Death Cases
Dead Just Thirteen Days After Being Arrested: Further Investigation into the Death of Ms. Li Shuhua
2004-05-11The public security officer said that the police officer still could not get any answers from Li Shuhua, so he angrily struck her eyes with his fists, causing her to become blind in one eye. Li Shuhua instantly lost consciousness from the pain. The policeman who committed the crime was afraid of taking responsibility, so he asked his superiors for instructions, and then killed Li Shuhua to eliminate her as a potential witness against him. This public security officer said that if she had not been blinded, the police wouldn't have beaten her to death.
Murder of Dafa Practitioner Gu Xiuxian and Others as a Result of Torture at the Hands of Shuangcheng City Police
2004-05-10February 12 is Shuangcheng City's Falun Dafa Day. Since February 11, 2004, the authorities have conducted a wide-ranging raid on practitioners. Prior to March 10, more than fifty Dafa practitioners were arrested illegally. Most of them were abducted from home in rural areas. Three Dafa practitioners are known to have died in custody. Ms. Gu Xiuxian, age 35 or 36, a resident of Shuangcheng City, was tortured to death during a tube force-feeding. The details of the other two deaths are waiting to be investigated.
Details Regarding Death of Heilongjiang Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Sun Yuhua
2004-05-10On January 14, 2004, Dafa Practitioner Ms Sun Yuhua was arrested near Harbin No.3 Electric Power Engineering Company and her home was ransacked and valuables were confiscated. Later that day her 18 year old daughter was also arrested. For four continuous days after Sun Yuhua and her daughter were taken to the Police Department, the police tried to extort a confession by painful torture. Sun Yuhua held a hunger strike to protest against the unlawful persecution and detention. In response she was forcibly fed a high concentration salt solution. After 55 days of such persecution, the once healthy Sun Yuhua died on March 8.
Changsha City Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Huang Jingping Passes Away after Suffering Relentless, Long-Term Persecution
2004-05-0950 year old Ms. Huang Jingping was put into detention in Beijing where she was verbally abused and severely beaten, causing visible wounds over her entire body, including her face. Later she suffered more torture in detention and contracted pulmonary tuberculosis. After she was sent home she was constantly harassed by the police, had large sums of money extorted from her. Under the intense pressure, Huang Jingping's mind and body were damaged beyond repair and she passed away on February 27, 2004. Suffering intense grief due to his wife's death, Ms. Huang's husband fell ill and has not recovered.
Ms. Chen Ouxiang Tortured and Killed by Force-Feeding in the Baimalong Labour Camp
2004-05-08Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Ouxiang, 42 years old, lived in Hunan Province. In October 2002 she resisted the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp's rules to stand up, answer roll call, wear a badge and perform slave labour. She went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution and was brutally force-fed. She lost consciousness and Guard Zhu Rong shouted from the side, "Don't move your hands, keep holding her down! She is faking death." She died soon after.
Labour Camp Torture Gansu Province Practitioner Ms. Liu Wenyu to Death
2004-05-07Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Wenyu was 53 years old and worked at Tianshui City's Railroad Hospital. She was sentenced to two years of forced labour without any trial. Ms. Liu Wenyu refused to cooperate with the labour camp personnel as she was not a criminal. She was force-fed as a form of torture, which caused her stomach to bleed profusely. Aside from this abuse, she was subjected to all manner of additional brutal torture. After her release, the authorities from the Beidao District constantly harassed her. She passed away in February 2004.
Practitioner Ms Zhang Haiyan Dies After Suffering from the Inhumane Persecution in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-07Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Haiyan from Liaoning Province, was illegally sentenced to two years forced labour just because she exercised her constitutional right to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong in Beijing. She suffered from brutal torture during the detention in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. On March 21, 2003, when her family brought her back home, she was already mentally traumatized and could not look after herself. There were clear scars on her head, hands and other parts of her body. She died unjustly on January 18, 2004.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Shuhua Is Blinded, Then Murdered by the Public Security Police
2004-05-07Ms. Li Shuhua, 32 years old, of Yushi City, Jilin Province was murdered by the police on October 6, 2003. A public security official who knew Ms. Li's case revealed why she was tortured to death. During detention she was struck so hard in the eye that she was blinded. Then the jail police asked for instructions from their superior officer, and the conclusion was that a dead person would be silent. That public security official commented that if Ms. Li had not been blinded, there would have been no reason to murder her.
Mr. Wang Hengyou, from Inner Mongolia Dies From Untreated Internal Injuries as a Result of Being Tortured By Police (Photo)
2004-05-07Mr. Wang Hengyou, 47, lived in Inner Mongolia. In September 2 2002, Wang was transferred to a labour camp where he was brutally tortured. The police did not allow him to sleep. Due to the constant torture, he became extremely weak. He often felt his pain in his head and stomach. He was eventually released on medical parole. At that time, he was emaciated and near death. Even after he returned home, the local police still kept coming to his home to harass him. With untreated internal injuries, he passed away on April 4, 2004.
Hunan Province Practitioner Mr. Pan Jianjun Tortured to Death
2004-05-06Mr. Pan Jianjun was 33 years old and a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hunan Province. Initially he was sentenced to 3 years in a labour camp for publically exposing the persecution. Then his term was arbitrarily extended to 4 years and then again to 7 years. Someone saw him there in August 2003. He looked like skin and bones, his lower back was injured and there were wounds on his body. On February 5, 2004, the Prison Administration notified his family that he had died.
Beatings So Monstrous Mr. Huang Lizhi Never Recovered and Died in 2001
2004-05-06Fifty-three year old Gansu Province Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Huang Lizhi was abducted by police because he went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. Mr. Huang was interrogated, during which time the police tried to force him to abandon cultivation practice of Falun Gong. He firmly refused their request, so the police cruelly beat him. Mr. Huang was tortured so badly that he almost died. Frightened that he might die in their custody, the police hastily sent him home. Two days later he was dead.
Shandong Province Corrupt Captain, Zhu Pengde, Committed Crimes of Extortion and Torturing Dafa Practitioners to Death
2004-05-05Zhu Pengde, 50 years old, is the captain of the political security brigade of Zhucheng City's Police Department in Weifang Region, Shandong Province. In order to be able to move up in his career, he has done all he can to initiate and participate in plans to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Zhu Pengde made a specialty out of capturing and detaining Dafa practitioners in Weifang's liaison office in Beijing, he used his political power to extort large sums of money from practitioners' families for his own personal enrichment, ranging from 1,000 Yuan up to 10,000 Yuan. Zhu Pengde is also one of those officials who is directly responsible for deaths of practitioners in Weifang.
The Cruel Behaviour of Policewoman Deng Liyan and Her Colleagues in Chifeng City Detention Centre
2004-05-05In 2002, Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Yanxia went on a hunger strike to protest her illegal detention. To further their persecution against her, Deng Liyan led a group of criminals to viciously force-feed Ms. Zhao, which led to her instant death. This is just one of the terrible crimes that this so-called "policewoman" has committed.
Non-practitioner: My Sister Died as a Result of Persecution - In Memory of My Sister Li Xuelian on the 100th Day after Her Death
2004-05-03"It has been one hundred days since my sister died. Apart from the sorrow, I am full of indignation. My family members have been ruined or have died. However, those torturers, those guards, and those plunderers are communist party members, government functionaries, and officials. They claim Falun Gong practitioners are disturbing the public order, but my sister's case tells me that Jiang Zemin and his followers are genuinely jeopardizing the public order and destroying this country."
Additional Information About the Torture and Death of Shandong Province Dafa Practitioner Sun Xiucai
2004-05-03Ms. Sun Xiucai, aged 50, was a resident of Shandong Province. In December 2000, local police tortured Sun Xiucai after she was reported by a local villager and arrested for distributing truth-clarifying materials. Ms. Sun's wounds would not heal and she died less than one month later from the serious injuries sustained during the torture.