Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Practitioner Yang Xitian from She County, Hebei Province Sentenced to Forced Labour
2010-12-11On September 25th, eight police officers broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Yang Xitianand his wife Wang Qiaolian. They ransacked and confiscated their property. Police took Yang Xitian and his wife to a detention centre. Wang Qiaolian was forced to do slave labour, packaging small decoration gifts made by male prisoners. Every day she had to work 14 to 15 hours. Yang Xitian was sentenced to forced labour for eight months and was sent to the Handan Forced Labour Camp.
Officials Try to Prevent Lawyers from Defending Practitioners in Zhaoyuan City
2010-12-11Seven Falun Gong practitioners from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, were recently arrested. Officials from the judiciary and Zhaoyuan 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) tried to prevent their lawyers from defending them. When the lawyers met the judge, they were told the situation had changed, and that they could neither meet with their clients nor defend them in court. The judge showed them a hand-written note, claiming it was from one of the practitioners. It read, "I do not want a lawyer, and I do not want my family to hire a lawyer for me, either." The family members firmly denied that these were the real wishes of any of the practitioners and questioned the authenticity of the handwriting.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced in Songyuan, Jilin Province
2010-12-11Four Falun Gong practitioners were recently tried secretly at the Ningjiang District Court in Songyuan, Jilin Province. The trial was held without informing the practitioners' families, and the practitioners were sentenced several days after the trial. Doctor Yang was sentenced to eight years. According to sources inside China, he has been brutally tortured. The three other practitioners were sentenced to seven and a half years. They are still being held at the Shanyou Detention Centre in Songyuan.
Ms. Zhou Shuhong Detained at Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-12-10On June 13th, 2010, Ms. Zhou Shuhong was arrested by a dozen police officers from the Zhuozhou 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong]. The police officers ransacked her house. They sentenced Ms. Zhou to one year of forced labour using the information on her computer, leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and Falun Gong books that they took from her house. It has been more than six months since Ms. Zhou was transferred to Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labour Camp. When Ms. Zhou's family members went to see her at the forced labour camp, the guards harassed, intimidated, and deceived them.
Released after Seven Years of Imprisonment, Mr. Xu Ming Arrested Again
2010-12-09In June 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Ming was arrested at his home by 13 police officers. After he started practising Falun Gong, many people witnessed the changes in him and thought very highly of him. Mr. Xu was subjected to seven years of imprisonment because he practised Falun Gong. Not long after he was released, he was arrested again. Now he is being held in the Changzhou City Detention Centre. The police officers ransacked his house and took away his computer and many other personal belongings. Mr. Xu was sentenced for the first time ten years ago. He was brutally tortured during interrogation. When he was in prison, he was forced to do slave labour during the daytime. At night he was deprived of sleep for 12 days in a row.
Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp Extends Ms. Feng Xiaomei's Term
2010-12-07Ms. Feng Xiaomei has been detained for 18 months at Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. Her term has been extended. Ms. Feng's family and friends have tried to appeal her case to various government offices and other higher authorities, but to no avail. It is a common practice by authorities at Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp to arbitrarily extend practitioners' terms in violation of the Chinese constitution. The majority of the practitioners who remain steadfast in their belief are subjected to extended terms.
While an Elderly Lady Is Tried, Her Family Members Are Beaten by the Police Outside the Court
2010-12-06An elderly Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hu Wangxiang was arrested and put on trial. When the trial started, her sister and her sons were denied their rights to enter the courtroom, and were made to sit in the public gallery, thus unable to speak for Ms. Hu. Not only that, outside the court, police suddenly ganged up on Ms. Hu's family members. They kicked and punched them and also shocked them with electric batons.
What Happened after an Excellent Teacher Got Arrested
2010-12-06Ms. Ma Qin, an excellent teacher from the Development District Experimental School in Pingdu City, has been practising Falun Gong for over five years. After she started practising, all her illnesses disappeared. She also followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, earning her a very high reputation among students and their parents. However, she was arrested by police on August 9th but managed to escape. She says, "The authorities knew that I was a good person, an excellent teacher, but they still tried everything they could think of to persecute me."
Wuling District Court Gives Eight Falun Gong Practitioners Heavy Sentences
2010-12-04Eight Falun Gong practitioners from Changde City in Hunan Province were sentenced from three to ten years in prison on November 4th, 2010. Wang Yongkang, director of the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Changde City, recently dispatched several hundred officers to arrest more than 30 practitioners and ransack their homes. The officers took away the practitioners' Falun Gong books, as well as equipment and supplies used for producing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. The practitioners were sent to detention centres. The practitioners were tried by the court of Wuling District in Changde City on June 11th. When the practitioners tried to defend themselves in court, presiding judge Deng Liping became irrational and smacked the table. The trial was just for show, with the outcome predetermined by the authorities.
Ms. Li Caina and Ms. Li Suting from Raoyang County, Hebei Province, Arrested and Detained
2010-12-04Police recently arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Li Caina and Ms. Li Suting, and are holding them in the Raoyang County Detention Centre. After the Chinese Communist regime started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Li was arrested four times and twice had 5,000 yuan extorted from her. She lived away from home to avoid the persecution for more than a month. The township police station officers ransacked her home and harassed her on all the Party holidays. She has also been intimidated and threatened numerous times.
Ms. Li Xiangmei and Ms. Guo Rongxian from Gaoping City, Shanxi Province, Sentenced
2010-12-04According to an unofficial source, Ms. Li Xiangmei, 58, and Ms. Guo Rongxian, 56, from Gaoping City, Shanxi Province, were recently sentenced to prison. The local court sentenced Ms. Li to four years and Ms. Guo to three years. Around October 15th, they were taken to the Shanxi Provincial Women's Prison in Maoerling. Ms. Li's daughter was sent to the same prison three years ago because she firmly believes in Falun Gong. Mother and daughter were separated for several years. They met in the prison and cried on each other's shoulder.
Mr. Cong Zhongxiao from Dalian City Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2010-12-03On November 4th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cong Zhongxiao was sentenced to three years in prison by Wensheng District Court in Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province. He is preparing his appeal to the Liaoyang City Intermediate Court. On May 8th, 2010, he gave a Falun Gong DVD to a person he ran into on the street and he was reported to authorities. Police arrested him. They went to his sister's home and ransacked the place. They also beat him up and knocked out three of his front teeth. Then they sent him to the Liaoyang Detention Centre.
A Seventy-year-old Practitioner Detained, Her Family's Visits Prohibited
2010-12-03Minhang Court officials sentenced 70-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shi Jinhua to four years in prison on October 25th, 2010. The Minhang District Detention Centre authorities refused to allow her lawyer or her family to visit her. Police arrested Ms. Shi Jinhua on June 4th, 2010, because she mailed several letters that explained the facts about Falun Gong. Over the past eleven years since the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong began, Ms. Shi has been detained more than 14 times, and was even subjected to violent beatings and torture. The police ransacked her home numerous times, seized her personal belongings and extorted money from her.
Practitioners Wang Lixin and Li Xiurong Sentenced in Jiamusi Court
2010-12-03Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Lixin and Ms. Li Xiurong were sentenced by officials from Jiaoqu Court in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, on November 14th. Ms. Wang was sentenced to three and a half years, while Ms. Li was sentenced to three years. Both of them refused to sign the sentencing documents, and said that they would appeal. Ms. Wang and Ms. Li were arrested on July 19th, and sent to the Jiamusi Detention Centre because they sent Falun Gong materials to their acquaintances.
Ms. Chen Min from Yueyang City Sentenced to Three Years in Forced Labour Camp
2010-12-02Police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Min on October 11th, 2010. Without presenting any documents, they ransacked her home and took away her computer and personal property valued at about 10,000 yuan. After interrogating her, the police sent Ms. Chen to the Yueyang Detention Centre. She was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp on October 19th, and transferred to the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp on October 29th. The labour camp accepted her without going through any procedures as required by law.