Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Practitioner Ms Song Ailiang from Dalian Tortured in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-02-20In late March 2005, to further persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, the practitioners were not allowed to come down to the first floor even during meals, and they had no hot water. They could only drink cold water [note: in China, especially in prison, the cold tap water is not sanitary and not suitable for drinking] and take cold baths. The practitioners collectively protested against the persecution. Beginning on April 1st, they all went on a hunger strike. All the guards were mobilised to force-feed practitioners, which is really a method of further persecution. Over ten people forcibly fed one practitioner. The food was corn porridge mixed with unknown substances.
Wang Bo Recounts How the CCP Deceived, Brainwashed, and Used Her, Part 1 (Photo)
2006-02-19"I now realise how sinister they were to have fooled me with smiles on their faces. If they had treated me harshly, I could have remained clearheaded. But whenever they approached me, they always kept a beaming smile, yet the tricks they used were the most wicked. Invariably, they do everything they can to find out your concerns. When they see that you are concerned about your father, they try to achieve their evil goal by taking advantage of that sensitive point..." This is how Wang Bo described the deception, brainwashing, and manipulation she suffered at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The Police Beat and Injured Me Because I Read a Brochure
2006-02-18"At about 8 a.m. on March 3rd, 2004, four policemen rushed into my home. I was reading a brochure at the time. They took the brochure from my pocket and demanded to know where it came from. I told them that I picked it up outside. Right then and there all four of them became violent. Two of them caught me by my arms, one grabbed my hair, and the other one started to slap my face. They also searched my house. Without finding any incriminating evidence they forced me into their vehicle."
Police Extort Twenty Thousand Yuan from an Elderly Couple in Yushu City, Jilin Province
2006-02-15"Just as we were feeling extremely fortunate that Falun Dafa had saved my life, the township police arrived at our door. It was March 7th, 2002. They searched the house looking for Falun Dafa books and DVDs. I was taken to Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp. The year of illegal detention cost my family more than 7,800 yuan. Later I was detained again. This time, my husband figured out a way to pay someone 11,600 yuan and bailed me out. The two detentions combined cost us 19,400 yuan, all of which my husband had to borrow."
Details of the Criminal Behaviour of Fu Jinbin, Head of the Weifang City 610 Office Brainwashing Centre
2006-02-14Since April 2003, Fu Jinbin, 47 years old has been the head of the Brainwashing Centre of the Weifang City 610 Office. Fu has two nicknames: "the Head of the Bandits" and "the Demon of Lust." Fu took advantage of the opportunity to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners through brainwashing to ruthlessly extort money and property from them. Even worse, he used his position of power to commit indecent acts towards female practitioners.
Gezhouba Group Corporation 610 Office Agents Persecuted Practitioner Ms. Shen Ju to Death
2006-02-14The authorities at the 610 Office and the Security Section of the eight subsidiary companies of the Gezhouba Group in Yichang City of Hubei Province have been assaulting, shadowing, intimidating, and brainwashing the Falun Dafa practitioners employed there. In particular, under the extended persecution, practitioner Ms. Shen Ju went into a coma for 24 hours and died in a hospital on January 10th, 2006, at the age of 34. Ms. Shen is survived by her six-year-old child.
I Twice Endured Inhumane Torture at the Sichuan Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-02-13This report details the torture I endured as a female Falun Dafa practitioner during two separate periods of detention at the Sichuan Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. Zhang Xiaofang, a female guard at the labour camp, handcuffed me, kicked my private parts and ordered the inmates to beat me until I lost consciousness. Then an inmate walked back and forth on my body, kicking my private parts until my lower body was covered with blood. The guard and the inmate then applied an unknown drug to my temples and eyes, causing me to lose my memory for more than six months.
How the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province Ferociously Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-02-13In the labour camp, the prisoners have to take written exams. To find excuses to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, the camp police intentionally put questions that attacked Falun Gong. If the practitioners refused to take the written exams or did not "pass" the exams, they were sent to the strictly disciplined squadron or got their labour camp terms extended. Guards pierced their faces and necks with iron nails and ballpoint pen tips, forced them to kneel down on chairs, spit on them, slapped their faces, kicked them, and burnt their skin with lit cigarettes. Ironically, the labour camp's walls are covered with slogans stating that no physical punishments are allowed and a "humanitarian" environment is created.
Summary of the Persecution of Falun Gong in the Jinzhou Area --- From July 1999 to December 2005
2006-02-12Between July 1999 and December 2005, twenty-seven Falun Gong practitioners in the Jinzhou area died as a result of the persecution. Half of these practitioners died during illegal arrest, detention and while the persecution was carried out. Two practitioners suffered a mental collapse after being tortured at a labour camp and passed away at home. Another 13 practitioners had money extorted from them, were threatened, arrested repeatedly, or suffered a relapse of their old illnesses, and they passed away due to mental and physical trauma. Statistics show that most of the practitioners who died as a result of torture were women and elderly.
The "610 Office" in Ningyuan County, Hunan Province Torment Ms. Chen Xiaoling
2006-02-12On December 25th, 2005, the public prosecution office in Ningyuan County, Hunan Province prosecuted Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Xiaoling. They accused her of "obstructing justice through a cult organisation." They attempted to force her to give up her cultivation by sentencing her to a jail term and depriving her of employment. It has been 8 months since Ms. Chen got her pay. Her sister, who works as an hourly labourer in Guangdong Province, supports her. The "610 Office" threatened and subjected her father and two brothers to brainwashing, so they were afraid and constantly applied pressure on Ms. Chen.
Practitioners Xin Minduo and His Wife Secretly Sentenced to Thirteen Years in Prison Prior to the Trial
2006-02-10On December 12, 2005 Xin Minduo and his wife Bao Juncen were put on trial before the court for the second time. But after the hearing, the court adjourned with no verdict announced. In fact, twenty days before the court session, the sentence had already been passed secretly. The couple was to be given thirteen years of imprisonment. At the entrance to the court, one police officer was overheard whispering to another, "It's no use trying to defend the accused. The sentence was passed secretly twenty days ago."
How the Guards From the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp of Changchun City Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-02-08In the past several years, the authorities at the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp have brutally tortured detained Falun Dafa practitioners both physically and spiritually. Those held there are deprived of freedom. They are forced to work from morning to night each day. Every day they have to work for over ten hours. Once, the practitioners were forced to pick beans after dinner. Lan Mingjuan (female), who is the deputy chief of the seventh division, complained that the practitioners did not pick enough beans. She forced the practitioners to work until 1:00 a.m. before they were allowed to go to sleep.
Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp in Shaanxi Province Incites Drug Addicts to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-02-07The Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp prison guards are known for cruelly torturing Dafa practitioners. After the labour camp's persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners was exposed to the public, the guards now incite drug addicts to beat the practitioners in order to cover up their own crimes. This way, if problems arise or when they are questioned by the practitioner's families and the public, they can shirk their responsibilities and blame the drug addict inmates by claiming, "We don't know what is going on among the inmates." They even lie, saying that they will punish the drug addicts who beat practitioners.
Those Who are Persecuting Practitioners in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, Should be Placed on the Official "List of Perpetrators"
2006-02-06Bai Shuwen is the prison director at Shuangyashan Detention Centre. He has tortured practitioners with instruments such as the "small white dragon." He also ruthlessly force-fed practitioners and tortured them while they were handcuffed. He forced practitioners to sit on an iron chair continuously for at least five days. He tortured practitioner Liu Jinshan to death through force-feeding.
I Narrowly Escaped the Chinese Communist Party's Evil Persecution and Am a Witness to Its Crimes
2006-02-05"My name is Lu Changjing. I am 44 and live in Liaoning Province. My mother, Ms. Shi Shengying, was also a Falun Gong practitioner. She refused to give up Falun Gong and was persecuted to death. Her body is still at the Shengying Crematorium. I saw scars and wounds all over my mother's body and a bright-red fresh wound at her throat. Since I refused to give up Falun Gong as well, I suffered cruel torture and narrowly escaped death. I had to leave my home and family."