Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Seventy Year-Old Retired Official Suffers Brutal Persecution in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-21As punishment, this seventy-year-old man was forced to squat for a long time outdoors by a heartless police officer..Wang's wife is also very ill at home. Now this old couple is forced to face the prospect of never seeing each other again Wang Sili asked the leader of the training centre with tears in his eyes, "Why should I suffer such terrible persecution just for being a good person?"
Coming to Know the True Situation of the Persecution
2003-01-21"I am already thankful to you now! You are making big sacrifices, and viewing this in the context of history, you are pushing China in the right direction. Your unyielding spirit is admirable."
Exposing the Crime of Daqing Forced Labour Camp: Murder of Innocent Dafa Practitioner
2003-01-20This time around the police changed their tactics, as they dragged He Huajiang to a single room first, and then began their vicious beating. That way if something should occur, nobody besides the perpetrator would have witnessed the incident, and after attaching a tall tale of a "heart attack", everything would be covered up.
Family is Broken Apart: Grandfather and Grandson Live in Hardship
2003-01-20I looked at this poor family, and a feeling that was hard to describe arose in my mind. I asked, "How do you live?" "We barely manage," he answered. I heard that since his son and daughter-in-law were kidnapped in 1999, they had no source of income. Even the grain supplied by the village was also taken away.
People Awaken to the Truth and the Power of Falun Gong
2003-01-20The doctor then asked her, what treatment she had received and what medicine she had been taking. She replied, "Nothing, I took no medicine." The doctor said: "If you did not receive any treatment the tumour cannot disappear by itself. Oh! I see. You must be secretly practising Falun Gong at home." The doctor continued to say: "You'd better go home and continue to practise your Falun Gong in secrecy. Your disease has been cured."
Short Stories Illustrating the Support for Falun Dafa among the People
2003-01-20An old man who delivers firewood said, "I can hardly believe it. How can it be against the law to practise exercises, cultivate one's body and mind, and be good people by following the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance? Like the old saying goes, 'The truth will come like a landslide. When the axe is sharp, the hard wood is nothing to be afraid of.'
Practitioners in Switzerland Strongly Urge the Jiang Regime to Stop the Killing
2003-01-19"Who is the person entitled to bear responsibility for this suppression, persecution, and slaughter? Its Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin! It is he who ordered the setting up of the 610 office solely to suppress Falun Gong. It is he who secretly gave the order, beating to death is to be reported as suicide with immediate cremation to hide the cause of death. It is he who forced many Falun Gong practitioners to become homeless..."
Elderly Lady Dies from Torture in Longquanyi Chuanxi Female Jail
2003-01-19A well-known kind and innocent person was illegally detained, sent to jail and tortured to death only because she believed in Truth, Compassion, Tolerance, and tried to become a truly good person. Kind-hearted people, while we admire her noble actions of speaking out the truth, persisting in her belief under great pressure, shouldn't we also rationally and clearly realise the truth about this persecution?
Belated News: Two Neijiang City Dafa Practitioners Passed Away Due to Savage Torture
2003-01-19These once-healthy people both died at home, but their deaths were caused by the torture and other inhumane treatment they received in prison. The Jiang regime cannot fool rational people into believing that if they release dying practitioners from detention and then claim that their deaths are from diseases or suicides, that it exonerates the authorities from these terrible crimes.
Biography of Practitioner Mr. Liu Erzeng, Tortured to Death at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp (Photo)
2003-01-19This steadfast practitioner, was tortured until he died because he would not relinquish his belief in the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance. He had personally experienced the benefits of Falun Dafa and wanted the good name of Dafa restored.
Crimes Perpetrated by the Sadistic Wuhan City Brainwashing Staff
2003-01-19There were large patches of cigarette burns on his face. At about 6 o'clock one evening, wicked policeman Qu Sheng kicked and punched two female Dafa practitioners. As a result, one female practitioner spat up blood and lost consciousness. Afterwards, staff members were seen carrying out a basin of bloody water from her room..
Shameless Persecution of a Handicapped Dafa Practitioner
2003-01-18"I had been paralyzed in bed for many years. Since I started to practise Dafa I could move around, write and do other light tasks with ease. With some assistance, I can even get myself down onto the ground. This is something I was unable to do before." Ignoring what he said, the officer from Dalian replied, "We are not going to let you recover either."
More Facts Emerge of Horrifying Death of Shi Hongjie At the Hands of Laixi City Police Department
2003-01-18The sight of his body was horrifying: his entire body was covered with bruises and wounds...According to a legal medical expert's assessment, Shi Hongjie's ribs were also broken and his lungs had been punctured by the broken ribs.
Woman Practitioner Becomes an Invalid from Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-18A once healthy, strong-minded woman, who became a good and kind person through the practice of Falun Dafa, has been reduced to a vegetable state through senseless and horrible torture in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Atrocities like this are innumerable at the labour camp. This is just one example of many.
Practitioners Treated Worse than Beasts in Sanshui Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-18If we didn't give in to their demands, the police would force us to stand, squat or run in the sun for long periods of time even when the temperature rose above 25 Celsius, and not allow us to drink water or go to the toilet. They would also forbid us from speaking to each other.