Individual Accounts

  • The Persecution I Suffered at My Workplace, in a Detention Centre, and in a Mental Hospital

    As I was repeatedly locked up for extended periods of time I suffered much mental and physical damage. I was sent to the City Mental Hospital. Doctors and nurses force-fed me and shocked me with electric batons. Manager Zhao shocked me with electric batons three times. Another male doctor also shocked me with electric baton three times. They force-fed me unknown medications, injected me with unknown drugs, and further shocked me with electric batons. This abuse was carried on for almost two months. As a result, I became mentally disordered and temporarily lost my ability to speak and was overcome with fear. It took me a long time to recover after my release.
  • A Practitioner from Hubei Province Recounts the Persecution She Suffered

    My name is Rao Mianhua. I'm 41 years old now. In October, police dragged me to their police car and again took me to Shizishan Forced Labour Drug Addicts Rehab Camp in Wuhan City. The leaders in that camp got a 10,000-yuan bonus if they "reformed" a Falun Gong practitioner. Hence, they treated practitioners very cruelly. Practitioners were forced to take cold water showers in all seasons, summer or winter. On one occasion, the section head locked up all of the practitioners together. Our hands were all cuffed together behind our backs. After that, one by one, we were taken to the guard chamber to be shocked with electric batons. I felt numb after being shocked.
  • Brutal Persecution that I Witnessed the Two Times I Was Sent to the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp

    During my detention, I witnessed many instances of police brutality towards practitioners. In July 2004, guards directed four drug addicts to torture 57-year-old Mr. Xu Shaoan. They beat him and used sewing needles to stab his fingers and toes. He was injured in many places and lost consciousness. After he came to, they continued to torture him. Police mixed drugs into his food and tied up his hands. He could not stand up. He was only allowed to be in a sitting position. His face became disfigured due to torture. He was finally released after being tortured until he was mentally traumatised.
  • My Experiences at the Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp

    The Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp is a hell on earth. Before the No. 5 Division was enlarged, many Falun Gong practitioners were cruelly persecuted there. During the autumn and winter seasons, the cells are very cold and damp. A new detainee is often so frightened that she cannot fall asleep at night. There were heaters in the cells, but they were never allowed to be turned on unless outside visitors or government officials came to inspect the camp. Instead, only the stove in each cell was allowed to burn a small amount of coal. The camp didn’t give any wood for lighting a fire, so the practitioners had to use their wooden stools instead.
  • My Body Weight Fell from 195 Pounds to 78 Pounds During Four and a Half Months of Torture

    A woman who remained steadfast in her practice and beliefs endured a series of brutal tortures. Police tied her up and suspended her off the ground for three days. Doctors injected her with poison. Her body weight fell from 195 pounds to 78 pounds. Her non-practitioner husband was not spared either. The police poured boiling water on him during interrogation.
  • Zhang Zhikui of Zhaoyuan City Recounts the Tortures He Experienced to the Investigation Committee

    "I was sent to the Tiebei Detention Centre in Changchun. As soon as I entered the cell, the police told the prisoners, "Take good care of him for me." After that, three to four inmates pushed me to the ground and beat and kicked me. They then pulled off all my clothes and kicked me again towards the wall. I fell down to the ground and could not get up, but they continued kicking me. My arms and legs began to bleed. The cut on my thigh bled profusely. The detained practitioners were constantly monitored by the prisoners, and randomly beaten and cursed."
  • The Persecution I Suffered at Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province

    On the evening of September 30th, 2003, I was sitting in meditation. Suddenly a group of policemen rushed in from downstairs and frantically knocked on the door. My husband asked, "Why are you making an arrest?" The police simply did not pay attention to him. They arrested me and another fellow practitioner and took us away in a police car. On the third morning of my detainment, the police opened the cell door. They brutally handcuffed us and pushed us on a tour bus. After getting off, a nurse gave us injections. We asked, "What’s this?" "Vaccine," was her reply. (Actually it was a drug that impairs the nervous system). Two practitioners lost consciousness right away. I was transferred to hospital for force-feeding. I almost suffocated to death.
  • Ms. Zhou Yongping Tortured by the First Division of Changchun Public Security Bureau

    I was arrested and taken to Changchun Public Security Bureau. A policeman holding an object I couldn’t identify came up behing me. He used that object to punch the point between the thumb and the index finger of my left hand. A purple swelling the size of a ping pong ball appeared on the back of my left hand. Then they handcuffed me behind my back, lifted my hands (while handcuffed) over my head to the front, pressed my upper body toward my legs, and cruelly pressed my head until my face touched my thighs. Two policemen fiercely struck my back with their fists, while my chest and abdomen were pressed against the iron rod. All this caused me excruciating pain. Every second I felt out of breath.
  • I Suffered Four Years of Persecution in Tiebei Prison in Changchun City

    After fellow practitioners and I were sentenced in 2001 after appealing for justice for Falun Dafa on Tiananmen Square, I suffered all sorts of physical and mental persecution in Tiebei Prison, such as being locked up in a small cell that was like a steam box, being hung up in the air by hand cuffs, and continuously forced to undergo brainwashing. We also underwent suspicious and very detailed physical check-ups, but were not aware of the real purpose for this.
  • I was Tortured by Methods of the Tiger Bench, Electrocution, "Dragged by Five Horses" and Hanging

    I am a 64-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. I live according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," so I have been arrested, detained and tortured on numerous occasions ever since the Jiang Zemin regime began the brutal persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. These torture methods include being "dragged by five horses" in five different directions, electrocution, tiger bench and being hung by the handcuffed wrists for long periods of time
  • The Brutal Torture I Experienced in 2002 at The Haidian District Detention Centre

    The Haidian District Detention Centre brutally beat Falun Gong practitioners. My face was beaten until it was distorted beyond recognition, with wounds covering my entire face. Anyone who saw my face at that time would have been horrified. My chest was also beaten so badly that I had difficulty breathing and could not stop coughing. Coughing caused me to double over in severe pain. To further torture Falun Gong practitioners, the Detention Centre created a device that had a sharp side pointing up regardless how it was placed on the ground. The sharp edge was about 4 centimetres (less than 0.39 inches) high. When I was forced to sit on this torture stool, the sharp edges cut into my flesh and hurt severely.
  • Letter from a Practitioner in China to the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

    The persecution of Falun Gong has lasted for seven years. During the seven-year period, I have been driven into exile for four years while my husband has been imprisoned for four years. My underage daughter has been living a very hard life on her own for all these years. In order to try to arrest me, the 610 office often harasses my mother and my mother-in-law. On June 2, 2003, a group of people who claimed to be policemen raided my mother's home one more time. My mother, who is over 70 years old, was living by herself. The policemen asked my mother to surrender me and threatened to arrest her if she refused. She was so worked up and frightened that she suffered a mental collapse.
  • The Persecution I Experienced and Witnessed in the CCP's Detention Centres and Labour Camps

    "When I was incarcerated in mental hospitals and labour camps for practising Falun Gong, my mental strength was extremely low due to the prolonged persecution. Six people I knew had died as a result of the persecution. Many of my friends were sentenced to labour camps and prisons. Countless numbers of my friends were fired from their workplaces, threatened by the police and sent to brainwashing sessions for practising Falun Gong."
  • Jilin Police Interrogates and Tortures a Falun Gong Practitioner, Burning Her Fingers with a Cigarette Lighter

    On March 9th, 2006, I went to Jiuzhan, planning to distribute several copies of "The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," but I was arrested before I distributed any copies. A few policemen dragged me to the Jiuzhan Police Station. After torturing me in various horrific ways, the police started a new torture. The three of them each used a cigarette lighter to burn my fingertips and toes. Seven of my fingertips were badly burned. My left big toe was burned badly. My fingernails turned black. To this day my fingertips have not healed. They continue to discharge pus and blood. The pain is unbearable, but at the time of the torture the pain was even worse. I felt I'd be better off dead.
  • Warden at the Huairou Detention Centre Threatened to Send Me to Northwest China, Never to Come Back Again

    Over five years ago I was detained at the Huairou detention centre in Beijing. Because I would not tell them my name, the ward threatened to send me to northwest China and that I would never come home again if I refused to tell my name. Only now do I realise that this was not just a threat, it was for sure. None of the arrested practitioners would tell their names and addresses, since we knew from classified documents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that whenever a Falun Gong practitioner appealed, the spouse of the practitioner would be fired and fined 8000 to 10000 yuan, and from the officials in his/her workplace to the police department and police substation, all would be punished.