Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
600,000 Yuan in Cash Taken After Family of Five Detained
2008-08-31According to inside sources, nearly 5000 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested and persecuted in Liaoning Province in July this year. In Tangshan City, Hebei Province, a family of five Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Zhang Yueqing, husband Mr. He Yixing, their two daughters and one son-in-law, were recently arrested. Their homes were ransacked and their property and cash totalling over 600,000 yuan were confiscated. A happy and harmonious family was torn apart due to the persecution.
The Chinese Communist Party's Desperate Attempts to Avoid Losing Face while Hosting the Olympics
2008-08-09According to a reliable source, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently transferred criminal justice students in colleges nationally to Beijing in succession as "servers" and turned taxi drivers in Beijing into armed police. The party claims this is necessary to ensure the safety of the Olympic Games. On the one hand, it exposes how the CCP wants to destroy more people as they kidnap the students and force the taxi drivers into being armed police in the public security system, risking their lives. On the other hand, it exposes the desperate state that the CCP is in, fearing every living thing is their enemy.
The Xingtai Police and 610 Office Routinely Impose Heavy Fines on Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-08-09For nine years, heavy fines have been routinely used by the police and 610 Office agents in Xingtai, Hebei Province as just one of the means to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Wu Shuqi, the head of this local National Security Brigade office, pointed at his luxury car and boasted in public, "This vehicle was obtained by soliciting money". He had hired people to spy on Falun Gong practitioners. He often tracks practitioners and brings a camera with him when searching the homes of practitioners who are prosperous. Whenever he finds Falun Gong books and leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, he extorts heavy fines. In 2007 alone, he extorted heavy fines from over ten practitioners.
The Persecution of Mr. Wu Wenfeng, a Blind Practitioner from Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-06-28Mr. Wu Wenfeng, a blind Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested in June 2008 at an elderly people's centre by police from the Xinjieji Police Station on June 5th, 2008. Since the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Wu has also been often persecuted. On September 22nd, 2003, Mr. Wu was transferred to Dongsheng elderly people's centre where he was detained and closely monitored. One policeman from the 610 Office told him, "We will lock you up here until you die."
Two Cases of Forced Labour and Extortion in Shenzhou City, Hebei Province
2008-05-18Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Bai Ruixian, 48, distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong to people at the train station. Police arrested her and tried to force her to make a so-called "confession" to get Ms. Bai to tell them the source of the leaflets. When she refused some of the police officers beat her about the face and shocked the rest of her body using electric batons. She was also forced to sit on an "iron chair". At night, police officers put a mask on her head and put her in a car. After driving a long distance, they pulled her out off the car and pulled the mask off. They placed her in front of a pit and threatened her, "Even if we bury you alive today, no one will ever know."
Cases of Practitioners Suffering Abuse at the Hands of Baoqing County Heilongjiang Province Police Department Officials
2008-04-21Xie Yuntong, a 45-year-old male and chief of the Politics and Security Section of the Police Department in Baoqing Country, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, has been actively involved in extorting huge sums of money from Falun Gong practitioners since he took office. He has also been actively persecuting practitioners. On September 6th, 2006, practitioner couple Mr. Zhang Zhaohua and Ms. Yuan Meirong, were arrested by police and taken to the detention centre. Mr. Zhang was detained for nearly seven weeks. A prison guard severely beat him with a plastic tube about one inch in diameter. Inmates forcibly bathed him with cold water. He had 15,000 yuan extorted from him before he was released. Ms. Yuan was detained for six days and had 1300 yuan extorted from her before she was released.
Great Amount of Money Extorted from Falun Gong Practitioners in Liaoning Province
2008-03-21On August 1st, 2007, police from the Lingyuan City Department, arrested 42 Falun Dafa practitioners in Beilu Towship, Lingyuan City. Ms. Hu Yanrong died during the process of being arrested. Ms. Li Cuizhi was tortured so badly she developed a mental disorder. Nine of these practitioners were sentenced. Five practitioners were taken to the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Among these practitioners, a great amount of money was extorted from twenty four of them and their families.
Communist Agents from Guangan City, Sichuan Province Arrested and Sentenced Falun Gong Practitioners to Prison and Forced Labour
2007-12-31In November 2006, more than 20 police officers raided a house and arrested three practitioners. The police confiscated four notebook computers, printers, a CD copying machine, printing materials, 40,000 yuan in cash, and a bank passbook worth over 100,000 yuan. They kept the computers and cash for themselves. They also attempted to force the practitioners to reveal the code for the bank passbook, but failed. Following Ms. Ding Yuerong and Mr. Zeng Geping's arrest, the police feared exposure of their crimes. They hid the practitioners in a secret location in Huarong City for a long time. They also did this to try to extort a confession. Recently, Guangan City officials secretly sentenced Mr. Zeng Geping and Xiang Lin to seven years in prison and Ms. Ding Yuerong to six years in prison.
Guangzhou City Police Confiscate Ms. Zhou Lianzhang's Belongings Worth Ten Thousand Yuan
2007-12-31On October 31st, 2007, several local officials and four or five policemen broke down the door and handcuffed Ms. Zhou Lianzhang, a 74-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. They ransacked boxes and chests, willfully causing damage to things and making a mess. According to incomplete figures, they confiscated Ms. Zhou's treasured Falun Gong books, more than two thousand yuan cash, and some gold jewellery. These items were worth ten thousand yuan (almost 700 British pounds), and the invaders did not issue a list of items they took away
The Persecution of Mr. Shi Jujun from Hebei Province
2007-12-30In October 2000, Mr. Shi Jujun and another practitioner went to Shangyi County to distribute leaflets explaining the truth about Falun Gong so that the Chinese people could understand the unreasonable persecution and what Falun Gong is really about. They were arrested by five police officers. After Mr. Shi was detained for two days, he was taken to a detention centre. The police ordered a prisoner to beat Mr. Shi, and then they extorted 400 yuan from him. They planned to sentence him to two years of forced labour. Mr. Shi refused to cooperate with the police and was brutally beaten. His leg was broken during the beating. Then he was taken to Shangyi County and detained there for a year. In 2001, Mr. Xue was taken to Gaoyang County and sentenced to one year of forced labour.
Police from Mencun Town Police Station in Pingdu City, Shandong Province, Harassed and Arrested Many Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-12-27In the autumn of 2005, Ms. Feng Yuping was arrested at a market and taken to the Pingdu City 610 Office for brainwashing. Without any criminal evidence, she was admitted to the Zibo City Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province for one and a half years. Ms. Feng Yuping's mind has become dazed due to the torture. Also in 2005, police from Mencun Town Police Station and the staff from the Pingdu City 610 Office arrested Ms. Guo Huisheng. She was tortured at the Pingdu City 610 Office for two months. Her family had several thousand yuan extorted from them in exchange for her release.
Police Officers in Heilongjiang Province Again Arrest Mr. Yang Libing and His Wife, Ms. Chen Guiqiu
2007-12-12On the afternoon of November 8th, 2007, Mr. Yang Libing, a practitioner from Yicun City, was arrested by Jinshan Police Station officials and detained. Mr. Yang escaped and become destitute and homeless. His wife, Ms. Chen Guiqiu, was arrested on the street and is now held in Jinshantun Detention Centre. The couple's son, who needs to go to college, and the boy's grandmother now have no means of support. Since the persecution began in July 1999, Ms. Chen has been taken into custody six times and detained for over 300 days. In July 2000, Mr. Yang was jailed in Yichun Forced Labour Camp for one and a half years. Over ten thousand yuan was extorted from the family by the local police before the two were released.
Guangzhou City Police Confiscate Ms. Zhou Lianzhang's Belongings Worth Ten Thousand Yuan
2007-12-10On October 31st, 2007, several officials and police broke down the door and handcuffed 74-year-old Ms. Zhou Lianzhang. They ransacked boxes and chests, wilfully causing damage to things and making a mess. According to incomplete figures, they confiscated Ms. Zhou's treasured Falun Gong books, more than two thousand yuan cash, and some gold jewellery. These items were worth ten thousand yuan, and the invaders did not issue a list of items they took away. When her relatives reported the stolen property to the police and asked for the items' return, the police station clerk denied what had happened and berated the relatives, calling them liars.
Police in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province Extort Money and Valuables from Practitioners
2007-11-30Since August 2006, Lingyuan City Police Department have committed over 20 arrests, seizures of personal property, and extortions from Falun Gong practitioners. More than 70 practitioners were personally affected. More than 40 practitioners suffered direct losses of totalling over 346,000 Yuan in cash. Family members of the arrested and harassed Falun Gong practitioners were squeezed for money for their efforts to rescue their loved ones. They were forced to deplete their savings, and some were forced to borrow money. Wang Guilin was the most unscrupulous. He demanded money from and coerced practitioners and their family members directly.
Financial Extortion from Falun Gong Practitioners by Jiuzhai Township Government, Mengyin County, Shandong Province
2007-11-14Besides physical suffering, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is widely using another form of persecution: Economic persecution.The 610 Office, local police station, and other government bureaus have seized massive amounts of wealth in the name of persecuting Falun Gong. This is how they usually operate: Arrest the practitioners and ransack their homes. Grab everything of value, including personal property and belongings. Put the practitioners into a brainwashing centre, the local police station, or detention centre. They force family members to hand over huge amounts of money by taking advantage of their fear that their loved ones will suffer. If the penalty is not paid, they may keep the practitioner in detention, torture him, or send him to a forced labour camp or prison. The authorities don't give receipts for the paid penalty, not even an IOU. All the money goes into their own pockets.