Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Record of Atrocities Committed by Policemen in Liaoning Province
2003-01-12They violently beat Dafa practitioners' faces with thorny cactus leaves... They tied practitioners tightly with thick wire cables, and then they used hand-cranked telephones to generate electricity to shock the practitioners all over their bodies. Each time the electric shock torture lasted for about 8 hours. The pain caused by the torture was impossible to describe.
Middle School Teacher Is Persecuted in a Mental Hospital
2003-01-12This persecution is so vicious such that even ones own family can be poisoned by the lies, leading a husband to betray his wife, deliberately abuse her, and collude with the authorities to have her incarcerated and tortured. Gao colluded with the local officials, the principal, a school director, and the Chengguan Police Station to secretly detain his wife in a mental hospital.
127 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
2003-01-12A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again.
Two Practitioners Steadfastly Defend Falun Dafa in Court
2003-01-12The righteousness and dignity of the practitioners greatly frightened the police and officials present. The ferocious court police even paid respect to practitioners after the trial. Everyday people who attended the trial also admired the practitioner's courage.
Four Short Stories of People Awakening to the Truth in China
2003-01-12Throughout the past three and a half years, the Jiang regime has spread lies to incite hatred against Falun Gong and its practitioners. However, due to the combined efforts of Falun Gong practitioners, more and more people have been awakening to the truth of the persecution and seeing through Jiang's lies. This article gives details of four situations where people have realised the truth.
Female Practitioner Passes Away Due to Long-Term Torture Suffered in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-11Wamg Shufeng was suffering from severe oedema and fluid accumulation in her abdomen, had vomited blood and had blood in her stool. At the time of her release, she was not able to think clearly and her legs were paralysed...she was never able to recover and passed way on December 18, 2002
Two Chongqing City Female Dafa Practitioners Tragically Tortured to Death
2003-01-11The death toll rises again, with the unjust and barbaric persecution claiming two more innocent lives. Two ladies from Chongqing City area, who only tried to be virtuous and kind, and to think of others before themselves, would not bow to the unreasonable pressure of the Jiang regime to attempt to force them to give up Falun Dafa.
Totally Sane Female Dafa Practitioner Incarcerated and Drugged in Laixi City Psychiatric Hospital
2003-01-11According to messages given to family members of other patients who were visiting the hospital, Hu has been receiving intravenous injections against her will while her hands are cuffed and her feet are chained. The doctors have been brutally force-feeding her and injecting her with unknown drugs. Eyewitnesses have said that Hu's entire body is swollen, and her life is in imminent danger! Doctors, who are supposed to be healers, yet who conduct themselves in such disgraceful ways, are no more than barbaric butchers!
2 Year -Old Incarcerated with Practitioner Mother in Hellish Zhengzhou City Special Prison"
2003-01-11Normally, people are incarcerated because they have committed a crime or broken the law, but Falun Dafa practitioners are illegally detained for upholding Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, practising their exercises, and being good people...This "special prison" is also holding a two-year-old child in detention, which is completely against the law... He was kidnapped while shopping with his mother and had committed no crime.
Clarifying the Truth to the Citizens of China
2003-01-11He told me that a few months ago that he received an address for a website in a chat room from an overseas Falun Gong practitioner. He then logged in and read the information. Many more Chinese come to know the true situation as a result of the truth-clarifying efforts on the part of practitioners outside China
Banners Fly in Front of the Brainwashing Centre of Wuchang District, Wuhan City
2003-01-11On December 2nd, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners successfully hung up three large banners that read, "Falun Dafa is good," "Falun Dafa is a righteous practise," and "Restore Falun Dafa's reputation."
Grieving 13 Year-Old Son of Practitioners Left Alone, as Father Tortured to Death and Mother Incarcerated Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-10How can a so-called civilised society, employ thugs in positions of power to tear apart a normal, stable family, and torture to death a father, send a mother to a forced labour camp, break a 13 year-old sons heart, leaving him alone at home to look after himself, and to bear the weight of unbearable grief on his own?
Practitioners Stabbed With Needles and Other Brutalities in Daqing Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-10The associate head of Division One, aptly called himself a devil from hell!.. They did not let the practitioner sleep and poured icy water on his body. Outrageously, they poured 200 basins of water over him without stop in the morning and 200 basins in the evening, as well as torturing him with other means both day and night for as long as 10 days.
Chatou Female Forced Labour Camp Incites Collaborators to Torment Dafa Practitioners
2003-01-10At present, over 40 Dafa practitioners are still being illegally detained at the Chatou Female Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province. Among these detained practitioners, some were only verbally informed of their two-year sentences of labour education (without receiving any legal documents). Even though their terms have expired, the labour camp is completely flouting the justice system and still won't release them.
More People Come to Know the Truth
2003-01-10He asked, "Why do you come here despite the chilly weather and your advanced age?" I told him straightforwardly, "Our Teacher asked us to clarify the facts. Because they do not know the truth, people, especially Chinese people, have been deceived by fabricated stories and false appearances that slander such a righteous practise. It is not good for them to carry these thoughts and we must clarify the true situation to them. Even though it is chilly it is worth it!"