Local Events
Germany: Appealing in Darmstadt City to Oppose Article 23 and Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-07-17Last Saturday, we held an Information Day activity in Darmstadt City to tell local residents the facts about Hong Kongs Article 23 and the genocide lawsuits against Jiang Zemin. We prepared two eye-catching posters that attracted the attention of many passers-by. As some practitioners were demonstrating the exercises, others were handing out flyers and chatting with local people.
Finland: Practitioners Tour the Country to Demonstrate Falun Gong and Tell People the Facts about the Persecution
2003-07-16In every place they demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises, explained the facts about the Jiang regimes brutal persecution and collected signatures on a petition calling for an end to this suppression. They also brought up the issue of article 23, which is a huge threat for the freedom of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong people.
Sweden: Four Years of Persecution are in Vain Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance are Deeply Rooted in People's Hearts (II)
2003-07-16Swedish and Danish practitioners peacefully appealed at Gustav Adolphs Square located in downtown Gothenburg. They called on the Swedish citizens to help to put an end to the persecution on Falun Gong, to oppose the enactment of Article 23 in Hong Kong, and to support the global trial of Jiang Zemin.
Denmark: Nordic Practitioners Collect Signatures to Support the Global Trial of Jiang Zemin
2003-07-16Danish and Swedish practitioners collected petition signatures in downtown Copenhagen. Some tourists from China chose to support the Lawsuit against Jiang and also signed their names. When receiving materials from the practitioners, some Chinese people said emotionally, It is time for us to understand the facts. In China we have been so misled by the government!
Germany: Spreading the Fa and Explaining the Facts at the Altonale Festival
2003-07-16The practitioners had lots of opportunities to spread Dafa, tell people the facts, support bringing the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin to justice, and collect signatures to rescue our relatives and friends who are being persecuted in China. After the practitioners explained the facts to them, people quickly signed their names and took away leaflets.
UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (1)
2003-07-15The first stops of the tour were two cities on the south coast of England. When they reached the first city, the practitioners sent a petition letter to the local councillors giving them the opportunity to support the campaign to rescue practitioners family members. Practitioners also contacted the local media to tell them about the activities to rescue UK practitioners persecuted family members.
Sweden: Promoting Falun Dafa near a Busy Music Festival
2003-07-14Practitioners from Arvika gathered in a park near a busy music festival to tell people about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution in China. Over the course of the day, thousands of people passed by and many wanted to find out more about the practice. No one could miss the practitioners performing the exercises or the Falun Dafa photo exhibition.
Poland: Practitioners Participate in 3 Human Rights Film Festivals and Witness the Importance and Magnificence of Fa Study
2003-07-13At the first festival, practitioners were invited to give a brief introduction for the film about Falun Gong. Since then, the film festival has been held in 3 other Polish cities and practitioners have taken part in all of them. At all 3 festivals, they were allotted a period of time after the film to hold a panel discussion and take questions from the audience. The film about Falun Gong was always well-attended, the interaction with the audience was animated and the support and sympathy exhibited towards Dafa was touching.
Sweden: Video - Nordic Practitioners Collect Petition Signatures in Malmo City to Oppose Hong Kongs Article 23
2003-07-13To expose and stop the evil actions of Jiangs regime, and out of concern for the beautiful future of the Hong Kong residents and the people of the world, Swedish and Danish Falun Gong practitioners explained the facts of Falun Gong to the people of Malmo City.Realtime downloadOnline ListeningHi-definition (2MB)|Lo-definition (324K)Hi-definition|Lo-definition
Denmark: Nordic Dafa Practitioners Collect Petition Signatures to Oppose Hong Kongs Article 23 Legislation and Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-07-12In order to support the Hong Kong peoples call for justice, oppose Article 23 and stop the persecution of Falun Gong, Dafa practitioners from Denmark and Sweden carried out a series of activities under the theme, Oppose Article 23 and End the Persecution. These activities took place in on 5th and 6th July 2003, in Denmarks capital, Copenhagen, and Swedens third largest city, Malmo.
Menorca: Falun Dafa was Warmly Received in Mahon
2003-07-12As soon as we started to prepare ourselves, a policeman approached to find out a what we were up to. We told him about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China and showed him our permission slip. He took a leaflet with him and wished us well. We handed out many Spanish and English leaflets and collected petition signatures. We could have done with French, German and Italian leaflets as well! Just as we were finishing the policeman returned with a female colleague. She also wanted to learn about Dafa and was very pleased to see what we were doing.
Ireland: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Banner Displayed to Thousands of People at the Closing Ceremony of 2003 Special Olympic Games
2003-07-11The local police very kindly provided some tickets for practitioners to take part in the ceremony. A banner reading Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in English and a Chinese banner reading Falun Gong Welcomes Chinese Athletes were displayed in a prominent position in the main stand and could be seen by tens of thousands of people.
Germany: People in Wuerzburg Learn about the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-07-10An information day was held in Wuerzburg to tell people about the lawsuit launched against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin in the United States. People learned from the prominent words on the posters that Jiang will be prosecuted on a charge of genocide. Some passers-by took photographs of the posters. Many people stopped and asked if they could sign the petition.
Sweden: Nordic Dafa Practitioners Appeal in Malmo City to End the Persecution and Stop the Article 23 Legislation
2003-07-10To further expose the evil of the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and to stop the Article 23 legislation, Swedish and Danish Dafa practitioners collected petition signatures in the Swedish city of Malmo on July 5th 2003. Many passers-by asked for more information from the practitioners and signed their names in the petition book.
Norway: Informing the People of Oslo and HK Tourists about Article 23
2003-07-09Practitioners explained the facts about Article 23 and discussed the bad impact it would have on Hong Kong. Some of the Hong Kong tourists took pictures of us, otherwise people back home would never believe that they travelled all the way to Norway and met people who care about the future of Hong Kong and the human rights of the HK people.