Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Ms. Wei Maoxia and Her Son Arrested and Her Husband Became Homeless to Avoid Further Persecution
2009-10-27Wei Maoxia and her family has suffered continuous harassment and persecution. Three police officers from Yanzhou Domestic Security Division in Shandong have repeatedly searched Wei Maoxia's home several times and have detained her on and off during August and September. Now Wei Maoxia and her son Zhang Chao are being mistreated in a detention centre. Wei Maoxia's is now homeless to avoid further persecution.
Good Wife and Loving Mother Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2009-10-26Ms. Wang Huijun, a fifty-eight-year-old Falun Gong practitioner and resident of Beian City, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested and sent to Beian Detention Centre after she told people the facts about Falun Gong in Shengli Village in mid-June 2009. In late July she was sent to Harbin Forced Labour Camp for a term of one-and-a-half years.
Shenyang City: Shenhe Public Security Police Arrest Practitioners
2009-10-25Under orders from Liaoning Province Police Headquarters, Public Security police from Shenhe District Police Department in Shenyang City arrested more than ten Falun Gong practitioners in September 2009. Using techniques such as stalking, waiting in the dark, and using violence and a black hood, they arrested the practitioners. Practitioner Ms. Tu is now being held at the Shenyang Detention Centre, and Ms. Wang at a brainwashing centre called "Shenyang Legal Education School". Both of them started hunger strikes to demand their unconditional release.
Several Falun Gong Practitioners from Nanjing Fourteenth Research Institute, Jiangsu Province Persecuted
2009-10-25Practitioner Ms. Xie Yanmin is a senior engineer for the Nanjing Fourteenth Research Institute. She was arrested at her hotel during a business trip to Beijing in August 2009. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials put special markings on practitioners' identification cards while they were replacing everyone's card. When Ms. Xie used her identification card to check in at the hotel, the police were notified. Soon after, police arrived at the hotel and ransacked her room. They found Falun Gong materials in her laptop. They took her away and her whereabouts are now unknown, only that she has been sentenced to two years at a forced labour camp in Beijing
Li Yong from Xianning City, Hubei Province, Detained and in Critical Condition
2009-10-24On August 17th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Yong was beaten by three local security police officers after they saw him distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. After they beat him, they took him to the Henggou Police Station. On August 18th, Henggou police officers and the Public Security Bureau of Xianan Police Department detained Mr. Li, who had already been tortured and had wounds all over his body, in the Xianan District Detention Centre. To protest the persecution, Mr. Li went on hunger strike. As a result of his silent protest, he was force-fed and sentenced to a forced labour camp for one year.
Ms. Zhu Hailing Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2009-10-24Ms. Zhu Hailing, a Falun Gong practitioner, and her three sisters from Yongji County in Jilin Province were arrested and their home ransacked on September 15th, 2009. Her three sisters were released, but Ms. Zhu was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Ms. Zhu's young brother, Mr. Zhu Boyuan, who is handicapped and bedridden, asked the police, "Do you have a search-warrant and the legal documents? If you don't, it is illegal for you to search our home." One of the police hit Mr. Zhu twice with a pillow.
Mr. Liu Changping from Jinzhou City Sent to Forced Labour for the Third Time
2009-10-23Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Changping, a taxi driver from Jinzhou City in Liaoning Province, was arrested on July 15th, 2009, and on August 12th he was transferred to the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. This was the third time he had been sent to a forced labour camp. His family demanded to see him, but were refused without reason. When Mr. Liu was imprisoned in Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp he was twice locked in solitary confinement and handcuffed all day to a wooden board. After long-term mistreatment, his entire body became covered with scabies, which was unbearable, and his blood pressure rose to 220. He also lost consciousness twice, was attacked with electric batons, and beaten while hung up by his handcuffs.
Mr. Wang Wenzhang Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
2009-10-23Mr. Wang Wenzhang is about 55 years old and comes from Fuhe Village in Liaoning Province. He owned a small department store in the village. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, the Wang family has been repeatedly persecuted by the authorities. In June 2009, Mr. Wang was taken away by the police. Three months later, according to reliable sources, he was sentenced to four years in prison by the Court of Tieling City.
Nine Practitioners Arrested in Binxian County, Heilongjiang Province
2009-10-23Prior to China's National Day on October 1st, 2009, police officers from Binxian County, Helongjiang Province arrested nine practitioners within two days, and they were held in the No. 2 Binxian County Detention Centre. broke into Ms.Yao Chunrong's home, where practitioners had gathered to study Falun Gong teachings together. The police arrested Ms.Yao and four other practitioners. They also confiscated Ms. Yao's personal belongings, including Falun Gong books. All practitioners were then taken to the No. 2 Binxian County Detention Centre.
Jilin University Professor Ms. Zeng Lingwen Unjustly Charged
2009-10-22Ms. Zeng Lingwen, 74, is a retired professor of physics who taught at Jilin University. She was arrested repeatedly for being a Falun Gong practitioner and taken to the detention centre, the drug rehabilitation centre and the forced labour camp in Changchun City. In the middle of July 2009, officials from the Changjiu Road Police Station in Changchun City came to Ms. Zeng's house to make an "in-home investigation." Seeing Falun Gong materials in the house, the police began to search everything and took away her personal belongings including her pension money. The police subsequently took Ms. Zeng to the police station for further questioning.
Mr. Dong Shaotai Arrested Again
2009-10-22After the persecution of Falun Gong started in July 1999, Mr. Dong, along with many other Falun Gong practitioners, went to the Office of Letters and Calls of the Chongqing Municipal government to appeal for Falun Gong. However, they were beaten by the police and thrown onto a truck. The police drove them to a desolate place where there were no bus stops and left them there. He was arrested and detained several times over the years. In September 2009, someone framed Mr. Dong. He was arrested by police and his home was searched. According to the police station, they had found several hundred copies of Falun Gong-related DVDs, Falun Gong books and materials. Mr. Dong is being held at the Shuangliu County Detention Centre without visitation rights. According to sources, his family are also placed under tight surveillance.
Ms. Liu Chunyan Arrested in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province
2009-10-21On September 19th, seven people from the Nantong City Police Department broke into a store in Rugao County owned by Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Chunyan. They arrested Ms. Liu, her husband Cai Xunming, and their son Cai Qiang. The family was detained at the Rugao Police Department. While the family was being held, over eighty policemen from Nantong Police Department and Rugao Police Department ransacked their home and confiscated Ms. Liu's computer, Falun Gong books, and two personal letters. Mr. Cai Xunming was held for four days and his son Cai Qiang for one day. Ms. Liu is still in custody at the Rugao County Police Station.
Police in Ji County, Tianjin City, Arrested a Legless, Mentally Ill Person and Tried to Put Him in a Forced Labour Camp
2009-10-20The national security police in Ji County, Tianjin City, worked with Dongerying Police Station to arrest the legless and mentally ill brother of practitioner Mr. Su Jianmin. They decided to put him in a forced labour camp for a year, but were unsuccessful in getting him admitted. Not able to find Mr. Su, they arrested his brother, who is not a Falun Gong practitioner, but the police arrested and detained him anyway.
68-Year-Old Ms. Shi Jinhua from Qidong County, Hunan Province Arrested 13 Times
2009-10-19Sixty-eight-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Shi Jinhua from Hengyang City, Hunan Province has been arrested by the police 13 times. The police have extorted over 10,000 yuan from her family and took over 5,000 yuan worth of property from her home. In detention, ten policemen with hard-sole leather shoes kicked and beat practitioners brutally. Ms. Shi was beaten so hard that she passed out on the ground for at least ten minutes. The police forced the practitioners to raise their hands, and beat their faces, bodies, feet, and back of their hands with wooden sticks, bamboo poles, and bamboo slabs.
Tumen Teacher Ms. Liu Yaxian Arrested Again
2009-10-18Ms. Liu Yaxian is a school teacher and Falun Gong practitioner in Tumen City, Jilin Province. She disappeared a few days ago. People asked around and found out that she had been arrested by the city 610 Office and has been sent to the Tumen City First High School for brainwashing. On September 22nd, it was reported that Ms. Liu was detained in a student dorm opposite the high school. The Chinese Communist Party, in the name of national security, makes a point of arresting practitioners who believe in Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.