Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Entrepreneur Wang Qingzhong Arrested in Linyi, Shandong Province
2011-01-22Mr. Wang Qingzhong, 54, a famous entrepreneur from Linyi City, Shandong Province, was a professor in the Department of Physics in Linyi Normal University, and is now the chairman of Xintianli Mechanical Ltd. in Linyi. Mr. Wang regained good physical health and spiritual well-being through Falun Gong practice. However, he was persecuted several times because of his belief. Mr. Wang was arrested for the third time on September 26th, 2010. The arrest was ratified recently and Mr. Wang's case will go though legal procedures.
Beijing Lawyers Accuse Zhaoyuan City Police, Procurators and Court Officials
2011-01-21Several lawyers from Beijing defended Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Kao Fuquan, Ms. Song Guihua and Ms. Yang Lanxiang in Zhaoyuan City Court. The lawyers jointly wrote a letter in December 2010 to the Yantai City Intermediate Court and Procuratorate, Shandong Provincial High Court and Procuratorate, Beijing Supreme Court and Procuratorate, Public Security Department, Political Consultative Committees and the People's Committees at all levels, accusing the Zhaoyuan Court officials, the Procuratorate and the police of jointly breaking the law, by preventing the lawyers from being able to meet with their clients, to have access to documents, and to attend court hearings.
Lieutenant Commander's Health Destroyed While Held in Prison for Ten Years
2011-01-19Mr. Wang Youjiang is a Falun Gong practitioner and the former lieutenant-commander of the communications corps of the Lanzhou Military Region. He was arrested by police for practising Falun Gong on January 10th, 2001. Simply for trying to be a good person, adhering to his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and writing a banner “Restore Falun Gong's Innocence,” Mr. Wang was sentenced to ten years in prison. He was held at three facilities in Lanzhou City: the Xiguoyuan Detention Centre, the Xigusiergou Detention Centre, and the Dashaping Prison. His prison term ended on January 9th, 2011. His health has deteriorated after years of abuse in the prison and he can no longer take care of himself. His wife has also left him.
A Female Entrepreneur and Her Three Family Members Were Arrested
2011-01-19Ms. Wang Haihong, 43, a people's representative of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, and an entrepreneur, was arrested. In the months leading up to the Asian Games, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) escalated the persecution in the name of increasing security. On the evening of August 21st, 2010, Ms. Wang's three apartments at Guangzhou and one company were ransacked by policemen from the Domestic Security Division of the Tainhe Police Department branch office at Guangzhou. Her younger sister Ms. Wang Haiying was arrested and her home in Luoyang was ransacked by Luoyang 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Ms. Wang's youngest brother was sent to a forced labour camp for a one-year-and-nine-month term.
Ms. Feng Angui from Qijiang County, Chongqing City, Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2011-01-18When Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Feng Angui went shopping on May 10th, 2010 police arrested her. Later, other police officers ransacked her house. While doing so, they arrested her husband, Mr. Li Zongyue, and took him to the Qijiang County Detention Centre. He was later released. The Qijiang County Court secretly tried Ms. Feng in August 2010 without informing her family. On December 13th, during another court proceeding, she was sentenced to three years in prison.
Police from Huachuan County, Heilongjiang Province, Frame Innocent Woman
2011-01-17On December 13th, 2010, police arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Liu Fengping and her daughter, Ms. Wang Dan. The two had gone to visit their relatives in Hengtoushan Town. The police tried to have Ms. Wang sentenced to a jail term. They fabricated evidence and forced her colleagues to perjure themselves in their testimonies. Ms. Wang Dan has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because of her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. While she was in high school, her mother was detained twice and the police constantly went to her school to harass her. The mental pressure and financial problems created by her mother’s detention forced Wang Dan to discontinue her high school education so that she could support herself.
An Excellent Tangshan Steel Company Employee Arrested
2011-01-17On November 24th, 2010, Mr. Tang Tieyong was arrested by police and taken to the Second Detention Centre solely because he had viewed the Clearwisdom website (a Falun Gong website). His home was also ransacked. In 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong for the third time. Police identified him while he was on the train and detained him in Tangshan Brainwashing Centre. Mr. Tang was not released until authorities had extorted 6000 yuan from his family.
Several Employees of Chengdu Computer City Detained for Eighteen Months
2011-01-16Seven Falun Gong practitioners, employed at the company Chengdu Computer City, were arrested by police in July 2009 and are still detained. Their case has been pushed back and forth between the court and police at least twice because of insufficient evidence. Attorneys of the practitioners said the process severely violates the law. The litigants have been detained for an unreasonable length of time according to the criminal law article 74 and article 75. Thus, Wuhou District Court should release the seven litigants.
Chinese Communist Party Personnel from Qinglong County, Hebei Province, Order the Arrests of Practitioners
2011-01-16Li Xuemin, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary of Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County, Qingdao City, Hebei Province, ordered the government offices of different levels to arrest more than ten practitioners and force them to undergo brainwashing. Police went to Mr. Chen Youtian's home and ransacked it on December 13th. They confiscated many of Mr. Chen's personal belongings, including a computer, a printer, a mobile phone, DVD discs, and a personal bank book that totalled over sixty thousand yuan. They also arrested his wife, Ms. Guo Kunlan. Mr. Chen was not home at the time and has now been forced into homelessness to avoid further persecution.
Five Practitioners Detained in Wuhan City Women's Labour Camp
2011-01-14Five practitioners are currently detained in Division 5 and Division 6 of the Wuhan City Women's Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Wang Yujie, 23, was arrested by police in March 2010. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Ms. Wang was brutally tortured and was forced to remain standing for long periods of time. She was only allowed to sleep between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
Nine Falun Gong Practitioners from Mancheng, Hebei Province Arrested in One Day
2011-01-13On August 16th, 2010, the Mancheng County 610 office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), police station, and the Domestic Security Bureau ransacked nine Falun Gong practitioners’ houses and arrested them. While practitioner Ms. Zhao Zhiyun was taking care of her nephew’s child on August 16th, several policemen broke into her house, saying that they wanted to ask her something at the police station. She said she had to watch the baby and they could ask her in her house instead of the police station. Those policemen tried to take her by force, and she lost consciousness in the process. They then began to ransack her house with no legal documents.
Lawyers Enter Not-Guilty Plea for Ms. Yang Jian from Tianjin
2011-01-11Wuqing District court officials held a hearing for Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Jian on October 30th, 2010. Beijing lawyers Mr. Jin Guanghong and Mr. Xie Yanyi entered a not-guilty plea on her behalf. They pointed out that practising Falun Gong is not illegal in China, therefore Ms. Yang had committed no crime. The four-hour defence impressed those who observed the procedures.
Practitioner Ms. Liang Xiangjiao from Wuhan, Hubei Province, Given Five-year Prison Sentence
2011-01-10Ms. Liang Xiangjiao, a Falun Gong practitioner, was sentenced to one year of forced labour for distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in 2006. In March 2009, she was arrested for putting up stickers exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. She was taken to Tangjiadun Brainwashing Centre in the Jianghan District, Wuhan and detained for 15 days. Her left ankle was struck and fractured. Hanyang District Court tried Ms. Liang on June 22nd, 2010. On July 14th, the Hanyang District Court sentenced her to five years in prison, and she was taken to the Wuhan Women's Prison, Hubei Province.
High School Teacher Wang Hongxing Arrested
2011-01-09Police came to the Daqing 17th High School and arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Hongxing on December 17th. The officers interrogated him and intended to remove his belt, but Mr. Wang did not cooperate. They then kicked him with a lot of force, which caused him to lose his balance. At that time, his family stood outside and heard loud noises coming from the inside. They questioned the officers about why they were persecuting Mr. Wang for his belief in Falun Gong. The officers forcibly pushed Mr. Wang into a vehicle and sent him to the Dulitun Third Detention Centre in Daqing.
Mr. Yao Zhen Sentenced to One Year in Prison in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
2011-01-09Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yao Zhen was arrested by officers from Guancheng District Public Security Bureau on October 20th, 2010. Recently, Mr. Yao was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Mr. Yao's wife insisted on getting her husband released, so she submitted an application letter for administrative reconsideration. Mr. Yao Zhen also does not accept the persecution and handed in his administrative reconsideration application. Mr. Yao's wife went everywhere to try to free her husband. However, the National Security Brigade and the Bubugao Police Station shuffled his case between each other or avoided meeting with her.