Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
The Longsha Police Branch in Qiqihar Arrested Nearly 100 Falun Gong Practitioners in March 2005
2005-10-23At the beginning of March, two female Falun Gong practitioners were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. The surveillance camera caught them. The police followed them and then started large-scale arrests. The police then subjected every arrested Falun Gong practitioner to strappado and many other forms of torture. [Note: The strappado is a form of torture in which a victim is suspended in the air by means of a rope attached to his hands which are tied behind his back.] Those Falun Gong practitioners who suffered this torture lost the ability to look after themselves.
Qingdao Police Break into Ms. Cui Luning's Home and Ransack it (Photos)
2005-10-19On September 22nd, a group of policemen arrested the 33-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Cui at her workplace.They then went to her home, ransacked it and removed many items of value. The police used Cui's mobile phone to send out short messages: "Cui in trouble. Please come to her home immediately. Details later." Their apparent intention was to lure other practitioners to come over and then arrest them.
Police Arrest Dafa Practitioners from Xiadingjia Town, Break into Their Homes and Confiscate Their Belongings
2005-09-25Village officials broke into 76-year-old Dafa practitioner, Ms. Guo Fuxiang's house, ransacked it, arrested and brutally beat her. One official smashed a Falun Dafa book hard over her head and she fell unconscious to the floor. Her body was covered with dark purple bruises, and she suffered unbearable pain. After six hours of torture, she was finally released.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Ma Xueqing from Dalian City Arrested for the Seventh Time
2005-09-19On the morning of July 28th 2005, the police followed 36-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ma Xueqing and arrested her once again on her way to work. Later, they searched her home. Currently Ms. Ma is being detained at the Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City. This is the seventh time that Ms. Ma has been arrested and the fourth time her home has been ransacked. Because she has been practising "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" for the past six years, Ma Xueqing has been repeatedly persecuted. The authorities have detained her for a total of 137 days. They searched her office twice and they extorted 7,000 yuan from her.
Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Persecution in Heilongjiang Province Between January and August of 2005
2005-09-14Li Jun, head of the National Security Division at the Huanan County Police Station in Heilongjiang Province, and his subordinates have been constantly and illegally arresting and sending Falun Gong practitioners to prisons and forced labour camps for several years. Between January and August 2005, eleven Dafa practitioners and their family members were arrested and subjected to extortion.
Zhaoyuan City "610 Office" Abducts High School Student, Sends Her to a Brainwashing Centre
2005-09-06On August 12th 2005, officials of the "610 Office" abducted 16-year-old Ms Sun Yanpei from her class in high school and confined her in a brainwashing centre just because she practises Falun Gong. Her father has been detained at the Shandong Province Prison while her mother has been forced to live in away from home for the past four years, leaving young Sun Yanpei at home by herself. Because of her illegal abduction, confinement, and attempts to shake her belief, Sun Yanpei is protesting with a hunger strike that has already lasted for several days. She is in dire need of urgent rescue.
Ms. Yang Lijuan Disappears After Being Arrested by Jilin Provincial National Security Police
2005-09-02Ms. Yang Lijuan is 50 years old. After the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested and held in a detention centre, where she experienced horrific torture because she refused to identify herself. She was exposed to the freezing winter temperatures without a coat, and a police officer tortured her, using an electric baton to shock her all over her body. Fortunately, she was able to walk out of the detention centre. At about 7:00 a.m. on August 24th 2005, four Jilin City police officers broke into Ms. Yang Lijuan's home, confiscated her personal belongings, and took her away. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
Financial Persecution of Practitioners in Panjin City
2005-07-31Since the persecution began on July 20th 1999 Falun Gong practitioners in Panjin City, Liaoning Province have suffered severe financial persecution in addition to physical and spiritual persecution. According to the statistics from Xinglongtai District and Dawa County, Falun Gong practitioners in these two areas suffered a direct loss of 1,343,000 yuan, 443,000 yuan of which were in the form of illegal fines, 320,000 in the form of money extorted by police, and 580,000 in the form of suspended salaries.
Greed of the Xinji Police
2005-07-31Officers ransacked homes of Falun Gong practitioners, confiscated valuables, and kept the cash found on the premises without issuing legal papers. When confronted about the articles taken, they simply deny taking them. "We don't issue receipts on anything confiscated from Falun Gong practitioners. It's no use asking us. The money will not be returned anyway. If we had given you a receipt, what would happen if you exposed us on the Internet?".
More than Ten Dafa Practitioners from Hefei, Anhui Province Were Arrested and Persecuted - Some of Their Lives Are in Danger
2005-07-15According to the reports that we have received so far, many practitioners have said that in the closed brainwashing sessions the police beat, cursed and threatened them, and deprived them of sleep. The police also isolated them from the outside world, not permitting anyone to visit. They use all kinds of torture methods to persecute them. For over ten days, more than 10 Dafa practitioners have been protesting their treatment by conducting a hunger strike. In response to this protest the police have started to torture them by force-feeding them.
Chinese Student in Switzerland Appeals for the Rescue of his Illegally Imprisoned Mother in China
2005-07-14My name is Wang Xiaoyang and I am a Chinese student studying in Switzerland. I have three close relatives in China: my eighty-four-year old grandmother, my sixty-year old father who has not been well, and my fifty-four-year old mother. My mother is a Falun Gong practitioner and is the centre of the family, who provides both financial and spiritual support. They are ordinary law-abiding citizens whose only desire is to live a peaceful life.
Urgent Appeal on Behalf of Ten Practitioners Who Have Been Arrested for Rescuing Ms. Gao Rongrong
2005-07-04Ms. Ma Lianxiao, a 59-year-old employee of the Liaoning Province Construction Academy of Science, benefited physically and mentally from practising Falun Gong. She was arrested in July 2003 and sentenced to eight years in prison. She was released only when she was close to death due to torture. After being subjected to torture several times, she was severely injured. She often felt lightheaded, her entire body trembled, and she could not walk steadily. In March, she was again arrested and taken to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Shortly afterwards it was discovered that she was no longer in Masanjia. When concerned people made inquiries, Masanjia authorities told them, "She was sent home already." Everyone looked for her everywhere, but no one could not locate her. Ms. Ma Lianxiao's whereabouts remain unknown.
Over Twenty Policemen Break into a Practitioner's Home and Injure All Six Family Members
2005-07-04At around 8:20 p.m. on June 9, 2005, over twenty people from the Public Security Bureau arrived in three police vans to Shi Sanchun's home. Wearing plain clothes and with police batons in hand, they broke into his home. Seven to eight police officers cornered Shi Sanchun and beat him. Shi shouted, "Why you are you arresting me?" Shi Sanchun was suffocating. His face became pale and he could not speak. His hands were twisted behind his back. The police ruthlessly kicked him. He was only wearing shorts at the time. He sustained injuries and was bleeding all over. At that point a group of vicious thugs still forcefully dragged him into their van. All five of his family members were injured during the arrest.
"610 Office" Personnel in Meizhou City Arrest Dafa Practitioners
2005-06-29At midnight on May 23, 2005, officials from the "610 Office" of Meizhou City, Guangdong Province broke into the home of practitioner Mr. Zeng Qinglin (who is over sixty years old). They ransacked his home and abducted him and his wife. Recently "610 Office" officials and police arrested many more practitioners. One time police went to a practitioner's home and asked him if Falun Dafa is good or not. If the answer was no, he would be released. Otherwise, he would be taken to a brainwashing class.
Two Falun Dafa Practitioners from Shenyang and Dalian Are Missing
2005-06-12Ms. Zhao Lixuan is 34 years old from Shenyang City. The police sent her to the "Legal Training Class" in Longshan Forced Labour Camp, Shenyang City, even though she was still breast-feeding her son. Due to the torture, Zhao Lixuan became extremely frail. With the promise of her family members to watch her closely, she was released in mid-September 2000. On the afternoon of October 19, her mother was talking with neighbours. When her mother turned around, she could not find Zhao Lixuan. Ms. Zhao's whereabouts are still unknown.