I was truly moved by his sacrificing everything in an effort to rescue practitioners. His wife's sister and her husband were later persecuted for keeping us at their home. I heard that Li Weiji was injured in a beating and was sentenced to eight years in prison.
Lawyers for Falun Gong Practitioners Wang Bo and Her Parents Have Requested an Open Retrial
2007-04-09Falun Gong practitioners Wang Bo and her parents who live in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, were secretly sentenced to jail terms in November 2006. Because the Communist authorities did not inform their family members about their arrest and trial, they had no lawyers to defend them. Recently, the family managed to hire lawyers who jointly requested the Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court to process the appeal openly and overturn the unlawful sentences passed in the initial trial.
Practitioner Ms. Li Yanping Tried for the Second Time at the Laiyuan Court in Hebei Province
2007-04-08At 9:10 a.m. on March 15th, 2007, the local court in Laiyuan tried Dafa practitioner Li Yanping. The prosecutor accused Ms. Li of committing a crime "against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and government" because police had found copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in her home. The prosecutor refused to admit her statement into evidence, which is that the police obtained their evidence by use of violence. When Li Yanping proclaimed her innocence, saying she was merely practising her faith but the court officials stopped her. She also stated during the trial that her health had deteriorated due to the persecution and that she could barely eat. The judge stopped her again.
Mr. Jin Chengshan with Paraplegia and His Wife Severely Persecuted in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Nearly Fifty Relatives File Appeal
2007-04-05Practitioners Mr. Jin Chengshan and Ms. Jiao Xiaohua are a married couple. They and two other practitioners were arrested by the Hulan District police on December 22nd, 2006. Later, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Hulan District Procuratorate Department and Court sentenced them. Mr. Jin Chengshan has severe paraplegia, and his health further deteriorated after the arrest because of the persecution he was subjected to. Nearly 50 relatives of Mr. Jin and Ms. Jiao have recently filed a lawsuit seeking justice against those who persecuted this couple.
Laishui County in Hebei Province Police Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang
2007-04-05On January 4th, 2007, families were gathered together in celebration of the New Year, but Falun Dafa practitioners Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang, who were homeless due to persecution by the Laishui County 610 Office, were stopped and searched on the road. The officers beat them to the ground, took their Dafa materials and personal property worth about 3,000 yuan, along with 5,800 yuan in cash. At the police station police shocked Cao Jiwei with electric batons. Blue flames flashed as the strong electrical current burned his body again and again. Cao Jiwei had burns, bruises and other wounds all over his body. His eyes were black and blue, and so swollen he could barely open them. Li Zhenfang was persecuted to the brink of death and was rendered unconscious.
Practitioner Ma Jian Arrested and Tortured in Brainwashing Centre
2007-04-04On February 28th, Police arrested Beijing Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Jian against his will. His whereabouts remained unknown until recently. The police sent him to a brainwashing centre and tortured him for 20 days. Mr. Ma Jian was the general manager in charge of Chinese and North Asian business for the PCM Company in France. The PCM Company in France wrote a letter to the Beijing Police Department through the French Embassy in Beijing and enquired why Ma Jian was arrested, but they did not receive any response.
Ms. Han Wenmin from Tianjin Sentenced to Forced Labour; Daughter Close to Giving Birth Denied Justice
2007-04-02Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners in 1999, the officials and police frequently harassed practitioner Ms. Han Wenmin. Ms. Han firmly persisted in her belief and refused to cooperate with the officials. She was sentenced to three years of forced labour. She was later sentenced to forced labour for a second time and is currently held at the Tianjin Women's Labour Camp. Han Wenmin's pregnant daughter made numerous trips to the Tianjin Women's Labour Camp in the second half of 2006 and requested her mother's release. The camp officials refused to release her.
Chongqing Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested, Sentenced to Prison for Printing Informational Materials
2007-03-29Mr. Deng Liang, 33 years old, began the practice of Falun Dafa in 1997. His diligence and kindness at work won him the award of "Top 10 Best Trained Attendants." When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Deng created and distributed large quantities of materials exposing the persecution. In July 2004 he was arrested. During the first 24 hours, the police deprived him of sleep and did not provide any food. In addition, he was not allowed to use the toilet, but was forced to sit still on tiny stools. A fabricated crime of "Destruction of the Country's Execution of the Law" was used to sentence Deng Liang and Wang Jinfei to seven years in prison. Due to the persecution, Deng now suffers vision problems and almost went blind.
Unyielding After Three Years of Forced Labour, Mr. Li Xuejin from Dalian City Arrested Once Again
2007-03-28In 2001, Mr. Li Xuejin was arrested at a relative's home because he practised Falun Dafa. During his detention he resisted the demands of his captors but was subjected to various tortures and was later sentenced to three years of forced labour. Li Xuejin was tortured with various methods including "wearing a boxing cap," and the “death bed” torture. He was also exposed to temperatures of minus 10 degrees Celsius (14°F) while wearing only his underwear, for an entire day. On February 6th, 2007, Li Xuejin was arrested once again by officials and sent to a detention centre.