Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Severe Persecution Threatens The Lives of Three Hunan Province Dafa Practitioners
2004-01-08A so-called doctor punched and kicked her until her forehead was bruised and swollen and she eventually fell unconcious. She only awoke after being administered oxygen and emergency treatment. Her teeth were loose and her body was covered with bruises and swollen. She is very ill, vomitting and discharging blood as a result of being tortured by authorities and doctors.
Two Women Unjustly Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison in Jilin Province
2004-01-06Ms. Liu Shuyun and Ms. Shi Xiuhong are practitioners from Yanbian Korean Ethnicity Autonomous Region, Jilin Province. After being illegally detained for two years, they were once again sentenced to ten years in prison. They are currently detained at Heizuizi Female Prison in Changchun City, Jilin Province....Incited by Xiao Bin from the security team, Jin Yongyi, Jin (the most notorious for cruelty), Huang and Piao employed barbaric methods to brutally torture the two women.
The Persecution of Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Chen Guoyou's Family (Part 2)
2004-01-05Chen Ji was released from the camp in April 2002. He asked his work unit to return his ID card and asked to be returned to his former post. The director, Tian De, pushed the responsibility to the "610 Office" and would only allow Chen Ji to return to his post if he would sign statements promising not to practise Falun Gong and expressing regret over practising in the past. Faced with no other choice, Chen Ji had to take an outside job.
Non-Practitioner Arrested and Beaten for Exposing the Persecution of His Family
2004-01-05On December 18, 2003, the municipal court of Dehui held an unjust trial of thirteen Falun Gong practitioners who were still being imprisoned after their initial terms expired. After the court session began, Sun Ke, a family member of Falun Gong practitioner Sun Qian, exposed the crimes committed by the public security system in Dehui inside the courtroom. He told people how Sun Qian was detained beyond his term, and how he was tortured in an attempt to elicit a confession. After the court session ended, however, Sun Ke was kidnapped near the warning line outside the gate of the court by several policemen from the criminal guard section of the Dehui Municipal Public Security Bureau.
Practitioner's Terms in Jinzhou Labour Camp Arbitrarily Extended For Refusing To Renounce Falun Dafa
2004-01-04Jinzhou Labour Camp willfully extended the sentence of these firm Dafa practitioners, and has relentlessly tortured them: Shi Zhongyan, a worker from the Jinzhou Supermarket, was to be released from the labour camp in 2000, but his term was extended again and again because he refused to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. He died as a result of the persecution on April 26, 2003.
Secretly Sentenced to Eleven Years in Prison Without The Right to a Lawyer
2004-01-03On April 8, 2003, the Jinshui District Court put Song Xu on trial. Only a few government officials from the police, procuratorate, and legal system showed up. Under strong protests from Song Xu, they hurriedly proceeded with the trial. They held the trial secretly and did not allow him to have a lawyer or the ability to appeal. He was unjustly sentenced to 11 years. His family never received any notice from the court.
Henan Rebecca Hair Products, Inc. in Henan Province Uses Slave Labour in Forced Labour Camps
2004-01-02Xuchang City in Henan Province is a major production centre for wig products in China. When the Henan Province No. 3 Forced Labour Camp was on the verge of bankruptcy, the labour camp abducted many Falun Gong practitioners and forced them to do slave labour making wig products for export. The labour camp survived and prospered this way.
Torture Methods at the Daqing City Forced Labour Camp
2004-01-02The "Tiger Bench" torture uses a modified steel chair. The chair seat is a thick steel plate. The original chair armrests are modified with a rounded metal barrier. Both feet are tightly clamped into foot shackles under each front chair leg; a nylon rope is used to tightly tie up the person; the upper arms are tied tightly behind the back, both lower arms are forced to the front to reach armrests on both sides, then two hand straps are used to bind the lower arms to the armrests. The person is tied like this for long time, while tortured and brutally beaten.
Ms. Wang Kaiying from Henan Province is Unlawfully Detained, Tortured and Sent to a Forced Labour Camp
2004-01-02The next day, these Dafa practitioners were forced to balance bottle caps on their heads. If the bottle caps fell off at any point, the police would beat the practitioners and slam their heads against the walls. Wang Kaiying suffered injuries to her head and a fist-size bruise. In the afternoon, these practitioners' had their hands cuffed and they were hung up by handcuffs to an iron rail. Their feet, far from the ground, were lightly touching a barely reachable wooden stool, which could be easily kicked aside. In this way, these Dafa practitioners were hung up for several hours
After 23 Days of Torture in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, a Farm Woman Suffers a Mental Collapse
2004-01-01After long periods of being chained to a pole, the metal handcuffs cut deep into her flesh, and Ms. Liu's ankles and wrists were bleeding badly. To make the situation more difficult for her, her tormentors even prevented her from using toilet facilities. As the filth and odour became unbearable, they then wrapped her up in a big plastic bag and tied her up with ropes to prevent her from moving. To keep her quiet, one of the persecutors bashed her head with a rod. To humiliate her further, they stripped off her clothes one day, and tried to take a photograph of her.
Dafa Practitioner in Jilin Province Released Following Phone Calls From Overseas Practitioners
2003-12-29Police officers in Shulan City were heard saying, "We had no idea that Falun Gong practitioners are everywhere. We have been receiving lots of overseas calls every day." Overseas phone calls are greatly effective in shocking and scaring the unscrupulous authorities. China's local practitioners are also participating in the effort by clarifying the facts to people and exposing the wrongdoings.
Practitioner Li Hai is Locked up in Daqing City Prison - Police Forbid His Family to Visit
2003-12-29In the October of this year, 2003, the prison again deprived Dafa practitioners of their sleep, trying to force them to give up their belief. Li Hai's wife went to the prison and wanted to see him but the head of the 2nd prison Zhu Renshan told her "I heard that you also practise Falun Gong, if you say now that Falun Gong is not good, I will let you see him right away." He then said, "It is not me who does not let you see him, it is the order from 'above' that says 'No transformation, no visits'." The head of the team in which Li Hai is detained said, "It is no use even if you go to the 'above' and talk to them. If he refuses to write the 'five statements', you will not be able to see him for 12 years."
A Child's Fear
2003-12-28That evening, the officer who arrested me rushed into the kindergarten with several other officers. My son never gave up on me, but instead of his mother, a group of strangers came for him. They used fine-sounding words to appear as if they were there to take care of the child. They used high sounding phrases such as a "political task," a "job requirement," etc. I could not imagine how my baby withstood their ploys.
Practitioner Ms. Su Aihua in Critical Condition While in Detention and is now Missing
2003-12-27When her family went to Xin Xiang Prison to locate her, the prison guard claimed that no such person was being detained at the prison. Her family returned to the detention centre and asked the Public Security Bureau about her whereabouts. The Public Security Bureau claimed that she had been transferred to Xin Xiang Prison. Her family then went to the relevant government agency to locate her. The officials there did not provide any information. Ms. Su Aihua disappeared four months ago and no one knows where she is.
An Eyewitness Account of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Chishan Prison in Hunan Province
2003-12-27I never thought that my twisted soul could ever be saved. In the fall of 2000, several Falun Gong practitioners were sent to my prison. As I became more familiar with them, they started to teach me the true standards for being a human being, that of having Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. They awakened my heart and conscience. Today, I am free from that dark place; I feel the need to write down the sufferings those Falun Dafa practitioners have endured and that I have witnessed...