Local Events
Denmark: Explaining the Facts on July 20th in Copenhagen and Supporting the Global Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin
2003-07-26To mark four years of brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners by Jiang Zemins regime, Danish and Swedish practitioners held activities in Copenhagen to let people know more about Falun Gong, the brutal persecution in China, and the lawsuit against the dictator who instigated this persecution, Jiang Zemin.
UK: Photo Report - Parade and Press Conference on July 20th
2003-07-26 -
Slovakia: Remembering Four Years of Brutal Persecution Practitioners Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava
2003-07-25Between 14th and 20th July, Slovakian practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava to remember the four years of brutal persecution against Falun Gong and call for an immediate end to Jiang Zemins vicious campaign of hatred and propaganda.
UK: Dafa practitioners were Invited to Demonstrate the Falun Gong Exercises at an Arts Festival
2003-07-24People pointed to our yellow Dafa t-shirts with smiles and greeted us: Oh, Falun Gong. We were just talking about you! When are you going to start the demonstration? As the exercises began, the whole hall was enveloped in a peaceful atmosphere. The exercise demonstration ended with enthusiastic applause.
Austria: As the Persecution Enters its Fifth Year, Practitioners hold Big Parade in Vienna
2003-07-20Dafa practitioners from various places in Austria and Slovakia held an SOS parade in Vienna. The parade passed through scenic spots where tourists gathered in Wiener Staatsoper, Hofburg, Heldenplatz and Stephanskirche. When people in the parade arrived at Stephanskirche, various activities took place in the city centre, including Falun Gong exercise demonstrations, a musical performance and a Chinese calligraphy performance.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in front of 10 Downing Street before the Prime Minister Visits China
2003-07-20On the 16th July, Falun Gong practitioners in the UK peacefully appealed in front of 10 Downing Street. Because the British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, is going to make a state visit to China from 20th July, the practitioners hope Mr.Blair will raise the human rights issue with the leader of the Chinese Communist Party during his visit to China.
Sweden: Four Years of Persecution are in Vain Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance are Deeply Rooted in People's Hearts (IV)
2003-07-20On July 20th it will be four years since Jiang Zemin instigated the vicious persecution against Dafa practitioners. Some Swedish Dafa practitioners held a photo exhibition in Kungsportsplatsen in downtown Gothenburg on July 13th to expose the evil of Jiangs regime and the beauty of Dafa.
Switzerland: The Mourning Wall Shows the Truth about the Persecution as Practitioners Appeal to Bring Jiang to Justice
2003-07-19In order to commemorate the 751 victims of the persecution who have lost their lives, practitioners designed a mourning wall that is 42 metres long and 2.5 metres high. On the wall hung the photographs of victims before and after the abuse they suffered through the persecution.
Ukraine: Revealling the facts of Falun Gong on Ukraine Youth Day in Donetsk City
2003-07-19On June 28th Ukraine Youth Day was held in Donetsk City. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to hold an exhibition as part of this event. Many people attended and, for most of them, it was the first time they had heard of Falun Gong and the facts of the persecution in China.
UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (4)
2003-07-19On July 11th, four of the Falun Gong practitioners of the SOS rescue team had a car tour to their next stop which they had not originally planned... This time, we came to the eastern district of England and visited two famous cultural cities with a long-standing history.
Holland: Practitioners Tell People the Facts on the World Day for International Justice
2003-07-18July 17th was the World Day for International Justice. Dafa practitioners from Holland took this opportunity to raise awareness of the ongoing genocide against Falun Gong that is taking place in China, a situation that urgently calls for international intervention and justice.
UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (3)
2003-07-18UK Dafa practitioners SOS Car Tour has visited six cities in the south-west of England in the last few days. The practitioners brought the truth of Falun Dafa to these cities and handed in appeal letters to local Councillors, calling on them to help rescue UK practitioners persecuted family members and end the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiangs regime.
Luxembourg: Letting People Know about the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-07-17Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and handed out flyers. Many passers-by listened attentively to practitioners talking about the genocide lawsuits against Jiang Zemin in the US and other countries. After hearing the facts, they signed their names to express their support for the lawsuits.
France: Guadeloupe Falun Dafa Association Invited to a Celebration Party for the City of Baie-Mahault
2003-07-17After the exercise demonstration, the practitioners were invited to explain the facts about Jiang Zemins persecution to the residents of Baie-Mahault. The party host asked practitioners some questions and commented, No matter what happens, we are not afraid of Jiang Zemin in Guadeloupe. You do not have to worry about anything. Falun Dafa practitioners are welcome here!
UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (2)
2003-07-17We first rushed to a local newspaper office. The Editor was very interested in Falun Gong. He praised our perseverance and our peaceful fight for justice, truth and human rights, especially after we told him about the Genocide lawsuit filed against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin in Chicago.