Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Arrest, Robbery, Brutal Beatings, Sexual Assault and Torture with Red Hot Pokers -- Crimes Committed by Pingdu City Police
2004-03-05Zhang questioned him, "Who gave you permission to ransack my home?" Li Yaoguo said, "Go ask those above. They told us to come here." After that, they ransacked practitioner Mr. Wang Youzhong's home. Wang's wife asked Li Yaoguo, "Do you have a search warrant?" Li Yaoguo threatened, "I'll break down your doors and windows this time."....As it turned out, a passer-by saw it and shouted, "How can you torture her like that? Are you still human?"
Speech at International Conference on 'Genocide in the New Era': "Justice against the Crime of Genocide"
2004-02-23The International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”, organised by “Friends of Falun Gong Europe” and “International Advocates for Justice”, took place in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm from January 26th to January 28th 2004. This is one of the conference speeches by New York Bar attorney Theresa Chu entitled "Justice against the Crime of Genocide", which was given on the morning of Tuesday January 27th.
Female Dafa Practitioner's Heartful Plea -"Who Will be Held Responsible for the Damage Done to My Family?"
2004-02-22Because of my age, it was not easy for me to find a job. Thus, I had a lot of tribulations and have not been able to pay back my debt up to now. My children were seriously damaged by this incident. My younger daughter felt anxious all the time. In addition, the lies and hate-inciting propaganda on the TV, as well as the sneering from our neighbours and other people who didn't know the truth, all made my children unable to thrive, and it seemed to them that I had done some disgraceful things.
The Cruel Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Yueyang City
2004-02-22However, would a poor farming family like Ms. Chen's be able to come up with such a large sum of money? Ms. Chen's husband fell into the depths of despair and almost committed suicide to escape the fine. Under the police's coercion and threats, he had no choice but to borrow money from friends and relatives. The police had also harassed them at home, and repeatedly ransacked their home. They wouldn't give Ms. Chen's family a moment of peace.
Detained Ten Times: Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Suping Tells Her Painful Story
2004-02-16"If you write a promise letter (to give up Dafa cultivation) and pay 5,000 Yuan, we will send you home instead of the detention centre." I refused. Frustrated, they went to my husband's work place, my child's school and my parents' house to tell lies and threatened them. They told them that I would receive jail sentences. When my sick father heard that, he was so shocked that his physical condition worsened and he became bed ridden. My husband could not bear their constant harassment and paid them 2,000 Yuan, thinking that they would release me. But the police still sent me to a detention centre for 15 days.
Jilin City Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Minli Describes Her Story as a Victim of Persecution
2004-02-16Some of the policemen who knew the truth about Falun Dafa brought me some daily necessities, while other policemen smoked in my hospital room. A nurse nicknamed Xiao Xiu asked them not to smoke cigarettes in the hospital ward, but they refused to stop smoking. They replied matter-of-factly, "We are here to watch her, not to provide medical care. It is none of our business if she dies."...Then Wang Zhongren threatened me, trying to make my family pay him 30,000 yuan within three days. He said, "Otherwise, I will put an ad on the newspaper and sell you as a mail-order bride for 30,000 yuan."
False Report by a Television Station in Liaoning Province
2004-02-16Later Ms. Xu Guilan saw news on TV saying that she was "transformed" and had voluntarily turned in her Dafa books. They had created an entirely false scenario. The report only showed Xu Guilan taking the books out of the drawer, without playing any sound. Only the reporter was making a comment. Ms. Xu went to the police station and asked them why they made all this up. None of the police dared to say one word.
The Crimes of National Security Brigade Captain Gong Chuanxing against Dafa Practitioners in Chifeng City
2004-02-15...Policemen from the National Security Brigade left nothing in the Suns' home untouched, and the floor was strewn with objects the police had thrown around. These policemen kept cursing and uttering nothing but profanities while they ransacked the Sun's house, and they then knocked down the wardrobe. Finally, the police abducted Mr. and Mrs. Sun, and left their 13-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son alone at home with no one to care for them...
Fifty One Year Old Xingtai City Practitioner Ms You Zhilan Dies of Police Abuse
2004-02-14Officer Chen took the mobile phone that You's son had just purchased as well as 100 yuan. You's family worried about her health in the detention centre, so they sent gifts to their relations to get her out. They spent over a thousand yuan just to treat Zhang Yinchao and his family to dinner. (Zhang is the one in Xingtai Police Department in charge of the Falun Gong issue.) Zhang also took from them two or three thousand yuan in cash. When You was released, she was again fined 3,000 yuan. Altogether, You and her family were extorted over 10,000 yuan. [The average monthly income of an urban worker is 500 yuan.]
The Plight of a Family in Hebei Province
2004-02-13Our agricultural machinery and other personal belongings were taken away. My son held on to his favorite sheep and begged them to let him keep it, but they took it from him anyway. They saw a suitcase and a neighbour said, "Don't take the suitcase. There's money in it." When they heard the word "money" they took the suitcase with them right away. The crowd reprimanded them for behaving like gangsters. Because my home was stripped clean, my son was forced to leave school because he could no longer afford the school fees.
The Reason Bao Bao Doesn't Want to go to School
2004-02-13I asked my neighbour's 4-year-old son, Bao Bao, "Do you want to go to school when you are older?" Bao Bao said, "I don't want to go; school is terrible." I asked, "How do you know it's terrible?" Bao Bao said, "Granny went to school, and she can't come home. Mum took me to school to see her. The school had locked granny in a room. There are steel rods and a lock on the door. Granny can't come out. She even has to go to the toilet in there. There is no bed, so she has to sleep on the floor.
Shandong Province "610 Office" Conspires To Spread More Lies About Falun Gong
2004-02-12The activity targets students in elementary and middle schools, and farmers. The plan of attack is to adopt a face-to-face approach in villages to display pictures and VCD's based on fabrications in order to slander Falun Gong. Farmers and students will be forced to watch slanderous videos and to view the exhibition. Afterwards, the students are asked to enter a contest by writing articles and speeches that slander Falun Dafa.
Hebei Province Panicked Authorities Indiscriminately Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners in Retaliation for TV Tapping Incident
2004-02-09Certain lawless authorities were very panicked after Falun Dafa practitioners in Xingtai City and Shahe City, Hubei Province successfully inserted signals clarifying the truth about Falun Gong into a local TV programme around the Chinese New Year. The Hebei Province Party Committee ordered Xingtai City to "solve the case" by a deadline; otherwise the mayor would be fired. In the meantime, some officers from Hebei Province Police Department stationed in the Yongnian area have arrested several practitioners.
Hunan Province Authorities Demolish Dafa Practitioners' Homes and Subject them to Public Humiliation
2004-02-08In the next few days, the village organized a gathering in which they criticized Falun Gong. Students were forced to leave their classes and come to watch. Police officer Su Chaowen ordered a few other police officers to bind us and push us onto a truck. When the truck got to Sandun village's playground, there were more than 10,000 people already there, and the propaganda banners were everywhere. Before the meeting, the village government officials Li Guoqiang, Su Mingfeng, and Su Chaowen had already beaten Dafa practitioners viciously.
Poisoning The Minds Of Young Children
2004-02-05Even the children are not spared. On pages 25 and 26 of the new elementary textbook entitled Moral Character, a slanderous article covering the so-called "Tiananmen self-immolation case" and attacking Falun Gong's founder appears. This textbook, which is used in many schools, is published by the People's Education Publisher, printed in Guizhou province, and issued by Xinhua Bookstore in Guizhou Province. The article poisons the minds of many teachers and thousands of pure and kind-hearted children.