Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Denmark: A Human Rights Organisation Expresses Concern about Organ Harvesting in China's Labour Camps
2006-10-27On September 8th, 2006, David Matas, the prestigious Canadian lawyer who co-authored the Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China arrived in Denmark for a visit. A press conference was hosted in the parliament building to expose organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Slovakia: Series of Activities against the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2006-10-27From October 19th until the end of the week, in a few cities in Eastern Slovakia there took place a series of activities to support the human rights of people who are persecuted in China because they practise Falun Gong. During these few days more then six hundred signatures were collected and in Presov some young children wanted to help distribute flyers.
Sweden: Introducing Falun Gong and Informing People about the Persecution at a Health Expo
2006-10-26Falun Gong practitioners were invited to take part in “Wellbeing Day” held by the Hallunda community in Stockholm. People crowded the booth. Practitioners demonstrating the exercises and explained to people outside the hall that Falun Gong is a genuine path of self-cultivation and benevolence. The person in charge of the exposition appreciated our presence.
Switzerland: A Voice for Justice in Zurich
2006-10-26An information day like this one is held on Paradepaltz in Zurich at least once a month. Each time, Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the five sets of exercises to beautiful and peaceful music, attracting many passers-by. One after another they stop and enjoy the demonstration and want to know why people are practising the exercises here.
Finland: Exposing the CCP's Crimes to the Finnish People and Government
2006-10-25The human rights dialogue between the EU and China will take place in Beijing soon. On October 14th, 2006, practitioners in Finland gathered again at Helsinki train station in order to expose the truth about the cruel persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist regime, especially the atrocity of illegal organ harvesting from living practitioners.
Germany: Many Sign a Petition to be Presented to German Prime Minister Merkel, in Condemnation of the CCP
2006-10-25On Saturday October 14th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners held an activity in Aachen to introduce this traditional spiritual practice to local people and expose the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners carried out by the Chinese Communist Party, in particular the trade in organs harvested from living practitioners.
Ireland: Introducing Falun Gong to the People of Galway and Exposing the Persecution of Practitioners Taking Place in China
2006-10-24Practitioners took to the streets of Galway in a bid to expose the atrocities of illegal organ harvesting from living practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party. The campaign was enthusiastically supported by local residents. People who understood the truth came forth one after another, and waited to give their signatures to condemn the cruel persecution.
Germany: Publicising the CCP's Trade in Organs Harvested from Living Victims
2006-10-24Falun Gong practitioners held an activity in Nuremberg, a prominent city for human rights, and distributed leaflets and talked with people throughout the day. A notable difference was the way overseas Chinese people approached us to learn Falun Gong's side of the story. Some even took leaflets and other material. Such situations were rarely seen one or two years before.
Austria: More from the Lotus Peace Tour
2006-10-23The week long “Lotus-Peace Tour” took four practitioners of Falun Gong through nine Austrian provinces to alert Austrians to the suffering of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Those who practise this peaceful cultivation way have been brutally persecuted in China since 1999. Torture and abuse are daily occurrences in slave labour camps and practitioners' organs are harvested for sale.
Germany: Stories from the CHINA TIME Event in Hamburg
2006-10-23During the CHINA TIME event, which celebrated the partnership between Hamburg and Shanghai and took place between September 13th and October 1st, practitioners held activities to expose the persecution of Falun Gong in China. People stopped to find out was going on, ask questions and sign a petition condemning the persecution.
Austria: Lotus Peace Tour
2006-10-22Four Falun Gong Practitioners embarked on a week long “Lotus Peace Tour” through all nine of Austria’s provinces, in order to raise awareness among Austrians about the suffering of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Since 1999, everyone who wants to practice this form of Buddha School Qigong in China is being persecuted.
Germany: Introducing Falun Dafa to the People of Cham During the Kirta Festival
2006-10-22Shops in Germany are closed on Sunday, but during the Kirta Festival in Cham they are open as usual and people flock the streets. Every year, the person who organises activities keeps a booth for Falun Gong practitioners free of charge and tries to leave a good position for practitioners so that people can get to know the facts of the persecution happening now in China.
Russia: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in Arhangersk
2006-10-21Arhangersk is located in northern Russia. September 9th, 2006, was 'city day' in Arhangersk. It was raining in the early morning, but when Falun Gong practitioners began activities to introduce Falun Dafa to local people and expose the persecution taking place in China, the dark clouds dispersed and the bright sun came out.
Germany: Practitioners Gather During German Unification Day in Dusseldorf
2006-10-21There are a number of small Falun Gong exercise groups in some of Nordhrhein Westfalen’s cities. We all met on German Unification Day 2006 to practice the exercises together as one large group. We chose a central location in the state capital Düsseldorf. Cornelius Square and the Königsallee Kings Avenue presented a beautiful green space. We also erected a small booth.
France: “These Paintings are Extraordinarily Powerful”
2006-10-20“Everyone knows the Chinese communist regime is an autocratic one. What I understand from these paintings and the testimony of this lady makes me feel uneasy. We should not forgive the persecution inflicted upon any form of belief or cultivation which should respect one. We have no right to infringe on others. Regardless of men, women or children, their bodies should not be infringed on. As a mother and grandmother. I cannot help but think of my own children and other children after seeing this persecution. History always repeats itself. I just wonder whether one day people would truly understand that we need to think carefully about this persecution no matter whether it occurs today or in the future.”