Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Chuanzhong and Family, and Other Practitioners Arrested by Police
2006-04-21Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou Chuanzhong and his family were forced to live away from their home as a result of the persecution. On the morning of February 25th, 2006, about a dozen vehicles from the Yanjiao Police Department and the 610 Office suddenly surrounded the temporary home of Mr. Zhou. The police arrested Zhou Chuanzhong, Wang Shuhua, and their son. Without presenting any documents, they ransacked the house and confiscated a computer, a copy machine, Falun Dafa books, and other things. It was said that the police officers drove away with several cars full of property.
The Arrest of Rape Victim Liu Jizhi and Her Daughter by Police from Beijing National Security and Hebei Public Security Bureau
2006-04-03Around 11:00 a.m. on March 7th, 2006, Beijing police officers in two police cars with over ten policemen to arrest practitioner Ms. Liu Jizhi, who was raped last year in police custody, and her 19-year-old daughter Wei Meiling. After Ms. Liu Jizhi bravely exposed the rape that occurred on November 25th, 2005 in police custody the Chinese Communist regime delayed the trial of policeman He Xuejian, who committed the rape, and tried to sweep the crime under the table. They offered a reward for the arrest of Liu Jizhi.
Zhuolu County Authorities Arrested and Extorted Funds from Practitioner Ms. Zhou Jianzhen
2006-03-09Ms. Zhou Jianzhen used to make a comfortable living, but now, due to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution, her family's living conditions have become very difficult. As an excellent teacher at the city level, simply because she has faith in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, she has been tortured and is now suffering from illegal detention, brainwashing, beating and cursing. Ms. Zhou has been held in a brainwashing centre for almost eight months. In the process of trying to rescue his wife, Ms. Zhou Jianzhen's husband had about 30,000 extorted from him by the local 610 Office and people from the Zhuolu Middle School.
Police Chiefs in Shangdong Province Extort Millions of Yuan from Practitioners
2006-02-18Throughout these years of persecution, Xue Lianchun and Chen Yuezhi have led police officers to steal belongings and funds from Falun Dafa practitioners' family members, forcing them to pay fines totalling millions of yuan. They have never given a single receipt for money or items stolen. After the police arrested several practitioners, they extorted two to five thousand yuan from their families before releasing them. Some practitioners' family members were forced to give Chen Yuezhi "Three Gold" (referring to gold rings, gold earrings and gold bracelets), and also hand in 2,000 yuan in fines, without being given any receipts.
Police Extort Twenty Thousand Yuan from an Elderly Couple in Yushu City, Jilin Province
2006-02-15"Just as we were feeling extremely fortunate that Falun Dafa had saved my life, the township police arrived at our door. It was March 7th, 2002. They searched the house looking for Falun Dafa books and DVDs. I was taken to Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp. The year of illegal detention cost my family more than 7,800 yuan. Later I was detained again. This time, my husband figured out a way to pay someone 11,600 yuan and bailed me out. The two detentions combined cost us 19,400 yuan, all of which my husband had to borrow."
Corrupt Officials and Unscrupulous Merchants of Bo'ai County, Henan Province Extort Money from Local Residents and Transfer Blame to Falun Dafa
2006-02-14Corrupt officials colluded with unscrupulous merchants to sell television cable boxes to local residents, requiring every home to buy the boxes. They forced each homeowner to buy separate boxes for each television in the same house. Those who refused to buy the boxes but installed outdoor antenna on their own were threatened by the police department. Local residents compalined. Recently, the television station has been displaying a so-called "explanation" saying that some television stations were interrupted by Falun Dafa television programmes and that the reason for making every house buy the boxes was to prevent this from happening. They are trying to direct the complaints from the local residents towards Falun Dafa.
National Security Team of Muleng City Police Department in Heilongjiang Province Extorts Money at Will
2006-02-08Li Shuzhi and Xiao Gao have been sent to Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labour Camp and Lao Peng to Mudanjiang City Forced Labour Camp. None of their families were notified at the time they were sent. All these practitioners who were "illegally arrested" were cruelly tortured while held in detention. For example, Sun Shiwei, who is over 50, lost two teeth when he was force-fed. The guards smashed his mouth and teeth in the process and blood flew all over his clothes and stained his bedding.
Those Who are Persecuting Practitioners in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, Should be Placed on the Official "List of Perpetrators"
2006-02-06Bai Shuwen is the prison director at Shuangyashan Detention Centre. He has tortured practitioners with instruments such as the "small white dragon." He also ruthlessly force-fed practitioners and tortured them while they were handcuffed. He forced practitioners to sit on an iron chair continuously for at least five days. He tortured practitioner Liu Jinshan to death through force-feeding.
Police Force Victim to Sign Falsified Document in Guangdong Province
2005-11-30On June 16th, 2005, officers from the Poxin Town Police Station, intending to avoid responsibility for their devious conduct, forced Dafa practitioner Zheng Meiquan to sign falsified documents. The papers stated that their police station had nothing to do with extorting more than 6,000 yuan from Zheng, and instead blamed the extortion on the Maoming 610 Office. They denied all responsibility for taking the money.
Persecution Escalates in Guangdong Province
2005-11-25On September 12th, a dozen officers from the Meihua Street Police Station in Guangzhou City broke into practitioner Shi Lei's home and took him away, saying they wanted to "summon [Shi Lei] and obtain some information." When Shi Lei's wife asked them to present the arrest warrant, the police only flashed a slip of paper that read, "Using x cult to disrupt implementation of the law." When Shi Lei was taken downstairs people heard Shi Lei shouting, "Help! The police are abducting and beating me!"
First-hand Accounts of the September 23rd Large-scale Arrests of Practitioners in Daqing City (Photos) Part 2
2005-11-22When Mr. Zheng Hongjun was arrested, he was pushed into the police car barefoot in only his underwear. His sister and brother tried to stop the arrest, but were attacked by the police. His father, in his 60s, was so scared he fell onto a bed, pale faced with terror. Mr. Zheng's 65-year-old mother, who had never had heart problems, developed an irregular heartbeat due to the arrest. Zheng Hongjun's daughter, who has been disabled and bedridden for ten years and cannot speak clearly, was threatened to the point of crying and almost fell onto the floor from her bed. Now Mr. Zheng has been detained at the Longfeng Detention Centre for over 20 days.
Mr. Wei Haiwu and His Family Endure Immense Suffering While Seeking His Release from Illegal Detention
2005-11-22Wei Haiwu and his wife Yin Fengqin have suffered brutal persecution for practising Falun Gong, including having their home searched and their phone tapped, detentions with extended terms, illegal fines, brainwashing, threats and other atrocities. In July 2002 Mr. Wei Haiwu was sentenced to two years of forced labour. His wife Yin Fengqin has been sent to the same labour camp twice: once in April 2001 and again in May 2003. On the morning of August 7th, 2005, Wei Haiwu was arrested once again in Baoding City while at work.
First-hand Accounts of the September 23 Large-scale Arrests of Practitioners in Daqing City (Part 1)
2005-11-21Twenty-seven practitioners were arrested and their homes searched. After more than a month, the local media has not said one word about the incident. Arrested practitioners, however, are still detained. Except for a few relatives of practitioners and a few witnesses, most citizens, and even some relatives of the arrested practitioners, do not know of these arrests. Practitioners risk much spreading flyers to expose the illegal persecution, but flyers posted in public places have been quickly damaged by people hired by the government.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Guo Meijie and Mr. Cheng Ming of Inner Mongolia
2005-11-12On August 9th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Guo Meijie and Mr. Cheng Ming, were arrested by more than 30 policemen from the local police station. They were imprisoned in the Patrols Police Group for four days. Over those four days, the police brutally tortured them. They were seriously beaten, tied to a chair to be shocked with high-voltage electricity, and deprived of sleep for days. The police took turns monitoring them. If their eyes closed even a bit, they were beaten on the head with a post. Many police officers tried to deceive them by saying that they also practised Falun Gong. The officers not only bombarded them with brainwashing information but also harassed and threatened them.
The CCP Intensifies Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Chongqing during the Fifth Asia-Pacific Cities Summit
2005-10-24Days before the Fifth Asia-Pacific Cities Summit was to be held in Chongqing, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) "cracked down" on people who might have protested during the event. The CCP regularly monitors and arrests Chinese citizens during important events or sensitive dates. In preparation for the summit, Chongqing Special Steel Company workers who have been laid off without compensation and Falun Gong practitioners, particularly practitioners who have been detained, persecuted and forced into brainwashing sessions, were followed and supervised 24 hours a day.