Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Lawyers Accuse Liaoning Court of Breaking the Law
2010-12-23On November 23rd in Fengcheng, Liaoning Province, a court session was held to sentence four Falun Gong practitioners: Liang Yuncheng, Qu Shanlin, Wu Juan and Sun Zhongqin. Four lawyers came from Beijing and defended them for four hours. They pointed out that according to the laws related to freedom of speech and freedom of belief detailed in the Chinese Constitution, practising and promoting Falun Gong are completely legal. Therefore, the Falun Gong practitioners had not broken any laws, and by bringing them to court and punishing them, the judicial system was breaching the Constitution.
Officers from the Liucheng Town Police Station Arrest Ms. Li Guozhi Again
2010-12-23on December 6th, nine police officers went to the home of Ms. Li Guozhi in Yaoeryingzi Village. Two of them climbed over the wall and entered her yard while the others stayed outside. After seeing that Ms. Li was at home, they told the others to come in. They pushed the door open and arrested Ms. Li Guozhi. She asked officer Ding how they could arrest her without a warrant. Ding said no legal procedures needed to be followed to arrest a Falun Gong practitioner. Previously, Ms. Li was arrested and taken to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for a one-year term.
Imprisoned Three Times, Older Practitioner Ms. Huang Naiwei Is Now Being Persecuted in a Brainwashing Centre
2010-12-22Practitioner Huang Naiwei, 62, was sent to forced labour camps three times. The last time, she was supposed to be released on September 16th. However, the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) of Luwan District refused to free her and instead transferred her to a brainwashing centre because the government was running the 2010 World Expo. She has been held in the brainwashing centre since then.
Mr. Yuan Fanghua, 59, Arrested and Detained
2010-12-22On the evening of August 3rd, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yuan Fanghua was attacked by several plainclothes police officers at his home. The police had turned the electricity off to his home, and attacked Mr. Yuan when he opened the front door to check what had happened. They dragged him into a car, and took him to a brainwashing centre, which is under the control of the Hunan 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). The practitioners held there were surrounded by four or five agents, who took turns shouting at them for the whole day. They constantly slandered Falun Gong and its founder, and threatened the practitioners with forced labour or prison if they did not cooperate and renounce their belief
Dancheng County, Henan Province Police Officers Terrify a 100-Year-Old Disabled Woman
2010-12-21On November 30th, three policemen from the Dancheng County National Security Bureau raided the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yue Yanping. She was not at home, but her 100-year-old disabled mother was there alone. It was like a home invasion robbery: her mother was so scared, she could not keep any food down. They searched every room and even took the tape player the old woman used daily. They took all the Falun Gong books. Earlier this year, Ms. Yue Yanping had been held against her will for five days.
Mr. Ruan Xianchou from Taishan City, Guangdong Province Arrested and Detained, His Eight-Year-Old Son Left Unattended
2010-12-20My name is Ruan Jiancheng, and I'm an eight-year-old boy. My father, Falun Gong practitioner Ruan Xianchou, was arrested on November 26th and is being held in the Taishan City Detention Centre. They have not given us a detention warrant, and neither have they allowed me to visit him. Since my father's detention, I have lost the strong backbone of my life. I'm also unable to go to school. I am short on food and clothing. No one takes care of me, and I have been left alone. I plead with you to please help secure my father's release.
Mr. Liu Tong, a Teacher from Mei County, Guangdong Province, Arrested by More Than Ten Police Officers
2010-12-18Liu Tong, a physics teacher at Dongshan Middle School in Mei County, Guangdong Province, received a phone call on November 25th, from a fellow Falun Gong practitioner requesting Falun Gong materials. Mr. Liu went to deliver the materials to Mei County High School. He was later arrested by police waiting for him. He was detained at the Detention Centre. A dozen policemen took him to his home and ransacked it. The police took pictures, confiscated his computer and other personal belongings.
Wang Guohua and Her Family in Yushu City, Jilin Province Subjected to Repeated Persecution
2010-12-18Ever since July 1999, under the direction of the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), the public security, procuratorial and judicial branches in Yushu City have been persecuting those who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. A variety of persecution methods are used against the Falun Gong practitioners, including arrests, confiscating personal property, fines, extracting confessions by torture, detention, forced labour camp terms, imprisonment, brainwashing, and house imprisonment. Falun Gong practitioner Wang Guohua and her family have been repeatedly persecuted.
Ms. Jin Xiuwen and Mr. Liu Xigong from Beijing Sentenced
2010-12-16Ms. Jin Xiuwen and Mr. Liu Xigong, both in their 60's, were sentenced to four and a half years on July 13th, 2010, by the Haidian District Court. When they appealed to the higher court, the initial decision was upheld. Ms. Jin and Mr. Liu have been repeatedly persecuted because they refuse to give up their belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Jin has been dismissed by her employer, and Mr. Liu has had his pension suspended. Ms. Jin and Mr. Liu were arrested on December 19th, 2009, and their home was ransacked.
Mr. Qin Yueming's Family Persecuted by Jinshantun District 610 Office
2010-12-16Practitioner Ms. Wang Baoyu was arrested in Harbin City on November 16th. Her husband, Mr. Qin Yueming, was tortured on a tiger bench in Yichun Forced Labour Camp. His legs and ribs were broken in several places and he couldn't walk. He was later sentenced to ten years in prison, and is being detained at the Lianjiangkou Prison in Jiamusi City.
Ms. Chen Yanxiu Taken to Forced Labour Camp Again
2010-12-16Ms. Chen Yanxiu has been tortured repeatedly at forced labour camps because she practises Falun Gong. She and her husband were arrested on October 8th for the third time and sentenced to forced labour and prison again, because they spoke of Falun Gong to their cab driver and his wife, tried to expose the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, and gave them Falun Gong materials. Their family members were not notified of their whereabouts.
Ms. Xiang Huaixiang, in Her 60's, from Hunan Province Secretly Put On Trial
2010-12-14On November 19th, 2010, Ms. Xiang, in her 60s, was arrested on July 19th, 2010 at her home while conducting a Falun Gong group study with 11 elderly female practitioners. Police also ransacked Ms. Xiang's home and confiscated many of her personal belongings, her car, and over 15,000 yuan. She was secretly put on trial at Beihu District Court in Chenzhou City. While in court, Ms. Xiang kept telling people that Falun Gong and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good, and refused to sign the court paperwork.
Dalian Practitioner Wang Yukun, 56, Arrested
2010-12-14Mr. Wang Yukun, 56, is a Falun Gong practitioner in Dalian City, Liaoning Province. On November 23rd, as Mr. Wang spoke to people about Falun Gong at a construction site he was reported to the authorities. He was arrested by police, and is currently being detained at the Dalian Drug Rehabilitation Centre.
Two Sisters, Ms. Wang Yinghua and Ms. Wang Yingxia from Jiamusi Detained, Family Traumatised
2010-12-13Two sisters from Jiamusi City, Ms. Wang Yinghua and Ms. Wang Yingxia, were detained numerous times since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong in 1999. Their family was also severely affected. Their parents are unable to take care of themselves and the home was left unattended. Ms. Wang Yingxia distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong on December 14th, 2007 and was arrested. When Ms. Wang's sister, Ms. Wang Yinghua, went to Fuyuan County Detention Centre to see her she could barely recognise her. Her face was so severely swollen that she could not see. A guard in the detention centre said that she had been sentenced to three years of imprisonment without going through legal procedures.
Fifteen Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested and Harassed in Tangshan Area
2010-12-12Fifteen Falun Gong practitioners were reportedly abducted by authorities in Tangshan City on November 24th. Eight were detained in the Tangshan City Detention Centre by midnight. Others were taken to the Tangshan City First Detention Centre. 65-year old Ms. Li Lihua was arrested by police. They were hiding on the staircase. Wang Bin (who has repeatedly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners) shouted that someone had reported Li to the authorities and they need to ransack the place. They tried to take her away, but she resisted. Police carried her to the police car.