Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Jinan City Brainwashing Centre's Actions Reveal the Senselessness of the Persecution
2003-12-23The security guard went to talk to the officer in charge. He came back seething with anger and said: "It's too absurd! I told them that I did not commit any crime and they have no reason to hold me here. My mother's life is in imminent danger. I have to take care of her. But they refuse to let me go. I told them that I will sue them. They said 'You go ahead to sue us if you dare.' They told me that I have to find another person from my factory to substitute for me if I want to get out of here, and that otherwise I have to be detained here with the Falun Gong practitioners."
Dafa Practitioner and Her Brother Abducted While Visiting Their Mother in Zhengzhou City Prison
2003-12-22Under the pressure of all the threats, no relatives dared to accommodate Yanli. Yanli lost her residence after the school expelled her; and she could not gain residence at home because the Dongsan Road Police Station refused to accept her application because she practised Dafa. Yanli's ailing father was unable to suffer any more hardship and coercion; he passed away on December 2, 2002 at only 54, leaving his 13-year-old son who was being cared for by Yanli's uncle. A good family was destroyed.
Hebei Province: Handan City Court Sentences Five Dafa Practitioners to Heavy Prison Terms
2003-12-16On July 3, 2003, the Hanshan District Court held a secret trial for these practitioners. Shi Qiaoling was sentenced to 13 years in prison, Liu Jun to 11 years, Li Mingtao to 11 years, Tong Cunshu to 5 years and Li Xiangling to 3 years. These practitioners filed an appeal to the intermediate court of Handan City. Recently the intermediate court delivered a verdict to keep the original sentence. On November 13, 2003, without informing the family members, the police sent Li Mingtao and Liu Jun to the Fourth Prison located in the north suburb of Shijiazhuang City in Hebei Province.
Seventeen Year Old Girl Thrown into Masanjia Forced Labour Camp: Family Devastated by Persecution
2003-12-10Cheng Ling, aged 20, from Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, was illegally sentenced to seven years in prison just for preparing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. In 2001 when she was only 17 years old, Cheng Ling was thrown into Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for two years. Cheng Ling's mother and elder sister were also sent to this same camp to be persecuted. Her mother is still in detention there. Her father was also detained illegally many times...Cheng Guanghui's son was just 13 years old in 1999. He was a terrified witness to the arrest of all his family members, leaving no one to take care of him. He was emotionally devastated.
Jilin Province: Jiutai City Court Puts on a Cultural Revolution Style Show Trial
2003-12-08A few days before this secret trial, these thirteen Dafa practitioners, who had been kept in the Jiutai City Detention Centre for a long period of time, each suffered severe beatings. The beatings injured the practitioners in various ways: Mr. Shi Wenzhuo has bruises all over his body; Ms. Liu Yamin suffered broken teeth; Ms. Han Xiaolian's eyes were swollen shut and she could not see. The police handcuffed these thirteen behind their back, tied ropes around their necks and secretly brought them to court. In court, the police did not allow the practitioners to speak up for themselves. They would tighten the rope when anyone spoke, so the practitioner was choked and could not utter a word.
Guizhou Province: Twelve Guiyang Dafa Practitioners Brought to Court Again for Broadcasting Falun Dafa Truth-Clarification Videos on Chinese TV
2003-12-08On August 22, 2003, the Yudang District Court in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province held an unlawful trial at a remote location in Wudang District against twelve Dafa practitioners. The Yudang District Court denied Dafa practitioners the right to have a defence lawyer and adjudicators. They did not notify any of the families with regard to the court date and location. In just one day Yudang District Court sentenced the twelve Dafa practitioners to different prison terms, with the maximum length of 16 years. During the sham trial, the judge did not even allow the twelve Dafa practitioners to defend themselves.
College Lecturer Zhou Genzheng Tortured for His Beliefs
2003-12-07Mr. Zhou's wife, Zhang Jianling, was forced to participate in attempts to brainwash him. She was under tight surveillance every time she went to look after her husband. Facing intense harassment, Zhang Jianling was humiliated and she had to resign from her workplace. In order not to involve his wife, Zhou suggested a divorce. His wife is in extreme despair because the previously happy family is being broken up by the persecution. Throughout these last few years, her physical and mental endurance have been tested beyond limit.
Dafa Practitioners Speak Out for Justice in Wuhan City Court
2003-12-05Although the four practitioners had suffered severe mental and physical torture and lost their freedom, they took the opportunity of the trial to expose the deeds of the authorities in a dignified manner, to speak out for justice, and to validate the goodness of Falun Dafa...Yu Ganghai presented the fact that Dafa practitioners are good people everywhere to expose the crimes of Jiang Zemin's regime, who confuse right and wrong and try to ruin people's conscience. He also told the judge that it is not a crime for us practitioners to clarify the truth to people.
Writer from the Hebei Province Writers' Guild Secretly Sentenced to Ten Years Imprisonment
2003-12-04On September 29 and October 3,Dongli and Ninganlu police kidnapped another two people. The number of illegal arrests reached eight. At around the same time, the Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau mobilized almost its entire security force to search the whole city, investigating and arresting the so-called "Important Persons." All known Falun Gong practitioners and their friends and families were being followed, their phones and mobile phones tapped and recorded. Mr. Zhao Lishan's son, Zhao Liang, was detained for no reason for four days. Shijiazhuang City was in a shroud of terror.
Dafa Practitioner Sentenced in Secret Trial to Six Years in Prison for Appealing Against Persecution
2003-12-03On March 25, 2003 a secret trial was held at the Daqing Ranghulu District Court and Guan was sentenced to six years in prison...Guan's parents miss him. They are seventy-nine and seventy-eight years old, respectively. Their health condition is poor and they need others to care for them. Their son's situation causes them great emotional trauma.
Sentenced to 19-Year Prison Term, Shandong Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luu Guiling's Life Hangs by a Thread
2003-11-30The police transferred Ms. Luu the following day, September 21, to the Jinan provincial female prison where she was subjected to all kinds of torture, including forced brainwashing. At this time, Ms. Luu Guiling had been on a two-month hunger strike. The prison staff tortured her daily through cruel force-feeding. They poured unidentified drugs into the liquid food, which further damaged her health. Ms. Luu was a perfectly healthy person. What is her physical condition now? Ms. Luu's body is now only skin and bones, her muscles are atrophied and her lips are cracked. She has lost her strength and ability to move or speak! Her life is in danger! Even though her circumstances have turned worse, the prison guards frequently harass her family at home. They know no shame and extort money from them, causing them much distress.
A Blind Man Says "Falun Dafa is Good!" And Receives A One Year Prison Sentence
2003-11-27In 2001 he went to City Hall to appeal his job situation. At that time there were many people appealing at City Hall. When he started talking about Falun Gong with the people around him, he said frankly, "Falun Gong is good. They (practitioners) are very kind. Even in the face of the persecution they have always been kind. If all the peasants practised Falun Gong, we wouldn't need any other regulations." When he was overheard making this statement, police put him in the detention centre for more than 10 days. They then ransacked his house and sentenced him to a ludicrous sentence of year and a half of prison.
Chengdu City Dafa Practitioners Endure Illegal Jail Sentences and Brutal Torture
2003-11-24Police blindfolded Dafa practitioners and led them to an outside hotel room where they tied the handcuffed practitioners to a heavy chair and interrogated them day and night. The abusive authorities don't allow practitioners to sleep. Even closing their eyes for a brief moment is forbidden. Oftentimes several police officers took turns interrogating one practitioner. These officers often used physical abuse and torment such as slapping, shocking with an electric stun baton, handcuffing, and hanging up, which are the most commonly used tortures. Sometimes the police also beat practitioners in the detention centre investigation room.
Ms. Wang Li, Awarded as one of "The Ten Most Outstanding Youths in Wuhan City," Is Again Illegally Sent to a Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-23After she was brought back to Wuhan, the police sentenced her to two years of forced labour using some ambiguous charges. During that time, she was transferred around to many different places, such as the detention centre, the brainwashing class, and the labour camp. She experienced many types of torture such as brutal beatings, long-term sleep deprivation, being hung up in the air by her wrists with her feet off the floor for a long time, being forced to do physical labour after her hunger strikes, being tied onto the "dead person's bed"[1] for a long time, force-feeding, and other forms of torture.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike to Protest Unlawful Endless Detention in Dehui, Jilin Province
2003-11-22November 1 marks the 20th day the 13 Dafa practitioners have been on a hunger strike in the Dehui Jail. The malicious policemen would not release anyone even when their condition was critical. On one occasion, when a Dafa practitioner's relative went to appeal the situation, one of the Political and Law Committee said, "There will be someone responsible if anyone dies." When the relative asked about the reason for past-due detention, Wang Jishen, the supervisor of the court, replied, "Because of insufficient evidence, we need to start the investigation over."