Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Beijing Falun Gong Practitioners Call for the Rescue of Cao Dong and Niu Jinping
2006-08-22We are Falun Gong practitioners and friends of Mr. Cao Dong and Mr. Niu Jinping. Cao Dong went missing after he met with the Vice President of the European Parliament, Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott. His family members are terribly worried for his safety. Many of us have had similar experiences. Suddenly, one day our relatives disappeared and no one knew where they were. After a long time, we learned that they were imprisoned somewhere, or perhaps even something worse happened to them.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaolun's Whereabouts Unknown, His Wife Arrested when Enquiring about her Husband
2006-08-01Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Xiaolun is from Hebei Province. After he was detained in the Gaobeidian Detention Centre for a month, personnel from Gaobeidian National Security Division took him away, on the morning of July 7th, 2006. The day before Wang Xiaolun’s wife went to the detention centre and asked for the release of her husband. Instead, she was arrested.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Bian Fusheng Dies After Suffering Persecution for Several Years
2006-07-25Since the evil regime started suppressing Falun Gong on July 20th 1999, Bian Fusheng, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province, and his whole family suffered ongoing persecution just because they practised "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Seven family members were once illegally sent to forced labour camps or prison. His daughter Bian Yaping was arrested many times and illegally sent to a labour camp for two years. Later, she was sentenced to five years in prison for distributing leaflets. Ms. Bian is still imprisoned at the Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Prison.
Three Disappearances in Beijing and Liaoning Province
2006-07-18Zhang Zuobin, 56, was a practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province. He disappeared in March 2002 and has been missing for over four years. When Mr. Zhang's family enquired about him at his workplace, they learned that three women and a man had come to see him at around 10:00 a.m. on the day of his disappearance and asked him to go with them. No one has seen or heard from him since. His family remains extremely worried about him.
Hong Kong Practitioner Liu Ding Unjustly Detained in Beijing
2006-06-24My mother and I are permanent residents of Hong Kong. Because my father became paralysed, my mother, Liu Ding, went back to Beijing, and she has been looking after my dad for the past five years. Recently the Chinese Communist Party has deprived her of her freedom and right to look after my critically ill father. On the afternoon of June 6th, 2006, mother took dinner to dad in the hospital as usual. At about 7:30 p.m. she left the hospital. We lost contact with her at that point. It was reported that she is detained in the Public Security Sub-Bureau of Xuanwu District, Beijing City.
Whereabouts of Practitioner Couple Remain Unknown
2006-06-24Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Huimin, 53, was arrested at the hospital where she had been caring for her sick father. During her detention, the authorities forced her to stand for long periods of time and allowed her almost no rest or sleep. In September 2005, after Ms. Li had completed her two-year sentence of forced labour, officials arrested her at her workplace. Her whereabouts remain unknown to this day. Ms. Li's husband, Xu Qutian, was released after three years of forced labour in Guangzhou City. His whereabouts also remain unknown.
Practitioner Mr. Chen Xun From Sichuan Province Taken to the Xinjin Brainwashing Class Right After His Release from Prison
2006-06-22On April 27th, 2001 police arrested Mr. Chen Xun at home and took him to the Qingbaijiang Detention Centre. He was later sentenced to five years in prison and sent to the Chengdu City Detention Centre Transit Station. He developed symptoms of severe liver and abdominal flukes. Chen Xun was later sent to the Sichuan Yaan Prison where he was brutally tortured. Chen Xun's five-year sentence expired in May 2006, but he was not released. Instead, the 610 Office agents took Chen Xun to the Xinjin Brainwashing Class.
More on Kidnapping of Cao Dong after His Meeting with European Parliament Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott
2006-06-09On May 21st, Cao Dong met with Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice-President of the European Parliament, who was in China to investigate first hand the human rights situation there. Cao Dong disappeared shortly after the meeting. He was arrested by the authorities and his whereabouts remain unknown. On May 26th, 2006, six people from the National Security Bureau opened the door of Mr. Cao Dong's home with a master key and arrested practitioner Gao Fengqiang who was staying there and ransacked the property
Open Letter: Please Help Rescue My Wife Wang Xiaoyan
2006-06-09On May 27th, officers from the Chunhai Police Department arrested my wife as she left home for work. Officers had been waiting outside the building. They broke into my wife's residence and took a computer, two printers, Falun Gong books and leaflets exposing the persecution my wife had made. She was sent to Yaojia Detention Centre.
Falun Gong Practitioner Missing After Meeting With VP of European Parliament
2006-06-08One of the two Falun Dafa practitioners, Mr. Cao Dong, 36, who met with Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament, on May 21st, 2006 in Beijing, is missing. It is believed he has been arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime. Although Cao Dong has been married for many years, the couple has been together for only a few weeks because of the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP.
An Account about the Staged Self-Immolation Event in Tiananmen Square by a Neighbour of Victim Ms. Liu Chunling
2006-06-05On May 12th 2006, I went to Kaifeng City, Henan Province for a business negotiation. My business partner was a woman, and we talked freely. After a little while, I switched our topic and told her about Falun Gong. When I mentioned the staged self-immolation event in Tiananmen Square, unexpectedly, my business partner told me that she was a next-door neighbour of Ms. Liu Chunling, one of the victims of the event who died of a fatal blow to the head from a policeman. She then told me many things about Ms. Liu Chunling.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Missing after Meeting EU Vice President
2006-06-04After participating in the "Future of China" forum held on May 27th, 2006, in Hong Kong, the vice president of the European Parliament Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott called the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government to ensure that two Falun Gong practitioners return home safely, as contact was lost right after the meeting in China. One of the Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Cao Dong, was missing right after their meeting, and it was reported that he had been arrested by the Chinese regime.
We Will Live Tenaciously and Wait for the Day My Younger Brother Returns
2006-05-17My younger brother holds a Master's degree in medicine. He is 30 years old. He has always been a good student. He won several awards in different Olympic Maths and Physics Contests. He published articles in Hong Kong journals. His professor was very proud of him. Many other professors respected him as well. However, because he practises Falun Gong, they persecuted him. He lost his job and had to leave his home. He has yet to return.
Exposing Those Guilty of Persecution in Henan Province
2006-05-16Since 2005, agents from the Xiangcheng National Security Bureau in Henan Province have frequently watched and harassed Dafa practitioners at their homes. Ma Zefeng extorted money and gifts from practitioners and their families, ranging from 500 yuan to 2,000 yuan. He also demanded an additional 3,000 yuan parole payment from the practitioners' families. Niu Hanqing told Dafa practitioners' families that unless they greased his palms and treated him to meals, they would not be seeing their loved ones.
Practitioner Ms. Yuan Zheng Missing, Taken to "Undisclosed Location"
2006-04-24Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yuan Zheng is about 38 to 39 years old. In September 2001, she was arrested while explaining the true situation of Falun Dafa in public. She was detained at Zhuhai City Detention Centre No. 2. Ms. Yuan did not give her name. Therefore, the guards recorded her as "no name" on the chart. In June 2002, Yuan Zheng was taken to an undisclosed location. No one has heard of her since. I worry deeply about Ms. Yuan Zhen, who disappeared many years ago, since hearing the horrible news concerning the Shenyang Sujiatun secret concentration camp, where they harvested organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and sold them for transplants.